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The Race For 2024

I know of almost no politicians elected in the last 40 years that know more than even you, and fewer than that who have the best interest of America in mind.
IMO that says more about you than it does about them.
The depth of your faith is impressive.
You harbour unquestioning devotion to an ideology that has never been successfully deployed as a model for government anywhere in the world and you are critiquing someone else's "faith".

In my country that's called irony.
I know of almost no politicians elected in the last 40 years that know more than even you, and fewer than that who have the best interest of America in mind.
IMO that says more about you than it does about them.
The depth of your faith is impressive.
You harbour unquestioning devotion to an ideology that has never been successfully deployed as a model for government anywhere in the world and you are critiquing someone else's "faith".

In my country that's called irony.
As libertarianism is the atheism of politics, calling my position faith is a demonstration of irony.
I know of almost no politicians elected in the last 40 years that know more than even you, and fewer than that who have the best interest of America in mind.
IMO that says more about you than it does about them.
The depth of your faith is impressive.
You harbour unquestioning devotion to an ideology that has never been successfully deployed as a model for government anywhere in the world and you are critiquing someone else's "faith".

In my country that's called irony.
As libertarianism is the atheism of politics, calling my position faith is a demonstration of irony.
That really doesn't make any sense.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Whenever I sarcastically insert the name Obama for Biden as an indication that others may actually be having a very big influence in running our Country, Ron DeSanctimonious and his failing campaign apparatus, together with the Democrat's Radical Left "Disinformation Machine," go wild saying that "Trump doesn't know the name of our President, (CROOKED!) Joe Biden. He must be cognitively impaired." No, I know both names very well, never mix them up, and know that they are destroying our Country. Also, and as reported, I just took a cognitive test as part of my Physical Exam, and ACED it.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Whenever I sarcastically insert the name Obama for Biden as an indication that others may actually be having a very big influence in running our Country, Ron DeSanctimonious and his failing campaign apparatus, together with the Democrat's Radical Left "Disinformation Machine," go wild saying that "Trump doesn't know the name of our President, (CROOKED!) Joe Biden. He must be cognitively impaired." No, I know both names very well, never mix them up, and know that they are destroying our Country. Also, and as reported, I just took a cognitive test as part of my Physical Exam, and ACED it.
The “I meant to do that” schoolyard defense.
Liz Cheney's New Book Doesn't hold back.
Liz Cheney's new book "Oath and Honor" doesn't hold back on Trump enablers.

...Donald Trump cannot succeed alone. He depends upon enablers and collaborators. Every American should understand what his enablers in Congress and in the leadership of the Republican Party were willing to do to help Trump seize power in the months after he lost the 2020 presidential election-and what they continue to do to this day."

Cheney tells of a phone call she was on with a Trump surrogate on Jan. 4, 2021 where she hears the "stark, specific planning for Dec. 6.

Cheney also says McCarthy told her that Trump knew he'd lost the election within two days and that "He knows it's over. He just needs to go through all the stages of grief."

After Cheney sees the photo of Trump and McCarthy at Mar a Lago after Jan. 6, she thought it was a fake. But she talked to McCarthy:
LC: "Mar a Lago? What the hell, Kevin?"

McC: "They're really worried.Trump's not eating, so they asked me to come see him."

LC: "What? You went to Mar a Lago because Trump's not eating?"
McC: "Yeah, he's really depressed."

Cheney wrote about a message that went around from fellow GOP colleagues who mocked him and included a clip from "Jerry McGuire where Tom Cruise tells Renee Zellwiger "You complete me."

Cheney also says that Mike Johnson was pressuring colleagues behind the scene to support Trump in what he was doing.

She writes, "As he [Rep. Mark Green (R, TN)] moved down the line, sigining his name to the pieces of paper [objecting to the electoral ballots], Green said sheepishly to no none in particular, "The things we do for the Orange Jesus."
When they tell you who they are, believe them.

‘Not Just Rhetoric’: Steve Bannon and Kash Patel Warn ‘Morning Joe’ Staff That Trump’s Threats of Revenge Are Real

Former Trump White House adviser and campaign manager Steve Bannon made clear on his influential far-right podcast Tuesday that if returned to office the former president will indeed make good on his promises to punish his critics in the media – using the United States government.

“ Do you feel highly confident that when you go back and, as a senior member of this administration, President Trump’s administration starting in the afternoon of the 20th of January of 2025, do you feel confident that you will be able to deliver the goods that we can have serious prosecutions and accountability?” Bannon asked former Trump Pentagon appointee Kash Patel.

“And I want the Morning Joe producers that watch us and all the producers to watch us – this is just not rhetoric. We’re absolutely dead serious,” Bannon said directly threatening the MSNBC staffers, adding:
We’re not – you cannot have a constitutional republic and allow what these deep staters have done to the country. The deep state, the administrative state, the fourth branch of government never mentioned in the Constitution, is going to be taken apart, brick by brick and the people that did these evil deeds will be held accountable and prosecuted, criminal prosecutions.

Kash, I know you’re probably going to be head of the CIA. But do you believe that you can deliver the goods on this in a pretty short order of the first couple of months so we can get rolling on prosecutions?

“Yes, we got the bench for it, Bannon, and you know, those guys, I’m not going to go out there and say their names right now so the radical left-wing media can terrorize them,” Patel replied, adding:

But, excuse me, the one thing we learned in the Trump administration, the first go around is we got to put in all American patriots top to bottom and we got them for law enforcement, we got them for intel collection, we got them for offensive operations, we got them for DOD, CIA, everywhere.

And the one thing we will do that they never will do is we will follow the facts and the law and go to courts of law and correct these justices and lawyers who have been prosecuting these cases based on politics and actually issuing them as lawfare.

We will go out and find the conspirators, not just in government but in the media. Yes, we’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections.

“We’re going to come after you, whether it’s criminal or civilly, we’ll figure that out . . .
Cheney said she was considering running for president next year as a third-party conservative candidate or on a bipartisan ticket that would include both a Republican and a Democrat. She cited Trump as a threat to democracy and the United States.
Excellent. Hire a lawyer and take them to court. Don't spare any expenses on legal fees. Maybe other libertarians will chip in to support your efforts.

Aren't we being told by the prophets of the "14th Amendment Solution" that the relevant clause in the Amendment is "self-executing"? So, why would he need to do any of that?
Cheney said she was considering running for president next year as a third-party conservative candidate or on a bipartisan ticket that would include both a Republican and a Democrat. She cited Trump as a threat to democracy and the United States.
Is there anyone not running for President next year? Is Joe Exotic throwing his hat in again?
From Statista
In 2024 turn out will matter a lot.

Generation Z
Republican - 17%
Independent - 31%
Democratic - 52%

Republican - 21%
Independent - 27%
Democratic - 52%

Cheney said she was considering running for president next year as a third-party conservative candidate or on a bipartisan ticket that would include both a Republican and a Democrat. She cited Trump as a threat to democracy and the United States.
Is there anyone not running for President next year? Is Joe Exotic throwing his hat in again?

Considering Biden's and Dickhead's polling, she could probably make a good run at it with the right Democrat and a strong bipartisan platform. A bipartisan ticket sounds like what the US needs about now. If it were her and Buttigieg and she wasn't just carrying him around in her pouch, I'd consider voting for the odd couple.
Trump is going to lose in a landslide, but he will take office on inauguration day because proud Murkins like Swiz will take over the Capitol on certification day, and declare Orange Jesus to be Dictator Forever.
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