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Merged So what's next for Trump?

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The philosopher Alexander Bard (Netocracy etc) has called the government of this age "sensocracy". What matters isn't what's true. But what we feel is true. What we care about is authenticity in communication. And what people are best at faking authenticity? Narcissists and psychopaths.

Bard's explanation to why Trump is successful is that he's too stupid to be smooth. We confuse his stupidity with authenticity. I'm convinced Trump believes all the dumb shit he keeps saying. I think he's geniunely a lunatic. Fully on narcissist.

And there lies the rub. We don't trust a powerful man who doesn't sleep around. It's weird. All Trump's visible foibles makes him human. And in this age that makes him likeable.
There is a difference between trust and entrust. Trump was entrusted with a specific task. This may have been an error in judgment, but it had nothing to do with trusting him, in the common sense of the word.

I have a lot of friends who are Trump supporters. They entrusted Trump with the task of restoring their lives to something they imagined it once was. Instead of "Vote for me and I'll set you free!", Trump's promise was "Vote for me and I'll make everyone else your slave." This does not make him likable. It makes him useful. In the Trumpian universe, cynicism is transactional. It's making friends with the bully, with the hope he shares stolen lunch money. It seldom works that way, but stupidity is a central requirement to even consider the deal.

Meanwhile, in the real world, not a one of them would tolerate Trump behavior in a spouse or employee.

In a denocracy, I don't think many trusts a political leader blindly. When we argue for a candidate, all we are saying is that the other guy is worse
In the case of Trump/2016, the other guy was Hillary Clinton,

The fact that she is she was certainly enough for a lot of people. The fact that her name is Clinton really hurt her with the people who made up the Trump base.

The fact that 2016 was about who would replace Obama, a black man, brought into focus the fact that a certain demographic of voters could get their revenge and vote for someone who embodies their bigotries.

Winner winner chicken dinner.
When we argue for a candidate, all we are saying is that the other guy is worse
When I voted for Obama in 2008, it was because I thought he would be a better president than McCain. I didn’t think McCain was a bad man.
In 2016 and 2020, I voted against Hair Furor.
Apparently, from the perspective of the right wing it is because there are too many poor people committing crimes that need to be locked up first before we go after the rich people committing crimes.

With limited resources it is obvious that the poor people should be investigated and indicted first. Isn’t this obvious??? Clearly because rich people can hire fancy lawyers who will say anything (even indictable lies) to protect their clients that the DA’s office will spend outsize resources on them, whereas they can put away many more poor people with far less effort. It’s just a more efficient used of resources, right? Right???
I his career, I read that Bragg has recovered over a billion dollars for the Federal government - not to mention the State of New York. You’d have to arrest a LOT of poor people to squeeze that out of them.
I his career, I read that Bragg has recovered over a billion dollars for the Federal government - not to mention the State of New York. You’d have to arrest a LOT of poor people to squeeze that out of them.
Then they better get started!!

It’s not about the money, I guess, it’s just about the crime. Remember, it was NYC that choked a man to death for illegally selling individual cigarettes. Can’t let that kind of crime run rampant, now can we?
Look, I’m just following what passes for logic from the right wing. I guess all this makes sense to someone.
Trump jet live cam.

Odds it goes to New York and not to Epstein's Island?
And why would he need to do that unless a lot of Americans are boring prudes?
One does not need to be prude to wonder about the character of a potential POTUS that he would engage in potentially dangerous behavior (i.e. contract a debilitating disease) in pursuit of sex.

More importantly, I strongly suspect that Mr. Trump underestimated his appeal to a large segment of his base - conservative christians. Clearly, they did not care one whit about his lack of Christian morality.
And why would he need to do that unless a lot of Americans are boring prudes?
One does not need to be prude to wonder about the character of a potential POTUS that he would engage in potentially dangerous behavior (i.e. contract a debilitating disease) in pursuit of sex.

More importantly, I strongly suspect that Mr. Trump underestimated his appeal to a large segment of his base - conservative christians. Clearly, they did not care one whit about his lack of Christian morality.
The prudes wanted to impeach President Clinton for lying under oath about a blowjob, that came about in an investigation over a real estate deal. The Democrats wanted to impeach Trump for attempting to extort an announcement on a fake investigation in to Joe Biden in Ukraine... and again after he instigated a riot at the US Capitol.

The prudes are jumping for joy for the elimination of abortion rights across America and are attempting to use the US courts to decertify a drug used in medicinal abortions. Meanwhile DAs are looking into Trump for obstructing justice regarding his known possession of Classified Documents, conspiring to commit Election Fraud in Georgia, and banking/business fraud related to the illegalities for the payment made to Stormy Daniels.

It is so tiring to read about how the liberals are the reason the alt-right (and Trump) are the way they are.
Ron DeSantis: "Florida will not assist in an extradition request"

His statement in full:

"The weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head.

It is un-American.

The Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney has consistently bent the law to downgrade felonies and to excuse criminal misconduct. Yet, now he is stretching the law to target a political opponent.

Florida will not assist in an extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with this Soros-backed Manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda."
he REALLY IS Rondi Sanctimonious!
I understand that Trump has been accused of paying hush money to Stormy Daniels. What I don't understand is what law has been allegedly broken?

All articles I read start with the assumption that the reader gets this. I don't.

Wasn't she just paid for service rendered? That, to me, seems perfectly reasonable
He fraudulently claimed on official forms that the money was business spending something else, and also he fraudulently didn't characterize it as campaign spending.
The Manhattan D. A. apparently specializes in business fraud cases--whihc makes sense given that Wall Street is in Manhattan.
From a European perspective I think this "scandal" reads like this. Trump is awesome and fucks porn stars. Democrats are pathetic moralists who can't deal with a guy enjoying life a little.

He can get all the pussy he wants but if he's running for office, voters have a right to know who they are voting for. So it is illegal to pay to keep someone quite. And the candidate should never ever pay a porn star to keep her mouth shut.

It was NOT illegal to pay for silence. The alleged crime was the way the hush money was accounted for. If it was to help Trump's electoral campaign -- (but how could they PROVE that?) -- then it needed to be reported as campaign revenue/spending. In that sense Dr Z is right: The hush-slush charge is a difficult-to-prove technicality, almost "bullshit" on the criminal scale.

But what's with the "indicted on more than 30 counts"? Surely the Stormy hush-slush wasn't extrapolated to 30 separate charges?
It can’t be that hard to prove since they already proved the illegality of it in Michael Cohen’s case and put him behind bars for it. Now they just need to prove that Trump was a co-conspirator. They may also now have financial evidence because of the Weisselberg (sp?) investigation.
What I'm going on is that this payment was made while Trump was campaigning. This makes it a campaign contribution in-kind. It contributes to Trump's campaign in that it silences negative information. What needs to be proved is that Individual 1 laundered the payment through Cohen.
Also Stormy D hit Candidate Con when his campaign was already nearly capsized by blowback from the grabbing-pussy boasting.
From a European perspective I think this "scandal" reads like this. Trump is awesome and fucks porn stars. Democrats are pathetic moralists who can't deal with a guy enjoying life a little.

He can get all the pussy he wants but if he's running for office, voters have a right to know who they are voting for. So it is illegal to pay to keep someone quite. And the candidate should never ever pay a porn star to keep her mouth shut.

USA is even more uptight than Europe is about sex. We all need to lie in the bed we have made for ourselves. USA has created a culture where it's not ok for men of power to use that power to sleep around. But obviously they all do. Why else have power? If it needs to be kept quiet it makes perfect sense that he will have to pay hush money. That seems perfectly legit to me. No matter the legal status.

I think Trump is the one who looks good here. The Democrats (or whoever is pressing charges him) looks hysterical. It also looks politically motivated. So no matter who is accusing him this falls onto the Democrats. And it doesn't make them look good.

And since it's the Republicans that is the political party of the Evangelical Christians, the Republicans risk becoming the party of both the fundie moralistic hardliners as well as fun loving libertines. While the Democrats are turning into the party for people who are acing PC pronoun usage. Is that what's going on?
DR. Z., you seem to cherry-picking this thread to fit a pre-determined narrative about wokeness on your part. The people who are attacking Stormy Daniels on twitter for sleeping with a married man are Trump apologists, not Democrats; (similarly, the persons attacking Marjorie Taylor-Greene as unfit for office for being an adulteress and also for putting her political ambitions over being a wife, are not Democrats, but fundie Repugs.)
Hubris: Trump to cops, 2017:
Please don't be too nice. Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you're protecting their head, you know. The way you put your hand over... I said, You can take the hand away, okay?
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