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The Race For 2024

I'm sorry, I don't have the tenacity to read the entire thread so I may be asking you to repeat previous discussion.

Somebody please explain to me how a law respecting country (OK, I know, I know) can allow someone who isn't able to vote because of criminal convictions, nevertheless to be elected to the highest office.

When you've done that, can you clear up how it doesn't hurt the Republican image to back him. You are a nation of more than 300 million people. There must be at least 10 better candidates somewhere.
Somebody please explain to me how a law respecting country (OK, I know, I know) can allow someone who isn't able to vote because of criminal convictions, nevertheless to be elected to the highest office.

Compared with his fascist peers, Trump's single conviction for a "trumped-up" record falsification charge may leave him UNDER-qualified:
Benito Mussolini was a draft-dodger, self-exiled to Switzerland he was arrested for inciting a violent general strike. Later he was arrested for a fraudulent passport. Vladimir Lenin was arrested for sedition. Adolf Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison for an attempted coup. Recep Erdoğan was convicted for inciting religious hatred.

When you've done that, can you clear up how it doesn't hurt the Republican image to back him. You are a nation of more than 300 million people. There must be at least 10 better candidates somewhere.

The Republican Party does have other stars. Ted Cruz has a very high IQ and was called "Lucifer in the flesh" by another high-ranking Republican. Mario Rubio and Ron DeSantis are also widely touted as are TV personalities like Tucker Carlson. Female stars include Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert. But these stars lack arrest records, and lack the charismatic appeal that warms the hearts of so many ordinary Americans when they listen to Donald J. Trump's plans to make America great again.
Somebody please explain to me how a law respecting country (OK, I know, I know) can allow someone who isn't able to vote because of criminal convictions, nevertheless to be elected to the highest office.
For voting it is up to the states individually. For running for the highest office, the Constitution didn't see Trump coming.
The Constitution was built in part to stop people like Trump. As we saw though, it was the adherence to tradition and respect for the Constitution, in general, that kept the democracy alive. McConnell was pretty much the only domino left that was needed to fall to get Trump installed as President in 2020. It isn't easy to steal an election, but apparently having a completely willing party could be enough.
It isn't easy to steal an election, but apparently having a completely willing party could be enough.
We didn’t have that in 2020, and kept the felon out of the WH by the skin of our teeth.
Now we have a TOTALLY corrupt GOP, SCOTUS and a legion of authoritarian congresscritters.
Does not look good at all.
Mexico putting us to shame this morning. First female president, and first Jewish president, and a president with degree in the sciences, three barriers we've never managed to cross. Elected in a landslide, too.
RFK Jr. has a sad over removing Confederate statues.

Mexico putting us to shame this morning. First female president, and first Jewish president, and a president with degree in the sciences, three barriers we've never managed to cross. Elected in a landslide, too.
Yeah, but America only has one president at a time. ;)
Mexico putting us to shame this morning. First female president, and first Jewish president, and a president with degree in the sciences, three barriers we've never managed to cross. Elected in a landslide, too.
Mexico is sounding better and better. As long as you don’t mind being robbed and murdered. But hey - it’s close, it’s warm and there are good surf spots. Maybe it’s worth overlooking those drawbacks.
Also in the morning news, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr is signing the most restrictive executive order ever enacted on asylum seeking refugees, openly shitting on the legacy of the people brave people who built this country, his own ancestors included. Remind me which one is the "anti-immigrant party", again?

His third great grandfather, Edward Blewitt, saved thousands of lives against impossible odds in the Great Famine before finally having to flee himself. But Joe thinks that when there is a crisis, the president should be allowed to arbitraily shut down the border and ship asylum seekers home without ever hearing their case, if there are "too many" people coming through a particular port of entry that year. Something Trump himself attempted during his presidency, but was legislatively and legally rebuffed. Had Biden's own family patriarch been put right back onto the same funeral ship he had arrived on to die in the middle of the Atlantic somewhere, precisely because he tried to stay in Ireland for as long as he could and thus arrived after thousands of other Irish refugees had already done so, that would have been justice according to the logic of this executive order. The Irish were very unpopular that year, you know. You can't expect a sitting president to have empathy for the poor and racially inferior during an election year, right? People want him to "do something" about the immigrants. Both parties, they all want him to "do something". He can't just sit on his throne and ignore the issue like usual, he's got to crack open that Resolute Desk, do a "something", and if that "something" meant taking out the draft order left there by his predecessor and signing it himself, that's just what he had to do. Ladies and gentleman, I present to you a true blue liberal. Always willing to take the side of justice until there's a possible cost to themselves.
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To underscore why I feel this executive order is morally bankrupt, I'd like to quote a noted American politician, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, who addressed the issue in a media interview in 2019:

“This is the first precedent in the history of the United States of America that anybody seeking asylum has to do it in another country. That’s never happened before. You come to the United States and you make your case. That’s how you seek asylum, based on the following premise, why I deserve it under American law.”

The man is right. I think. Hard to tell with the grammar issues. But candidate Biden definitely opposes what President Biden is doing.

He posted this before the verdict was announced. There goes his last shot at getting elected by Republicans.
Also in the morning news, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr is signing the most restrictive executive order ever enacted on asylum seeking refugees, openly shitting on the legacy of the people brave people who built this country, his own ancestors included. Remind me which one is the "anti-immigrant party", again?

His third great grandfather, Edward Blewitt, saved thousands of lives against impossible odds in the Great Famine before finally having to flee himself. But Joe thinks that when there is a crisis, the president should be allowed to arbitraily shut down the border and ship asylum seekers home without ever hearing their case, if there are "too many" people coming through a particular port of entry that year. Something Trump himself attempted during his presidency, but was legislatively and legally rebuffed. Had Biden's own family patriarch been put right back onto the same funeral ship he had arrived on to die in the middle of the Atlantic somewhere, precisely because he tried to stay in Ireland for as long as he could and thus arrived after thousands of other Irish refugees had already done so, that would have been justice according to the logic of this executive order. The Irish were very unpopular that year, you know. You can't expect a sitting president to have empathy for the poor and racially inferior during an election year, right? People want him to "do something" about the immigrants. Both parties, they all want him to "do something". He can't just sit on his throne and ignore the issue like usual, he's got to crack open that Resolute Desk, do a "something", and if that "something" meant taking out the draft order left there by his predecessor and signing it himself, that's just what he had to do. Ladies and gentleman, I present to you a true blue liberal. Always willing to take the side of justice until there's a possible cost to themselves.
2,500 a day ain't bad. I think most adults with varying degrees of pragmatism would agree. They had a good bill on the table. I read there are 2 million asylum claims pending and 682 immigration judges. The wait is about six years.
It is understandable for Biden to do this at this time. First and foremost, keep Trump out of office. We can stand on principle in November.
Somebody please explain to me how a law respecting country (OK, I know, I know) can allow someone who isn't able to vote because of criminal convictions, nevertheless to be elected to the highest office.
Because the only requirements are that the candidate be a natural born citizen of the country and be at least 35 years old.

Whether it's sensible is a completely different question. ;)
Mexico putting us to shame this morning. First female president, and first Jewish president, and a president with degree in the sciences, three barriers we've never managed to cross. Elected in a landslide, too.
Perhaps if one of the parties in power were to actually field that met those barriers, we might have a chance.

I'm really pretty pissed off at how much the parties are controlling who we poor citizens are allowed to vote for.
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