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The Race For 2024

Sure, the banner about being "up for deletion" satisfied your bias,
Sure, if bias is the same as not having any interest in trivial details of a made up word meaning.

and you didn't bother to follow the link to the discussion in which the person who had put it up for deletion admitted he was wrong and retracted the motion. It is not up for deletion, because it has well-attested usage across a broad spectrum of sources. The sources give lots of examples of sanewashing Donald Trump, so the best option for you is to ignore them rather than address them. Nobody here is fooled by that kind of lazy dismissal. Also, I quoted a clear sample of text from the article that you also ignored.

Guilty as charged.

Wikipedia is not paywalled, and that article I linked to was not paywalled. You just didn't bother to 'x' out the pop-up. Nor was the article that I posted in my follow-up paywalled. You're just afraid to read material that challenges your biases.

I know Wikipedia is not paywalled, duh. But the first article I clicked on appeared to be pay walled or required a subscription or something. Maybe I didn’t read it correctly. It’s not an important issue for me. I just don’t think the MSM would do anything to paint Trump in a positive way. Neutral at best.
So @TSwizzle You don’t think the MSM would do anything to paint Trump in a positive way.”Neutral at best”?
Other than the hundreds of Sinclair Broadcasting stations, hundreds of tslk radio stations, Fox News, OAN, NewsMax and
-wait. How big an audience do you need to be MSM? Who invented the word? Is Fox more mainstream than MSNBC? ABC, CBS, PBS - who are you complaining about?
Well, my ballot has got here! Time to join in with 150 million ambivalent citizens and do the one thing we can all still agree on: holding our nose and voting for the most tolerable face of wickedness and vice.
Disagree--it's not time yet. They probably are still hiding their people in non-partisan offices, I'd wait a week or two to see if they reveal any more MAGAs.
Like I say, the full weight of the MSM is behind dopey Harris.
Anyone with more than half a brain should be behind Harris. And the MSM *is* protecting Trump. If they weren't there'd be wall to wall coverage about Trump's age and cognitive decline like they did with your mate Brandon. Instead there's fuck all.
Sure, the banner about being "up for deletion" satisfied your bias,
Sure, if bias is the same as not having any interest in trivial details of a made up word meaning.

and you didn't bother to follow the link to the discussion in which the person who had put it up for deletion admitted he was wrong and retracted the motion. It is not up for deletion, because it has well-attested usage across a broad spectrum of sources. The sources give lots of examples of sanewashing Donald Trump, so the best option for you is to ignore them rather than address them. Nobody here is fooled by that kind of lazy dismissal. Also, I quoted a clear sample of text from the article that you also ignored.

Guilty as charged.

Wikipedia is not paywalled, and that article I linked to was not paywalled. You just didn't bother to 'x' out the pop-up. Nor was the article that I posted in my follow-up paywalled. You're just afraid to read material that challenges your biases.

I know Wikipedia is not paywalled, duh. But the first article I clicked on appeared to be pay walled or required a subscription or something. Maybe I didn’t read it correctly. It’s not an important issue for me. I just don’t think the MSM would do anything to paint Trump in a positive way. Neutral at best.

If you are too lazy to check your facts, then that's on you. The information is there, if you care to look at it. You did respond to my post with this comment:

Anyway, the issue I brought up is with CBS 60 Minutes, a supposedly reputable news program editing dopey Harris' response to make her look not quite so bad as she is. I don't think any establishment news stations are editing Trump videos to make him seem coherent. Quite the opposite where Trump's faults are well, Seth Meyers for example and I understand SNL has been lampooning Harris and Biden of late but these are not news programs, they are comedy shows.

In my post, I said that Trump was being lampooned by comedians for his incoherence, so Seth Myers was appropriate evidence to back up my comment. He is a comedian. But then I pointed out that the press has edited Donald Trump's incoherence so much that a special new word has been coined to describe that editing: "sanewashing". OK, I accept that you were unfamiliar with the term. But it is real, in wide usage, and largely applied to Donald Trump, never to Kamala Harris. She may sometimes say incoherent things, but not as regularly and predictably as Donald Trump. That is further evidence of the reality that Donald Trump is even more "edited" by the press than Kamala Harris to clean up dopey language.
Well, my ballot has got here! Time to join in with 150 million ambivalent citizens and do the one thing we can all still agree on: holding our nose and voting for the most tolerable face of wickedness and vice.

This ignorant attitude baffles me. Do you read any political news at all, Politesse? What do you think of Project 2025? "Ambivalent" -- you can't decide if you're pro-Choice or "pro-Life"? Unsure whether U.S. should ally with France and Germany, or with Russia and Hungary?

Ordering breakfast and offered the choice of bacon or sausage, I might say "I don't particularly like pork. Can you substitute extra potatoes instead?"

But Politesse remains "ambivalent" even when the choice is between bacon and dog shit. :confused2:
It's not just Trump. Look at the minifuror of Walz's statement about being in Hong Kong during Tianenman Square. That falsehood pales in comparison to Vance's persistent and copious lies, yet the media continued to ask Walz about it while staying silent about Vance.
My goodness. Are you admitting that Democrat candidates lie?
What is happening to the world?

Well, B. B. King was correct when he sang his hit, "Everybody lies a little". I love that song but whenever I hear it, I add and Trump lies a lot. An occasional lie or misspoken statement is nothing compared to the master liar's remarks. The man can't move his lips without lying, but I'm sure you know that already.
Well, my ballot has got here! Time to join in with 150 million ambivalent citizens and do the one thing we can all still agree on: holding our nose and voting for the most tolerable face of wickedness and vice.

This ignorant attitude baffles me. Do you read any political news at all, Politesse? What do you think of Project 2025? "Ambivalent" -- you can't decide if you're pro-Choice or "pro-Life"? Unsure whether U.S. should ally with France and Germany, or with Russia and Hungary?

Ordering breakfast and offered the choice of bacon or sausage, I might say "I don't particularly like pork. Can you substitute extra potatoes instead?"

But Politesse remains "ambivalent" even when the choice is between bacon and dog shit. :confused2:
I think you are over-interpreting "ambivalent". I've never been anything other than anti-fascist. But in politics the question is more whether you want your dog shit straight or in a sandwich.
Hell, we could just re-establish relations with Cuba, start up trade, subsidize them a little, and that would immediately end any influence Russia has there.
At least in the past Cuba liked being on our shit list. That provided someone to blame for Cuba's terrible performance--never mind that they had enough trade with others that it didn't matter. And Castro would deliberately do things to upset us if we tried to be nice. Things like all those refugees escaping Cuba were really deliberately released prisoners. I do not know if Cuba still feels that way.
Hell, we could just re-establish relations with Cuba, start up trade, subsidize them a little, and that would immediately end any influence Russia has there.
As I recall,
That black kid from Chicago that kicked McCain's ass in 2008 tried that.
Turned out that too many Americans were opposed to peace and prosperity for all. Like Iran, too many American voters prefer war and poverty to allow decency in US foreign policy.
It's such an antiquated policy and it's embarrassing at this point.

I'm just speculating, but it seems that both parties are loathe to let bygones be bygones because they believe they'll lose votes over it, especially conservatives. A lot of the Cuban community in Florida despises Cuba, so they would likely take it out on the GOP. However, that doesn't mean they'd switch over and begin voting for Democrats.

Again, that's just speculation. It's likely that both parties have analyzed the hell out of it, so it must be beneficial to both sides to keep Cuba right where it's at.

Not MSM ??? They're the biggest "news" provider in the nation.
Faux portrays itself as an alternative to the mainstream, thus I can't consider it mainstream no matter how many viewers it has.
Yeah. "Mainstream" the way that conservatives use the term = any media outlet that doesn't fanatically produce propaganda for the GOP/Trump.

This^ goes back to Rush Limbaugh in the 80s and 90s. At least that's the first place I'd heard the term used. God, what a scourge on the U.S. that motherfucker was.
It's not just Trump. Look at the minifuror of Walz's statement about being in Hong Kong during Tianenman Square. That falsehood pales in comparison to Vance's persistent and copious lies, yet the media continued to ask Walz about it while staying silent about Vance.
My goodness. Are you admitting that Democrat candidates lie?
sure they lie sometimes. And Santa Monica gets hot, but not Death Valley hot! One can have two things while not being of nearly the same degree. It is a common right wing tactic to normalize both sides as being equal in degree.
I have a dream that one day pollies will not lie about their policies, opponents etc.
I suspect I will be dead long before that happens.
I think it's partly because the people don't want to have rational discourse on it. They don't want to attempt to understand nuance and the difficulty in finding "perfect" solutions to problems.

I think the politicians will mostly speak in ways that they think will get them elected. But a lot of that is based on what the people who elect them want. If the people en masse demanded nuanced, rational political discourse on policy they would give them that. But if the people prefer three word mantras (as well evidenced in modern society and politics) then that's what they'll get.
Not MSM ??? They're the biggest "news" provider in the nation.
Faux portrays itself as an alternative to the mainstream, thus I can't consider it mainstream no matter how many viewers it has.
That's absurd.

"Bilby says he's not a liar, therefore I can't consider him to be a liar, no matter how many lies he tells".
So the Pennsylvania polls do not look very good.

Perhaps Kamala should have gone with Josh instead of the Knucklehead.
That’s assuming that people would more likely vote for her if their guy is on the ticket, right? Isn’t that just playing in to the same identity politics that the Democrats always get accused of? “A woman on the ticket will get women votes.” “A black person on the ticket will get black person votes.”

Every expert I have heard chime in the subject says that the VP pick essentially does nothing, so it’s not clear to me at all that picking Shapiro would definitely have made a difference the way you are implying.
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