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Someone Sent A Package Bomb To George Soros

It is fascinating to watch the right wing blogosphere spring into action with all the "false flag" conspiracy theories. Apparently, they have trouble believing that a right wing partisan fanatic would be so dumb as to do something like this just before the midterm elections, so it must have been a conspiracy designed to help elect Democrats. A Republican would have waited until after the November election.

And, of course, if these bombs had been sent to Republicans... Well, obviously, a left wing partisan fanatic would do something that stupid. :rolleyes:

Both are a possibility. Timing lends credence to a false flag attack. Or possibly false false flag, but we could play that game ad infinitum. They certainly weren't well thought out attacks, if serious. For example, sending a mail bomb to people who do not open their own mail is pointless. As are timers on mail bombs. With mail bombs you want them to go boom when they are opened, not after a certain time.

So either this was the worst conceived bombing attack in a while, or the bombs did not go off because it was a false flag operation and they were not meant to go off.

Hopefully they catch the person(s) responsible soon, regardless of who they are.

The ones that His Flatulence goads into violence are pretty stupid.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders sparked anger on Wednesday after she accused CNN president Jeff Zucker of dividing America.

Earlier in the day, President Donald Trump called for Americans to “come together in peace and harmony” after authorities seized suspicious packages containing “potential explosive devices” that were sent to CNN and the homes and offices of leading Democrats, including former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.
I'm beginning to suspect that this bomb incident may be the first step on a plan to set up the democrats as scapegoats when trump decides to declare marshal law right before the elections.

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It is fascinating to watch the right wing blogosphere spring into action with all the "false flag" conspiracy theories. Apparently, they have trouble believing that a right wing partisan fanatic would be so dumb as to do something like this just before the midterm elections, so it must have been a conspiracy designed to help elect Democrats. A Republican would have waited until after the November election.

And, of course, if these bombs had been sent to Republicans... Well, obviously, a left wing partisan fanatic would do something that stupid. :rolleyes:

Both are a possibility. Timing lends credence to a false flag attack. Or possibly false false flag, but we could play that game ad infinitum. They certainly weren't well thought out attacks, if serious. For example, sending a mail bomb to people who do not open their own mail is pointless. As are timers on mail bombs. With mail bombs you want them to go boom when they are opened, not after a certain time.

So either this was the worst conceived bombing attack in a while, or the bombs did not go off because it was a false flag operation and they were not meant to go off.

Hopefully they catch the person(s) responsible soon, regardless of who they are.

The ones that His Flatulence goads into violence are pretty stupid.
Derec doesn't get that a false flag attack to mobilize liberals and independents would not target George Soros or Maxine Waters.
I have not seen a definitive statement from law enforcement that the bombs were real.

Considering the current craziness I would not discount a false flag operation by some nut on the left.


Crude but functional low-ordnance explosive devices found in at least two of the packages consisted of a pipe, wires and black powder, a law enforcement official told CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton.
Bomb sent to Robert De Niro found in lower Manhattan this morning.

The bomb sent to Joe Biden found this morning in Delaware.

So far, it appears all 9 devices were mailed between October 16th to 18th.

A CNN reporter just made an interesting comment about the absence of Homeland Security in these investigations

Probably not of South Florida origin... bomber spelled "Sawgrass" wrong
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It is being reported that a similar package arrived at Robert DeNiro's production company in Tribeca.

And it now appears to be true. Biden and DeNiro were both sent these. Biden's obviously didn't get close.

Left-wing false flag hypothetical is on fumes.
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How annoyed must people be right now if they're prominent Democrats who didn't get a mail bomb sent to them? That's kind of a diss.
How annoyed must people be right now if they're prominent Democrats who didn't get a mail bomb sent to them? That's kind of a diss.
Maxine Waters and Eric Holder aren't "prominent" Democrats.

Electoral-Vote.Com has a good listing of Trump Tweets against each of the targets from the near past and not so near past.
So those hoax threats to bombs Jewish community centers a couple years ago that came from the teenage Jewish Israeli, are those still counted as hate crimes or not?

They did not come from white militia men.
Derec doesn't get that a false flag attack to mobilize liberals and independents would not target George Soros or Maxine Waters.

Why not? Whether it is a crazy right wing nut or a lefty nut pretending to be a crazy right wing nut, the target list makes sense.
And the fact that the bombs apparently used black powder and a cheap clock apparently not wired to anything in particular makes a false flag more likely.
Even an inapt bomb-maker should have the wherewithal to procure some nail polish remover and hair bleach to make TATP.

However, unlike you, I am keeping an open mind. Let's see whom the FBI will catch.
Maxine Waters and Eric Holder aren't "prominent" Democrats.
They are not? One was the attorney general and he is thinking of running for president. The other has been in Congress for over quarter of a century and gained further notoriety recently by calling for impeachment.
Your last name does not have to be Clinton or Obama to count as a "prominent Democrat".
Maxine Waters and Eric Holder aren't "prominent" Democrats.
They are not? One was the attorney general and he is thinking of running for president. The other has been in Congress for over quarter of a century and gained further notoriety recently by calling for impeachment.
Your last name does not have to be Clinton or Obama to count as a "prominent Democrat".

Ya, they do seem to be fairly prominent.

It's the Robert De Niro one which seems fairly random. Sure, he said that he'd punch the guy or something at one point, but you'd think he'd be way down the list after Alec Baldwin and few others if you're going to include actors on the list.

I'm curious why Rosie O'Donnell didn't get one. The fact that she didn't ups the chances that this is a false flag attack and the bomber is someone from Hollywood because I'm pretty sure that everyone in Hollywood has completely forgotten that Rosie O'Donnell is still alive.
Someone needs to check hell's temperature, because I actually agree with Derec in the sense that this smells much more like a false false flag; i.e., it's actually the work of some form of right wing/deplorables pretending to be liberals pretending to be right wing/deplorables. The timing for the midterms is, indeed suspicious, but only in regard to a "revelation" that Limbaugh is right; that this was the work of a "liberal" trying to smear the right.

Evidence for this is:
  1. The shear number of devices--and the high profile of targets--means there must have been an expectation of being caught;
  2. The fact that none of them detonated indicates there was an intention of being caught (as opposed to kill);
  3. If any deplorable did attempt to do this out of anger/allegiance to Trump, it would most definitely be to kill;
  4. Liberals don't do shit like this (so that revelation would be a confirmation of the "mob mentality" lie being flung our way);
  5. Deplorables might do shit like this in their fevered dreams, but doubtful irl as there would be no need from their perspective; to them Trump is King and they are "winning" and everything is as it should be;
  6. The timing of being caught will likely be within the next two weeks at most, which is perfectly aligned with the midterms and any investigation into the real background (i.e., deplorable pretending to be a liberal pretending to be a deplorable) won't even be entertained until after the midterms and then only by conspiracy theorists (so, easily marginable);
  7. The immediate dissemination of Limbaugh's false flag CT is an excellent reverse barometer (i.e., they always accuse others of their own crimes) and coincides with the timing in regard to the midterms for the "reveal" that Limbaugh was right and it was a liberal false flag and see? they are the violent ones not us etc;
  8. The fact that Mueller wasn't also targeted

In short, Reichstag fire.
[*] Liberals don't do shit like this (so that revelation would be a confirmation of the "mob mentality" lie being flung our way);

Lefty terrorists love to use bombs. Weather Underground for example.
[*] Liberals don't do shit like this (so that revelation would be a confirmation of the "mob mentality" lie being flung our way);

Lefty terrorists love to use bombs. Weather Underground for example.
Timothy McVeigh used a bomb. The Irgun used bombs against the British. Terrorists of either side of the political spectrum use bombs because they are easy to make and cause destruction.
Timothy McVeigh used a bomb.
The Irgun used bombs against the British.
British soldiers. That made them guerrillas, not terrorists.
Terrorists of either side of the political spectrum use bombs because they are easy to make and cause destruction.
True. I never claimed otherwise. It is Koy who believes that "liberals don't do shit like this". Take it up with him.
British soldiers. That made them guerrillas, not terrorists.
They were terrorists. 91 people (not all military personnel) were killed and 45 were injured.
True. I never claimed otherwise. It is Koy who believes that "liberals don't do shit like this". Take it up with him.
You are the one who falsely equated lefty terrorists with liberals, because Koy clearly said "liberals".
It's the Robert De Niro one which seems fairly random. Sure, he said that he'd punch the guy or something at one point, but you'd think he'd be way down the list after Alec Baldwin and few others if you're going to include actors on the list.

Most of those others' (including Rosie O'D) remarks have been far too nuanced for your garden variety Rumpsucker to understand.
They absolutely GET "punch him in the face" though.
Maxine Waters and Eric Holder aren't "prominent" Democrats.
They are not? One was the attorney general and he is thinking of running for president. The other has been in Congress for over quarter of a century and gained further notoriety recently by calling for impeachment.
Your last name does not have to be Clinton or Obama to count as a "prominent Democrat".

Ya, they do seem to be fairly prominent.
President Obama, prominent.
President Clinton, prominent.
Nancy Pelosi, pretty prominent.
Maxine Waters, I'm willing to guess at least half of voting Democrats don't know if she is a Senator or Representative, and 75% can't name the state she Represents.
Eric Holder, yeah, he was an Attorney General. I don't think we could consider Ashcroft a "prominent Republican".

It's the Robert De Niro one which seems fairly random.
Waters and Deniro are both "random" in the sense of talked about by Trump at his rallies and on Twitter.
Sure, he said that he'd punch the guy or something at one point, but you'd think he'd be way down the list after Alec Baldwin and few others if you're going to include actors on the list.
DeNiro said it should be "Fuck Trump".
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