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Merged So what's next for Trump?

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I see the Doorman/Housekeeper/Illegitimate child story is mentioned in the Statement of Fact.

After Trump does go weeping and wailing into that good night by natural causes, I hope there is some Hispanic kid with a fucked up looking blond coiffure making claim to part of the estate.
So are we going to see mug shots or not? I want them.
Supposedly no mug shots taken. I don't know why.
No way was there ever going to be mug shots. Firstly, a lot of people who are prosecuting Trump are also part of the "I despise Trump but I respect the office of the President" crowd. Secondly, mug shots are pretty redundant. There are indigenous tribes in the Amazon who aren't touched by civilization who know what the cunt looks like. If Grown Up Joffrey does a runner, passing out photos to the Marshals won't be difficult.
Apologies to those who are easily offended by men in drag, but I couldn't resist posting this.

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Apologies to those who are easily offended by men in drag, but I couldn't resist posting this.

Impressive. Randy has had some good ones, but I was not expecting something this comprehensive and timely.
No gag order, but the judge warns against inciting violence.
Well, I applaud that judge's stomach, but the thought of a morbidly obese manatee like Trump having sex is going to have an unpleasant reaction. I doubt I'm the only one.
“No gag order” doesn’t mean you’re forbidden to gag. :kiwi-fruit:
Mr. Trump's splenetic attacks on the judge and the doxing of the judge's daughter indicate to this observer that Mr. Trump is worried. It is too bad someone can literally throw the book at his fat head over those antics.
It was an accident!!

Anyhow I just wanted to express how bowled over I was by the defense’s explanation of their case:
”Trump dindunuffin!!! No crime!!!”

The jury is gonna love it.

The fun part is it is all predicated on paper trails, so impuning witnesses won't fly very far. Things like Trump checks signed by Trump himself. Paper trails from the Trump Organization, to Cohen, to Stormy Daniel's attorney to her bank. The indictments list the charges, not the hard evidence, though Bragg spoke briefky about some of it. Conspiracy to illegally influence an election. Even if Trump argues it was not illegal to pay $130k it amounts to campaign spending limited legally to $100k in New York.

Bragg warned Trump against violent or personal attacks, but failed to place a gag order on Trump or his lawyers. Allowing them to hang themselves with further blabbering. Trump famously cannot help running his mouth and hurting his own self.
Trump famously cannot help running his mouth and hurting his own self.

I was wondering if there's a Vegas line for how long Trump can go without getting called before the judge again.
I'm betting he makes it to December. I believe he is scared shitless, but will keep up the personal attacks through his many proxies. And I think the odds given (if any) of him keeping his mouth shut that long are going to be astronomical.
If he doesn't make it, well... that will be time to buy more popcorn stock. Hard to call it a "loss" if that happens!
We had the case of the rather unfortunate Trump interview with Sean Insanity. Trump admitted he kept classified documents despite commands to give them up. He admitted he showed some of them to big donors. I can hear the DOJ lawyers laughing themselves silly all the way down here in Texas. His lawyers, if they weren't so stupid would be bailing out and running far from Florida, Mar-A-Lago and Trump.
Mr Trump has been officially charged, and hopefully, this is just the first in a long line of upcoming indictments. This is a good day for America, whatever the eventual outcome of the case may be. I await future indictments related to his election interference efforts in Georgia and DC.

There will be several rounds of legal manuvering. Trump's laywers will get to respond. Then the prosecuters respond.Then discovery starts. If Trump is unlucky, superceding charges may be added as discovery procedes. Trial is expected to not start until September.

No, the trial won't happen this year, maybe not even next year.
Trump incriminates himself on Faux Noise. Sean Hannity squirms. Comedy gold.

I like this part where Hannity is trying to lead the witness to deny he's guilty, but Trump will not be led anywhere.

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