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The Race For 2024

That's true only in the minds of those who are too sexist and too racist to actually consider that a black woman might be the best person for the job.

It is true because Brandon said that is why he picked her. Because she was black and she was a woman.
AFAIK, there is no one named Brandon who has had any say at all about any choice as VP. Ever.
She was elected, along with Biden, in the 2020 election. Biden selected her as his VP. He's endorsed her as the next POTUS. So have a LOT of other people who have worked with Harris.

Yeah, Brandon picked a black woman for VP and we all know why, DEI.
OK, genius. This is the part where you explain why Brandon didn't pick any other black woman other than Kamala because of DEI. I mean, I remember you thinking Michelle Obama was going to run for President because the fucking Daily Mail told you.

Oh, wait. You can't? Didn't think so. Another fizzle. You're on a roll, son.
It’s hilarious that we are supposed to rally around the most unpopular VP the USA has ever known.
Harris is a dope.
Her own party doesn’t care for her but we are supposed to go along with this charade that she’s competent? lol, dream on.
The woman is a dope, clueless.
Stop quoting FauxNews. Everything it says is only OPINION. No news.
Everything you've said about Harris, in this thread, is MORE TRUE about Rump.
Tons of republicans hate him, but support him only because he is on their ticket.
He proves he is a dumbass every time he opens his mouth. So dumb, even his supporters know he needs a presidential crib sheet (project 2025)
Why do you support a FORMER prez who hates the US?
Screw this. I'm not gonna listen to some random conspiracy meme. References please. There is too much mudslinging this year to trust anything like this.
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Okay, so there are complaints that Harris didn't answer questions... but she was given the questions in advance... questions that seemed rather expected.
I mean, politicians often use questions as a springboard to launch into talking points. "That's a great question, Tim, and that's why the people of my state are so concerned with (something tangentially related) and so that's why we're running. To fight the (slogans slogans slogans) of my opponent."

Even Bernie does this. Though to his credit, Pete Buttigieg actually answers the questions and challenges like he does on Fox. Sure, he has prepared talking points, but he seems to have extensively prepared for ANY question or line of attack.

Harris did some of this "answer by pivoting to talking points" during the debate, if we're being fair, but her bigger plan was to throw Trump off of whatever preparation his staff had done for him, and get him so far off topic that weeks later her campaign is still hammering him on the "they're eating the cats" line. I am certain that Trump's people ran him through debate role play where he's asked the obvious questions (about abortion, the border, the economy) and was given answers as well as a way to pivot from a pat answer into prepared talking points.

He doesn't have the patience or the self-control to do that. If there's another debate, we'll see him struggling to stay on topic, and Harris will no doubt be prepared for that, too.

These debate questions are pretty easy for seasoned political operatives to anticipate, and the moderators delivered those as expected. There was no "what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?" questions. If there were, and Harris had an answer ready to go, that would indicate the questions were leaked. That didn't happen.
The worst VP according to whom?

Her own party doesn’t care for her but we are supposed to go along with this charade that she’s competent? lol, dream on.

The woman is a dope, clueless.
Her own party seems pretty supportive to me.

lol, who are you kidding? What choice do they have but to rally behind the dope? She was Brandon’s DEI pick and now you are lumbered with her.
lol. All these years now and all you can do is continue to use the wrong name for the sitting POTUS. You are not supporting an image of yourself as an informed, thinking person by such pettiness and ignorance.

It's funny how the Brandon still triggers you and the rest of the Brandon Bros. .

I have never seen you object to the way people refer to a former POTUS, tRump, Cheeto, Orange Man etc.
The worst VP according to whom?

Her own party doesn’t care for her but we are supposed to go along with this charade that she’s competent? lol, dream on.

The woman is a dope, clueless.
Her own party seems pretty supportive to me.

lol, who are you kidding? What choice do they have but to rally behind the dope? She was Brandon’s DEI pick and now you are lumbered with her.
lol. All these years now and all you can do is continue to use the wrong name for the sitting POTUS. You are not supporting an image of yourself as an informed, thinking person by such pettiness and ignorance.

It's funny how the Brandon still triggers you and the rest of the Brandon Bros. .

I have never seen you object to the way people refer to a former POTUS, tRump, Cheeto, Orange Man etc.
Again, a response to show you "got the libs". It's not working.
The worst VP according to whom?

Her own party doesn’t care for her but we are supposed to go along with this charade that she’s competent? lol, dream on.

The woman is a dope, clueless.
Her own party seems pretty supportive to me.

lol, who are you kidding? What choice do they have but to rally behind the dope? She was Brandon’s DEI pick and now you are lumbered with her.
lol. All these years now and all you can do is continue to use the wrong name for the sitting POTUS. You are not supporting an image of yourself as an informed, thinking person by such pettiness and ignorance.

It's funny how the Brandon still triggers you and the rest of the Brandon Bros. .

I have never seen you object to the way people refer to a former POTUS, tRump, Cheeto, Orange Man etc.
I refer to Trump as Trump. I think that referring to him by unflattering nicknames distracts from the real issues with Trump: He is too ill informed with regards to the requisite knowledge and understanding of basic civics, and US or world history, much less the complexities to be effective as POTUS. His physical and his mental health are seriously declining along with his cognition. This makes him too easy to manipulate, which simply cannot stand for someone in high office. He seems to lack the basic morals and integrity to make a good leader and indeed, his history of sexual assaults on women and children make him highly susceptible to black mail or other compromising positions. Aside from all of that, he has zero interest in anything or anyone that does not benefit him directly.

I don’t care about his vanity or his hair or his shoe lifts. I will confess that I’m a bit irritated at his orange makeup. I get that it may be necessary when in camera as lighting can really wash you out but why can’t he hire someone who is competent at the job? Which leads me to this: he’s someone who knows the monetary cost of some things but does not know the value of anything. He’s cheap in every sense of the word except at what he has cost the US, and the world.
Many of his former close advisors do not merely disagree with Trump but publicly call him unfit.

That is what matters. He’s unfit and dangerous. He will sell out anyone if he thinks it will benefit himself, personally.
The worst VP according to whom?

Her own party doesn’t care for her but we are supposed to go along with this charade that she’s competent? lol, dream on.

The woman is a dope, clueless.
Her own party seems pretty supportive to me.

lol, who are you kidding? What choice do they have but to rally behind the dope? She was Brandon’s DEI pick and now you are lumbered with her.
lol. All these years now and all you can do is continue to use the wrong name for the sitting POTUS. You are not supporting an image of yourself as an informed, thinking person by such pettiness and ignorance.

It's funny how the Brandon still triggers you and the rest of the Brandon Bros. .

I have never seen you object to the way people refer to a former POTUS, tRump, Cheeto, Orange Man etc.
I refer to Trump as Trump. I think that referring to him by unflattering nicknames distracts from the real issues with Trump: He is too ill informed with regards to the requisite knowledge and understanding of basic civics, and US or world history, much less the complexities to be effective as POTUS. His physical and his mental health are seriously declining along with his cognition. This makes him too easy to manipulate, which simply cannot stand for someone in high office. He seems to lack the basic morals and integrity to make a good leader and indeed, his history of sexual assaults on women and children make him highly susceptible to black mail or other compromising positions. Aside from all of that, he has zero interest in anything or anyone that does not benefit him directly.

I don’t care about his vanity or his hair or his shoe lifts. I will confess that I’m a bit irritated at his orange makeup. I get that it may be necessary when in camera as lighting can really wash you out but why can’t he hire someone who is competent at the job? Which leads me to this: he’s someone who knows the monetary cost of some things but does not know the value of anything. He’s cheap in every sense of the word except at what he has cost the US, and the world.
Many of his former close advisors do not merely disagree with Trump but publicly call him unfit.

That is what matters. He’s unfit and dangerous. He will sell out anyone if he thinks it will benefit himself, personally.
It is worth pointing out that while there may be disagreement over whether he's deserving of nicknames (like my "Fragilego Mussolini") he is uniquely deserving of criticism of how he has handled being a former President. There is only one former President who was re-elected to a non-consecutive term (Grover Cleveland), but Trump ticks off so many "only former President to ever" boxes that it is hard to list them all.

He is the only President to refuse to concede, the only former President to refuse to participate in the transfer of power, and the only President to ever incite a riot over the certification of his successor's victory. While he is not the only former President to leave office with some documents he really shouldn't have taken, he is the only one to deliberately hide said documents, refuse to return them, and obstruct federal law enforcement when they (rightly) tried to retrieve them. He is also the only former President to be indicted, arrested, and convicted on multiple felony counts.

Given all of these things (and more), it is a bit rich for someone to insist that he must - as a former President - be afforded the same respect that is traditionally afforded to former Presidents. We've had many Presidents who have stepped down after two terms in the tradition of Washington, many who have done so as the Constitution now requires, many who have bowed out gracefully after losing their bid for a second term, but only one...in the entire history of this nation...has thrown a 4 year long temper tantrum over losing his bid for a second term, and only one who has promised to make his second term (should he become the second President to win non-consecutive terms) a revenge fantasy (edit...revenge in reality) against real and perceived "enemies."

While you may not personally participate in name-calling, I think a case can be made that - in addition to the fact that he is unfit and dangerous - mockery is justified.
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^ in addition to what Toni said, his objectifying of women makes him even more dangerous to 50% of the population. There will be a national abortion ban which will put males, and fetuses above women. His is a convicted felon that has no respect for the law, yet he promotes himself as a law and order candidate. Not matter what comes out of his mouth, its a lie. Which makes him untrustworthy.
Given all of these things (and more), it is a bit rich for someone to insist that he must - as a former President - be afforded the same respect that is traditionally afforded to former Presidents.

lol, I am not insisting on anything. I am pointing out the double standard.
CNN is reporting that Melania requires to be paid in order to appear. :hehe:

What does THIS tell you about women in Trumps circle!
It is more of the grift. What I don't understand is why Log Cabin Republicans have her there at all. She isn't a Republican. She isn't smart. She isn't remarkable. She isn't remotely political.

Is there a tax benefit for her with this "arrangement"?

And finally, who the heck is left in the Log Cabin Republicans? Or are they so stalwart in their beliefs, it allows them the denial required to think their existence matters in the GOP? Heavily conservative GOP'ers have been excommunicated from the party (see Lynne Cheney).
The worst VP according to whom?

Her own party doesn’t care for her but we are supposed to go along with this charade that she’s competent? lol, dream on.

The woman is a dope, clueless.
Her own party seems pretty supportive to me.

lol, who are you kidding? What choice do they have but to rally behind the dope? She was Brandon’s DEI pick and now you are lumbered with her.
lol. All these years now and all you can do is continue to use the wrong name for the sitting POTUS. You are not supporting an image of yourself as an informed, thinking person by such pettiness and ignorance.

It's funny how the Brandon still triggers you and the rest of the Brandon Bros. .

I have never seen you object to the way people refer to a former POTUS, tRump, Cheeto, Orange Man etc.
I also find that annoying. I refer to him as Trump.

But he rather got the ball rolling concerning dismissive nicknames. Take a quick stroll through his primary season in 2016, and look at the ugly nicknames he created for everyone from Cruz to Rubio.
Then he moved on to his other opponents, and has continued doing that to this day. He's getting his butt kicked by the current vice president, but I am not sure he can actually spell or pronounce her name.

Sorry if Trump is the one getting the dismissive nicknames here on IIDB and that bothers you. But it isn't like he, or you, is an innocent here.
CNN is reporting that Melania requires to be paid in order to appear. :hehe:

What does THIS tell you about women in Trumps circle!
It is more of the grift. What I don't understand is why Log Cabin Republicans have her there at all. She isn't a Republican. She isn't smart. She isn't remarkable. She isn't remotely political.

Is there a tax benefit for her with this "arrangement"?

And finally, who the heck is left in the Log Cabin Republicans? Or are they so stalwart in their beliefs, it allows them the denial required to think their existence matters in the GOP? Heavily conservative GOP'ers have been excommunicated from the party (see Lynne Cheney).
I struggle to understand how anyone with a conscience can support or vote for him, yet I do know good people who have and who will again.

I think it goes back to the whole basketful of deplorables which many on the left subscribe to. I understand. I grew up with a father whose biases ranged from mere bigotry to out and out racism, depending on his time of life--getting much worse as his health declined. Yet I loved him deeply and even as a kid, I saw his championing of equal rights for his daughters while he definitely treated 2/3 of his wives in very demanding and sexist ways--the third as well but she was a bitch from hell so I just overlook that part, although definitely it was still there, just as her own sexist views were front and center. I have some family members I love dearly, who are kind and generous and loving--and yet they support Trump. They seem to see the allegations against him as trumped up and politically motivated except for the allegations of sexual abuse which they see as monetarily motivated. But mostly they think that he will keep the borders more secure, will restore things to some 1950's level of security of white males--which they are, with the exceptions of a couple of very religious females who will support Trump because they think he will ban abortions nationwide and that he is Christian, however flawed. Mostly they see the present and future as a threat to their way of life which centers on hard work, obeying the law (mostly) , nuclear family, their version of family values. I think that their version of the past relies heavily on re-runs of old sitcoms, notably Leave it to Beaver, The Andy Griffith Show, and Happy Days, all of which are pleasant fantasies of what the olden days of our childhoods and before were like. But they are correct that they are in many ways left behind, left out of the prosperity that has helped my own nuclear family and a lot of other families. They seem to believe that the immigrants who are working along side them or in the stores they frequent or roofing their houses or working in fields and black people who are no longer relegated to back of the house/bus/line have gotten to leapfrog over them to all good things. They do not understand that they were always front of the line and other are just catching up so there is more competition. And....they don't recognize the choices they made are what primarily has kept them living very hand to mouth. They have preferred or felt they had no choice but to stick in not well paying jobs that were below their actual abilities and paid less than they needed to live the life they wanted. One is just getting ready to retire from a civilian job with the state police and while she will volunteer that things were better when that state had a democrat governor, she will still continue to vote GOP, largely because of the abortion issue but also for some fucked up reasons I do not understand, she believes that the GOP is more supportive of farmers.

I do absolutely understand the conflict between working class people and those who want to protect the environment at all costs (because they have jobs that pay the bills or parents who help them out). I know some of those areas well enough to know just how much of a struggle it is to piece together two or three jobs or more between spouses in order to just meet the basic needs of their family. Life is really hard for some people and Trump seems to be more supportive of things that will help them. I disagree with all of that but I get their POV.
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