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Merged So what's next for Trump?

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It is pretty ironic that Mr. Trump is calling to defend the DOJ and the FBI "until they come to their senses". If everyone applied that standard to funding, Mr. Trump would starve.
It is pretty ironic that Mr. Trump is calling to defend the DOJ and the FBI "until they come to their senses". If everyone applied that standard to funding, Mr. Trump would starve.

I would suggest we need a law that ex-presidents convicted of crimes lose their presidential pensions and other benefits. Also similarly, convicted congressmen.
At this point, Judge Merchan has to realize that Trump isn't going to behave like an adult, no matter what he tells him or his lawyers. Trump can pretty much pay any fine that the guy throws at him. The judge can't throw him in a jail cell. A gag order isn't going to work, unless he uses a real gag and restraints, which I'm pretty sure the Secret Service would object to. Trump has his Twitter and Facebook accounts restored, so he has his internet megaphone back, if he chooses to use it. Right now, he is using the criminal case for a massive fundraising effort. The more he attacks the court and the prosecution, the more money he takes in. He is back again as flypaper for talking heads on the news. They can't get enough of him, and Democrats can't stop using him to raise money for their own coffers. Trump gives new meaning to the expression "contempt of court". DeSantis is basically roadkill on Fifth Avenue.
There is no legal reason that I am aware of that Trump cannot be thrown into a jail cell. There are many practical impediments to that, of course, mainly connected to his absolute right to a secret service detail. If/when Trump sufficiently violates the gag order, I would hope that he would be subjected to home confinement without access to internet capable cell phones (or maybe any cell phone), the internet, staff who do his bidding, restricted visitors to normal visiting hours, etc. Restricted diet to something....closer to prison food than he's accustomed to, no golfing, etc. Should he be convicted on any of the charges he now faces and is likely to face in the future, I imagine that this is the sort of situation under which he would remain confined.

In my opinion, he should face a death sentence for his actions leading up to and on January 6 but that's unlikely to be a sentence he would receive even if convicted. I also oppose the death penalty, even for those who very richly deserve it.

What I think will happen is that the remaining years of Trump's life will be consumed with court trials and law suits and any remaining fortune that he has will go to lawyers. But he should be under permanent gag order.
At this point, Judge Merchan has to realize that Trump isn't going to behave like an adult, no matter what he tells him or his lawyers. Trump can pretty much pay any fine that the guy throws at him. The judge can't throw him in a jail cell. A gag order isn't going to work, unless he uses a real gag and restraints, which I'm pretty sure the Secret Service would object to. Trump has his Twitter and Facebook accounts restored, so he has his internet megaphone back, if he chooses to use it. Right now, he is using the criminal case for a massive fundraising effort. The more he attacks the court and the prosecution, the more money he takes in. He is back again as flypaper for talking heads on the news. They can't get enough of him, and Democrats can't stop using him to raise money for their own coffers. Trump gives new meaning to the expression "contempt of court".

This is the test. Can one man thumb his nose at the law and get away with it? He's certainly going to try. Trump is basically the bad guy at the end of every gangster movie, daring the cops to come and get him. The only thing that gives me hope is that at his core, Trump is like every bully. A scared, bruised person who has never had anyone really hit back. We've seen it in footage from other depositions, and a bit of it at his arrest. In the courtroom, he was subdued. Cowed, even. He didn't get his defiant tone back until he was safely ensconced at his resort.
Sure. But what does it say about a society that has no way of dealing with bullies, like Trump. Trump isn't even smart. His one feature is that he was born rich
At this point, Judge Merchan has to realize that Trump isn't going to behave like an adult, no matter what he tells him or his lawyers. Trump can pretty much pay any fine that the guy throws at him. The judge can't throw him in a jail cell. A gag order isn't going to work, unless he uses a real gag and restraints, which I'm pretty sure the Secret Service would object to. Trump has his Twitter and Facebook accounts restored, so he has his internet megaphone back, if he chooses to use it. Right now, he is using the criminal case for a massive fundraising effort. The more he attacks the court and the prosecution, the more money he takes in. He is back again as flypaper for talking heads on the news. They can't get enough of him, and Democrats can't stop using him to raise money for their own coffers. Trump gives new meaning to the expression "contempt of court".

This is the test. Can one man thumb his nose at the law and get away with it? He's certainly going to try. Trump is basically the bad guy at the end of every gangster movie, daring the cops to come and get him. The only thing that gives me hope is that at his core, Trump is like every bully. A scared, bruised person who has never had anyone really hit back. We've seen it in footage from other depositions, and a bit of it at his arrest. In the courtroom, he was subdued. Cowed, even. He didn't get his defiant tone back until he was safely ensconced at his resort.
Sure. But what does it say about a society that has no way of dealing with bullies, like Trump. Trump isn't even smart. His one feature is that he was born rich
How does your society deal with popular bullies? Reward us with your excellent advice.
At this point, Judge Merchan has to realize that Trump isn't going to behave like an adult, no matter what he tells him or his lawyers. Trump can pretty much pay any fine that the guy throws at him. The judge can't throw him in a jail cell. A gag order isn't going to work, unless he uses a real gag and restraints, which I'm pretty sure the Secret Service would object to. Trump has his Twitter and Facebook accounts restored, so he has his internet megaphone back, if he chooses to use it. Right now, he is using the criminal case for a massive fundraising effort. The more he attacks the court and the prosecution, the more money he takes in. He is back again as flypaper for talking heads on the news. They can't get enough of him, and Democrats can't stop using him to raise money for their own coffers. Trump gives new meaning to the expression "contempt of court".

This is the test. Can one man thumb his nose at the law and get away with it? He's certainly going to try. Trump is basically the bad guy at the end of every gangster movie, daring the cops to come and get him. The only thing that gives me hope is that at his core, Trump is like every bully. A scared, bruised person who has never had anyone really hit back. We've seen it in footage from other depositions, and a bit of it at his arrest. In the courtroom, he was subdued. Cowed, even. He didn't get his defiant tone back until he was safely ensconced at his resort.
Sure. But what does it say about a society that has no way of dealing with bullies, like Trump. Trump isn't even smart. His one feature is that he was born rich
How does your society deal with popular bullies? Reward us with your excellent advice.

I genuinely don't know what to do about it. I’m not even going to hazard a guess. It is interesting to analyse how it could have happened

#defundthepolice? Trump has gone WOKE.

These are federal police who often have smarts and white collar pay. Or at least they wear ties and have degrees. So it's okay for conservative wokes to bash them.
There is no legal reason that I am aware of that Trump cannot be thrown into a jail cell. There are many practical impediments to that, of course, mainly connected to his absolute right to a secret service detail.
Surely it should be far easier for the secret service to protect a person who is confined to a secure facility?

Obviously it wouldn't be a particularly popular detail for whoever draws that particular duty, but standing around in a jailhouse drinking coffee isn't the worst duty a secret service officer could be assigned, and it's not like the individual officers would be in jail - like the jail wardens (and unlike their charge), they would get to go home at each shift rotation.

Random snipers and opportunistic assassins should be far less of a threat to someone who is in jail, than they would be to him if he was walking around freely in the wider community.
There is no legal reason that I am aware of that Trump cannot be thrown into a jail cell. There are many practical impediments to that, of course, mainly connected to his absolute right to a secret service detail.
Surely it should be far easier for the secret service to protect a person who is confined to a secure facility?

Obviously it wouldn't be a particularly popular detail for whoever draws that particular duty, but standing around in a jailhouse drinking coffee isn't the worst duty a secret service officer could be assigned, and it's not like the individual officers would be in jail - like the jail wardens (and unlike their charge), they would get to go home at each shift rotation.

Random snipers and opportunistic assassins should be far less of a threat to someone who is in jail, than they would be to him if he was walking around freely in the wider community.
I think that would be extremely hard duty and I also think that US prisons are not equipped to provide adequate security to the run of the mill criminals, much less someone like Trump. Maybe prisons in Australia or elsewhere in the world are better than the ones in the US but here, they ain't so great, except perhaps the ones for white collar criminals--minimum security. I find that shameful but I'm trying to be realistic.

I think that Trump would pose a security risk wherever he was confined and would also be at significant risk, no matter where he is confined. Being confined in one of his properties, without the amenities he's accustomed to would be an extreme improvement over the imprisonment of most or all criminals so sentenced in the US. Frankly, better than most of them had access to as free persons. I think that having Trump killed in prison, as would be a reasonably predictable outcome if he were imprisoned in any of the US prisons would cause serious political issues for many years to come. I also think that in anything other than solitary confinement, Trump would also pose a significant risk to the security of the US and the world. It's not worth the risk, frankly.

My personal belief is that there is no sentence for Trump that would adequately punish him for his crimes and he is beyond rehabilitation. I don't believe in the death penalty but I think that Trump likely merits it.

The idea that he be confined in one of his properties without access to staff to do his bidding, cell phones, internet, Fox News and having his mail and contact with the outside world severely limited is a reasonable compromise. I would find it hellish, myself, to have to spend time in one of Trump's properties. But under such circumstances, his safety could be reasonably well assured as could the safety of the world from Mr. Trump. I mean, sure, I'd like to go all James Bond/Hunger Games/whatever and have some fail safes built in so that if he were to somehow manage to be illicitly sprung from his 'home/jail, he would be blown to smithereens but I try to maintain reasonable connection to reality.
I genuinely don't know what to do about it. I’m not even going to hazard a guess. It is interesting to analyse how it could have happened
His popularity owes to the fact that he isn't very bright. His ability to remain out of jail owes to the fact that he has lots of money. Is Orange Face really a bully or just a wannabe? He's 76 years old, he wears makeup and he weighs 270 pounds. Does that sound like a bully? The guy couldn't tear his way through a wet paper bag. He strikes me as a scared rat afraid that someone is gonna clean his clock.
There is no legal reason that I am aware of that Trump cannot be thrown into a jail cell. There are many practical impediments to that, of course, mainly connected to his absolute right to a secret service detail.
Surely it should be far easier for the secret service to protect a person who is confined to a secure facility?

Obviously it wouldn't be a particularly popular detail for whoever draws that particular duty, but standing around in a jailhouse drinking coffee isn't the worst duty a secret service officer could be assigned, and it's not like the individual officers would be in jail - like the jail wardens (and unlike their charge), they would get to go home at each shift rotation.

Random snipers and opportunistic assassins should be far less of a threat to someone who is in jail, than they would be to him if he was walking around freely in the wider community.

Trump would be locked up in seg to prevent him being shanked.
There is no legal reason that I am aware of that Trump cannot be thrown into a jail cell. There are many practical impediments to that, of course, mainly connected to his absolute right to a secret service detail.
Surely it should be far easier for the secret service to protect a person who is confined to a secure facility?

Obviously it wouldn't be a particularly popular detail for whoever draws that particular duty, but standing around in a jailhouse drinking coffee isn't the worst duty a secret service officer could be assigned, and it's not like the individual officers would be in jail - like the jail wardens (and unlike their charge), they would get to go home at each shift rotation.

Random snipers and opportunistic assassins should be far less of a threat to someone who is in jail, than they would be to him if he was walking around freely in the wider community.

Trump would be locked up in seg to prevent him being shanked.
Trump should not be allowed to walk about in public. Which is what I meant by confining him to one of his properties. I should have been more specific: an apartment, as modest as is available in any of his properties, and as can be made reasonably secure from external threats. I'm also considering secret service detail who should not be confined to prisons during their shifts.

So far, there have been zero attempts made on Trump's life, or none have been made public. Even if he were allowed to roam about in public, I don't think that will change much. I'd be more concerned if Putin were not otherwise occupied that he has grown tired of his ineffective pet who managed to lose the election.
There is no legal reason that I am aware of that Trump cannot be thrown into a jail cell. There are many practical impediments to that, of course, mainly connected to his absolute right to a secret service detail.
Surely it should be far easier for the secret service to protect a person who is confined to a secure facility?

Obviously it wouldn't be a particularly popular detail for whoever draws that particular duty, but standing around in a jailhouse drinking coffee isn't the worst duty a secret service officer could be assigned, and it's not like the individual officers would be in jail - like the jail wardens (and unlike their charge), they would get to go home at each shift rotation.

Random snipers and opportunistic assassins should be far less of a threat to someone who is in jail, than they would be to him if he was walking around freely in the wider community.

Trump would be locked up in seg to prevent him being shanked.
I would see him going to a prison like Ben Afleck was in in the Movie The Accountant.
There is no legal reason that I am aware of that Trump cannot be thrown into a jail cell. There are many practical impediments to that, of course, mainly connected to his absolute right to a secret service detail.
Surely it should be far easier for the secret service to protect a person who is confined to a secure facility?

Obviously it wouldn't be a particularly popular detail for whoever draws that particular duty, but standing around in a jailhouse drinking coffee isn't the worst duty a secret service officer could be assigned, and it's not like the individual officers would be in jail - like the jail wardens (and unlike their charge), they would get to go home at each shift rotation.

Random snipers and opportunistic assassins should be far less of a threat to someone who is in jail, than they would be to him if he was walking around freely in the wider community.
I think that would be extremely hard duty and I also think that US prisons are not equipped to provide adequate security to the run of the mill criminals, much less someone like Trump. Maybe prisons in Australia or elsewhere in the world are better than the ones in the US but here, they ain't so great, except perhaps the ones for white collar criminals--minimum security. I find that shameful but I'm trying to be realistic.

I think that Trump would pose a security risk wherever he was confined and would also be at significant risk, no matter where he is confined. Being confined in one of his properties, without the amenities he's accustomed to would be an extreme improvement over the imprisonment of most or all criminals so sentenced in the US. Frankly, better than most of them had access to as free persons. I think that having Trump killed in prison, as would be a reasonably predictable outcome if he were imprisoned in any of the US prisons would cause serious political issues for many years to come. I also think that in anything other than solitary confinement, Trump would also pose a significant risk to the security of the US and the world. It's not worth the risk, frankly.

My personal belief is that there is no sentence for Trump that would adequately punish him for his crimes and he is beyond rehabilitation. I don't believe in the death penalty but I think that Trump likely merits it.

The idea that he be confined in one of his properties without access to staff to do his bidding, cell phones, internet, Fox News and having his mail and contact with the outside world severely limited is a reasonable compromise. I would find it hellish, myself, to have to spend time in one of Trump's properties. But under such circumstances, his safety could be reasonably well assured as could the safety of the world from Mr. Trump. I mean, sure, I'd like to go all James Bond/Hunger Games/whatever and have some fail safes built in so that if he were to somehow manage to be illicitly sprung from his 'home/jail, he would be blown to smithereens but I try to maintain reasonable connection to reality.
Alcatraz is open.
This isn't about the first indictment of a president. It's about Trump's first indictment. - John Fugelsang
12:10 p.m. Democratic New York congressman Jamaal Bowman criticized Marjorie Taylor Greene for protesting Donald Trump’s arraignment. “Go back to your district. What are you doing here? You’re here for politics, you’re here because you want to be VP, you’re here for your own fundraising, you’re here for your own nonsense,” he said in a scrum with reporters late this morning.

Earlier today, Greene along with other Trump supporters protested the criminal charges levelled against Trump. -Joshua Chong

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene speaks briefly amid shouts​

11:30 a.m. (updated) Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene quickly left a protest after being shouted down by anti-Trump protesters. Greene was speaking to supporters of Trump at Collect Pond Park while facing a swarm of counter-protesters and media.

A large crowd surrounded the Georgia Republican, once shunned by the GOP as a political pariah for her extremist rhetoric, as she made her way through a park.

In video of the remarks, Greene thanked “patriotic Trump supporters who are here today." She called Republicans “the party of peace” and called Democrats “the party of violence.”

Trump was also weighed and measured, and apparently is shorter and fatter than he has claimed.
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