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The Race For 2024

The worst VP according to whom?

Her own party doesn’t care for her but we are supposed to go along with this charade that she’s competent? lol, dream on.

The woman is a dope, clueless.
Her own party seems pretty supportive to me.

lol, who are you kidding? What choice do they have but to rally behind the dope? She was Brandon’s DEI pick and now you are lumbered with her.
lol. All these years now and all you can do is continue to use the wrong name for the sitting POTUS. You are not supporting an image of yourself as an informed, thinking person by such pettiness and ignorance.

It's funny how the Brandon still triggers you and the rest of the Brandon Bros. .

I have never seen you object to the way people refer to a former POTUS, tRump, Cheeto, Orange Man etc.
I also find that annoying. I refer to him as Trump.

But he rather got the ball rolling concerning dismissive nicknames. Take a quick stroll through his primary season in 2016, and look at the ugly nicknames he created for everyone from Cruz to Rubio.
Then he moved on to his other opponents, and has continued doing that to this day. He's getting his butt kicked by the current vice president, but I am not sure he can actually spell or pronounce her name.

Sorry if Trump is the one getting the dismissive nicknames here on IIDB and that bothers you. But it isn't like he, or you, is an innocent here.
Back in the 2016 race, his penchant for dismissive nicknames was...almost entertaining. "Low Energy Jeb." "Little Marco." "Crooked Hillary." "Lyin' Ted." Yet the last time he had an original was 4 years ago with "Sleepy Joe."

This time around, he didn't put much effort into it, calling Biden "Crooked Joe." Like, dude...you just substituted Joe for Hillary. He appears to have settled on "Comrade Kamala" now, but again...dude...the Cold War is over. It was long over when you and Ivana (remember her?) were doing ads for stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut. The kids today, with their crypto (which you don't understand) and the TikTok (which you also don't understand) don't have any memory of living under the existential threat of international communism. Calling her "Comrade Kamala" is the real life embodiment of the "how do you do, fellow kids?" meme.

And while he's now dropped out of the race, Joe Biden (well, his team) managed to completely upend the "Let's Go Brandon" thing by debuting the "Dark Brandon" meme. For a minute, they co-opted the whole "Brandon" thing and made an 80 year old man struggling to speak clearly into a badass who doesn't give AF. That's what gets me about Tswizzle's insistence on continuing to refer to Biden as Brandon. The "Let's Go Brandon" thing is like "Hillary for Prison 2016." It's as dead as last year's flowers. In the words of that song from Frozen....LET IT GO.
CNN is reporting that Melania requires to be paid in order to appear. :hehe:

What does THIS tell you about women in Trumps circle!
It is more of the grift. What I don't understand is why Log Cabin Republicans have her there at all. She isn't a Republican. She isn't smart. She isn't remarkable. She isn't remotely political.

Is there a tax benefit for her with this "arrangement"?

CNN said:
Sources supportive of Melania Trump ... defended her, saying it’s her right to decide how to spend her time and to get paid for her time. One person close to Melania Trump said she has decided “my best and highest use is where I am,” adding that “she’s a priceless, timeless asset” for Donald Trump.

I'm not sure what "timeless" means but "priceless" seems wrong. Don't we know her price is $250,000 per prop? MUCH more than she earned per trick as a high-priced Manhattan call-girl.

CNN said:
. . .
Melania Trump is not the only Trump family member to get paid while in the political spotlight. Kimberly Guilfoyle received a $60,000 speaking fee for introducing her fiancé, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., at the “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6, 2021, ahead of the insurrection at the US Capitol. Her speech was less than three minutes.
Another example of how clueless he is.
He said that he plans to reduce energy cost by 50% in his first year.
What by dill baby drill?
Or tell OPEC and the other oil producers to pump more so the price goes down?
What a maroon!
Harris just received a very important endorsement

It’s hilarious that we are supposed to rally around the most unpopular VP the USA has ever known.
A bunch of people tried to hang the last guy.

Yeah I don't think so. Meanwhile one loon managed to shoot up a rally being held by former president Trump, near killing Trump, killing a spectator and injuring several others. And of course the other loon was caught hiding in the bushes before he could take a shot at former president Trump.
Yeah I don't think so.
Really? You missed the video of Trump supporters pulling a noose out of their purse or something?

Yeah, it happened. And was one of the highlights of the Trump insurrection, heavily documented.
Maybe your ideological bubble of news didn't bother mentioning that their president was trying to get his followers to execute his vice president, but the rest of us saw it.
And heard it.
Yeah I don't think so.
Really? You missed the video of Trump supporters pulling a noose out of their purse or something?

Yeah, it happened. And was one of the highlights of the Trump insurrection, heavily documented.
Maybe your ideological bubble of news didn't bother mentioning that their president was trying to get his followers to execute his vice president, but the rest of us saw it.
And heard it.
CNN is reporting that Melania requires to be paid in order to appear. :hehe:

What does THIS tell you about women in Trumps circle!
Speaking of getting paid, I heard this morning that someone asked one of the Trump "fans" seen leaving early why they were leaving so soon. He said basically that he was paid to be there for ten minutes (for the cameras, I assume) and his ten minutes was up.

Take it with a grain of salt.

The woman is a dope, clueless.
I'd bet a pretty penny she would bury you in an IQ test. In fact I'd spot you ten or fifteen points.
Just based on what I've seen from each of you, I would lose no sleep in anticipation.
I'm also getting strong "there's no way that a woman can be as smart as a man" vibes.
Thomas Miller is a widely respected data scientist from Northwestern University. Miller developed a model that uses data from political betting sites rather than polls.

Miller outperformed almost every pollster and modeler parsing multiple voter surveys in all three of the 2020 contests. Except for Georgia, he correctly identified every state in the electoral college, missing by just 12 votes the margin that Biden won. Miller improved his methodology for classifying Peach State data for the two Senate runoffs, and he achieved another victory. — Economic Times
In an interview with Fortune, Miller said, “Political betting sites are the best at predicting the wisdom of the crowd.” Polling data, according to Miller, is backward-looking, while betting sites with a steady stream of investors are a much better measure of future outcomes.

“It's gone from a drastic landslide in Trump's direction to a drastic landslide for Harris,” said Miller. He said it would now take an equally dramatic shift in Trump’s favor for the ex-president to come back into contention. Miller said as things stood now it appeared as if Harris would win big on November 5.
Yeah I don't think so.
Really? You missed the video of Trump supporters pulling a noose out of their purse or something?

Yeah, it happened. And was one of the highlights of the Trump insurrection, heavily documented.
Maybe your ideological bubble of news didn't bother mentioning that their president was trying to get his followers to execute his vice president, but the rest of us saw it.
And heard it.
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does that look functional or merely decorative?
While you may not personally participate in name-calling, I think a case can be made that - in addition to the fact that he is unfit and dangerous - mockery is justified.

I agree, and much of the time it is just a way of coping with the absurdity of living in a country where half the voters appear ready to reelect such an unqualified and corrupt individual. None of it hurts Trump, because namecalling is his strong suit. He is good at it. When others do it, it validates his behavior and brings others down to a level where the only winner seems to be the person who comes up with the best smack talk. If it's OK for us to call him names, why isn't it OK for him to call us names?

Right now, it seems that Harris will inevitably win the popular vote, which only one Republican has won since HW Bush in 1988, and that was his son GW Bush in his second election campaign. But her marginal advantage over Trump does not yet seem as large as it needs to be for her to survive the electoral college advantage that Republicans enjoy in close elections. Ridicule and mockery have their place, especially in informal settings like this social media platform. People come here to blow off steam and vent their frustrations. I just don't know how one can shake Trump supporters out of their trance, which is fueled by a sense of victimization, fear, and hatred of those they blame for their problems. So the case for mockery, I think, is that it helps us to cope with a dire situation, but it does nothing to help us out of that situation.
Yeah I don't think so.
Really? You missed the video of Trump supporters pulling a noose out of their purse or something?

Yeah, it happened. And was one of the highlights of the Trump insurrection, heavily documented.
Maybe your ideological bubble of news didn't bother mentioning that their president was trying to get his followers to execute his vice president, but the rest of us saw it.
And heard it.
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does that look functional or merely decorative?
It definitely looks threatening, especially when the crowd is shouting Hang Mike Pence.
The Ghanaian govt considers him a flight risk i.e. won't return if he leaves.
Why does Ghana care?
The same reason East Germany did. You can't run a country, if everyone gets sick of your shit and wanders off. So you either have to run the country passably well, or stop people from leaving.

Many countries find it far easier to take the latter approach.
The Ghanaian govt considers him a flight risk i.e. won't return if he leaves.
Why does Ghana care?
The only 2 reasons I can think are
1. Tribal or clan problems i.e. belongs to the wrong one
2. He has extensive experience in accounting/commerce and Ghana does not wish to possibly lose those skills.
If (God forbids) Trump wins in Nov. how many will finally do what they have claimed on some many times and actually leave the USA for a better country? Do we have any figures on the expected immigration, escape rate?

This is NOT to be represented as an invitation to come to Australia. Yanks are always better 'over there'
Assuming they would want to stick to an English speaking country of similar culture, how easy is it to get work permits and citizenship in Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the UK? It’s not clear to me that one can simply move.
Yeah, I've looked at it. Working, ain't going to happen for most people. Retired, possible but it's either quite expensive or the medical system leaves a lot to be desired.
My niece can't even get a visitor's pass for her Ghanaian husband to come her to meet her family.
Wow. On what grounds is it denied?
He is considered a flight risk by the Australian Govt i.e won't leave if he gets in. The Ghanaian govt considers him a flight risk i.e. won't return if he leaves.

He can get to South Africa, Zimbabwe or Zambia. Their wedding was held in South Africa. Stupid bureaucrats.
That's actually rather normal with a marriage to a third-worlder. You can apply for residency but most places will not let you apply for a temporary visit because they figure you're going to use it as a short cut to bringing them in.
The kids today, with their crypto (which you don't understand) and the TikTok (which you also don't understand) don't have any memory of living under the existential threat of international communism. Calling her "Comrade Kamala" is the real life embodiment of the "how do you do, fellow kids?" meme.
And worse, those who do remember the Cold War are reminded by it that it is Trump who has suspiciously close ties to the Russian supreme leader. As usual, every accusation is a confession...
Yeah I don't think so.
Really? You missed the video of Trump supporters pulling a noose out of their purse or something?

Yeah, it happened. And was one of the highlights of the Trump insurrection, heavily documented.
Maybe your ideological bubble of news didn't bother mentioning that their president was trying to get his followers to execute his vice president, but the rest of us saw it.
And heard it.
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That has Biden written on it. Plus, it looks like its made for hanging midgets.
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