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Merged So what's next for Trump?

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Well, we have bank records, paper trails to show the movement of $130,000. Tracking that all down will nail this case. Then the question is, did Stormy Daniels report this as taxible income? Did Cohen? Then we have records. Or serious tax problems for everybody.
If this gets into a courtroom and Orange Face has to sit during proceedings he will have to be drugged. No way Orange Blowhole can just sit and take things in without being medicated. If a trial occurs I hope cameras are allowed.
I found another good article, this time from WaPo, that includes a list of all the crimes that Trump has been investigated for, starting in the 1970s. May be that's why he thought he could get away with shooting someone on 5th Ave. /s. Seriously though, this man has been getting away with crimes for most of his adult life. I think it's past due to charge him and let a jury decide if he's guilty.

If this gets into a courtroom and Orange Face has to sit during proceedings he will have to be drugged. No way Orange Blowhole can just sit and take things in without being medicated. If a trial occurs I hope cameras are allowed.
I predict he will get quite ill right before the trial.
From a European perspective I think this "scandal" reads like this. Trump is awesome and fucks porn stars. Democrats are pathetic moralists who can't deal with a guy enjoying life a little.
Come on now, Europeans aren't that stupid.
I'm a European and I'm that "stupid". So, yes, we are.
Trump is American, and thinks that Trump should be president. By your reasoning, Americans think Trump should be president.
Of all the crimes Trump has committed, it is rather pathetic that the Stormy Daniels payoff is the one that someone finally has the courage to charge him with. Hopefully this will open the floodgates on everything else.

With 30 or so counts against him, the Daniels payoff may be the least significant part of the indictment, assuming that it is included at all. I have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised.

The indictment is still under seal, so the 30 count estimate is based on leaks from two sources, according to what I read. The clickbait title misleads people into thinking that he has actually been charged with 30 counts.
According to Rachel Maddow, Trump's lawyers claimed the Secret Service needed five days to arrange for Trump to get to NY for arraignment. The head of the Secret Service said that was "preposterous".

From a European perspective I think this "scandal" reads like this. Trump is awesome and fucks porn stars. Democrats are pathetic moralists who can't deal with a guy enjoying life a little.

This entire indictment makes USA look bad.
You're missing the whole point.

The case isn't about his fucking a porn star. It is about the illegal actions done to cover up the fact that he fucked a porn star.
Remind me again just WHY Cohen is a convicted felon? Isn’t it because he acted under the direction and orders of his former boss, DJT?

Do you know what we call someone who directs employees to commit felonies on their behalf? Does it rhyme with…melon? Rob Moss? It’s on the tip of my tongue but I dunno….Ringing any bells???
I understand that Trump has been accused of paying hush money to Stormy Daniels. What I don't understand is what law has been allegedly broken?
Not if the money was an effective donation to the Trump campaign, but not declared as a donation under electoral laws, it's not.

Nor if it was fraudulently entered in any accounts to avoid paying relevant taxes.

Ok. So it's complete bullshit. So I'm assuming Trump will come out of this stronger?

In the Swedish language does "criminal but difficult to prove" translate as "complete bullshit"? I thought Google Translate was better than that.

Anyway, I see that T**** has been indicted on "more than 30" criminal charges. That suggests that they've gone beyond the illegal hush-slush accounting.

I'm not sure what outcome to hope for. This prosecution may STRENGTHEN Trump, but is that a bad thing? The GOP will nominate either Mephistopheles or Trump in 2024. Electing either would be disastrous for the USA, but the stupider, more disgusting candidate will be easier to defeat in November.

From a European perspective I think this "scandal" reads like this. Trump is awesome and fucks porn stars. Democrats are pathetic moralists who can't deal with a guy enjoying life a little.

This entire indictment makes USA look bad.
Then obviously you don’t actually understand what is going on and you reason like a horny 15 year old.

Nobody cares about the sex with paid professionals. The right wingers who claim moral high ground are right there with you: Fucking sex workers is awesome but we do t really talk about it in public.

Which is why Trump paid at least 2 women hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep quiet about it. Except he didn’t just pay them not to talk about the sex. He seems to have engaged in various go betweens and shell corporations in an effort to hide what he was doing. And In doing so, he seems to have violated tax laws and election finance laws.

Trump has spent his life acting as an amoral sociopathic mob boss without anything resembling actual cajones. He’s played serial shell games with money and lied, cheated and defrauded with such regularity that it is like breathing to him.

Nobody actually cares who he has sex with, so long as it is another consenting adult. Shit, if he just said he was going through a rough patch in his marriage, almost everybody would have shrugged their shoulders.

But Trump honestly does t understand that rules and laws apply to him, especially when running for or holding a high public office. When you are POTUS, you don’t get a pass for your dirty laundry—you get a lot of extra scrutiny. Special laws apply to you—like not accepting personal gifts.

What made the US look bad was electing an obviously incompetent sociopath. What would make the US look worse is by not applying the rule of law to the highest elected (former) official in the country.
I understand that Trump has been accused of paying hush money to Stormy Daniels. What I don't understand is what law has been allegedly broken?
Not if the money was an effective donation to the Trump campaign, but not declared as a donation under electoral laws, it's not.

Nor if it was fraudulently entered in any accounts to avoid paying relevant taxes.

Ok. So it's complete bullshit. So I'm assuming Trump will come out of this stronger?

In the Swedish language does "criminal but difficult to prove" translate as "complete bullshit"? I thought Google Translate was better than that.

Anyway, I see that T**** has been indicted on "more than 30" criminal charges. That suggests that they've gone beyond the illegal hush-slush accounting.

I'm not sure what outcome to hope for. This prosecution may STRENGTHEN Trump, but is that a bad thing? The GOP will nominate either Mephistopheles or Trump in 2024. Electing either would be disastrous for the USA, but the stupider, more disgusting candidate will be easier to defeat in November.

From a European perspective I think this "scandal" reads like this. Trump is awesome and fucks porn stars. Democrats are pathetic moralists who can't deal with a guy enjoying life a little.

This entire indictment makes USA look bad.
Then obviously you don’t actually understand what is going on and you reason like a horny 15 year old.

Nobody cares about the sex with paid professionals. The right wingers who claim moral high ground are right there with you: Fucking sex workers is awesome but we do t really talk about it in public.

Which is why Trump paid at least 2 women hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep quiet about it. Except he didn’t just pay them not to talk about the sex. He seems to have engaged in various go betweens and shell corporations in an effort to hide what he was doing. And In doing so, he seems to have violated tax laws and election finance laws.

Trump has spent his life acting as an amoral sociopathic mob boss without anything resembling actual cajones. He’s played serial shell games with money and lied, cheated and defrauded with such regularity that it is like breathing to him.

Nobody actually cares who he has sex with, so long as it is another consenting adult. Shit, if he just said he was going through a rough patch in his marriage, almost everybody would have shrugged their shoulders.

But Trump honestly does t understand that rules and laws apply to him, especially when running for or holding a high public office. When you are POTUS, you don’t get a pass for your dirty laundry—you get a lot of extra scrutiny. Special laws apply to you—like not accepting personal gifts.

What made the US look bad was electing an obviously incompetent sociopath. What would make the US look worse is by not applying the rule of law to the highest elected (former) official in the country.
It's true. The Left are the last people to balk at a sex worker's line of work. Clinton was impeached for waaay less by rabid Republicans who's goal it was to amplify every last detail about a blowjob to humiliate him.

None of this is really surprising to those who knew Trump before he came down the escalator - maybe surprised how long it took. In a sane world it would have ended a long time ago, but here we are.

It's the sense of narcissistic entitlement he has, and always had - "I'm the most innocent man in history" - that pisses people off.

Besides, he really only seems "cool" to the core MAGA idiots, and maybe as in Dr. Zs case, those who don't really know what he's about.
As Trump colaborated with Cohen to funnal bribe money to Stormy Daniels, Cohen recorded the conversation. Recordings now in hands of prosecuters. It is going to be hard for Trump to claim innocence.
[puts down popcorn]

I strongly suspect that there is catch-and-kill conspiracy charge buried in there somewhere.
They called Pecker back to testify (he got immunity during the Cohen trial) then indicted Cheato the next day …

[resumes popcorn]
[puts down popcorn]

I strongly suspect that there is catch-and-kill conspiracy charge buried in there somewhere.
They called Pecker back to testify (he got immunity during the Cohen trial) then indicted Cheato the next day …

[resumes popcorn]
Pecker & Cheato. That would be a great name for a cop buddy movie (speaking of popcorn...)
Looking forward to see if the details can finally hold this crook to account.

And I hope it opens up a WHOLE NEW FUTURE in holding white collar criminals to account for the millions of muggings they commit on the daily.
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