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The Virus - Are You Affected?

Here's the thing.
IIRC, the Bush administration created a White House level team to monitor the world for this sort of possibilities. And make plans for different scenarios, the way the military does. Because with the global village shrinking so fast with jet travel and such, something like this was virtually inevitable.
Obama kept that team and bolstered it.

Trump got rid of it, apparently because it came from Obama. So our government was caught flat footed when it finally happened.
Here's the thing.
IIRC, the Bush administration created a White House level team to monitor the world for this sort of possibilities. And make plans for different scenarios, the way the military does. Because with the global village shrinking so fast with jet travel and such, something like this was virtually inevitable.
Obama kept that team and bolstered it.

Trump got rid of it, apparently because it came from Obama. So our government was caught flat footed when it finally happened.
The Government could have survived and worked its way through it.... had Trump insisted it wasn't a scam, equating it to the flu and encouraging protests against soft shutdowns.
Here's the thing.
IIRC, the Bush administration created a White House level team to monitor the world for this sort of possibilities. And make plans for different scenarios, the way the military does. Because with the global village shrinking so fast with jet travel and such, something like this was virtually inevitable.
Obama kept that team and bolstered it.

Trump got rid of it, apparently because it came from Obama. So our government was caught flat footed when it finally happened.
The Government could have survived and worked its way through it.... had Trump insisted it wasn't a scam, equating it to the flu and encouraging protests against soft shutdowns.
But Trump does what trumpers (his base) say.
Even if Hillary was president you would still have trumpers not following rules.
Here's the thing.
IIRC, the Bush administration created a White House level team to monitor the world for this sort of possibilities. And make plans for different scenarios, the way the military does. Because with the global village shrinking so fast with jet travel and such, something like this was virtually inevitable.
Obama kept that team and bolstered it.

Trump got rid of it, apparently because it came from Obama. So our government was caught flat footed when it finally happened.
The Government could have survived and worked its way through it.... had Trump insisted it wasn't a scam, equating it to the flu and encouraging protests against soft shutdowns.
But Trump does what trumpers (his base) say.
Even if Hillary was president you would still have trumpers not following rules.

The thing is, had there been the team in place, ready with plans for quarantines and stopping travel immediately and such, we probably wouldn't have reach a point where average Joe is suddenly expected to do weird stuff.
While the President spouts stupid things.

Things just shouldn't have reached this point of disaster.
Here's the thing.
IIRC, the Bush administration created a White House level team to monitor the world for this sort of possibilities. And make plans for different scenarios, the way the military does. Because with the global village shrinking so fast with jet travel and such, something like this was virtually inevitable.
Obama kept that team and bolstered it.

Trump got rid of it, apparently because it came from Obama. So our government was caught flat footed when it finally happened.
The Government could have survived and worked its way through it.... had Trump insisted it wasn't a scam, equating it to the flu and encouraging protests against soft shutdowns.
But Trump does what trumpers (his base) say.
Even if Hillary was president you would still have trumpers not following rules.

That's a good point. The very same people who are not wearing masks currently would be the very people doing the very same thing regardless of who presides in the White House.

NOTE: this does NOT mean a sitting president should take a lackadaisical attitude towards measures to prevent a national health crisis from becoming worse. His attitude was terrible with respect to that and he is rightly criticised for it. Nonetheless, it is a good thing to lay blame at the feet of selfish or deluded individuals rather than imputing the fault entirely to one person who presumably tells millions of people to do what he says and actually forces them to obey because they are all trembling cowardly sheep who are incapable or unwilling to make decisions for themselves.
That insufferable prick of a governor of California Gavin Newsom has announced more restrictive lock down measures right after his non apology for breaking his own fucking rules;

Newsom apologized on Monday, calling his decision to attend the Nov. 6 party with a dozen friends at the pricey French Laundry restaurant north of San Francisco a “bad mistake.” The restaurant is a posh eatery in California's Napa Valley where the cost of its nine-course tasting menu exceeds $300 per person. “I made a bad mistake,” the Democratic governor said. “I should have stood up and … drove back to my house. The spirit of what I’m preaching all the time was contradicted,” he added. “I need to preach and practice, not just preach.” Newsom’s apology came on the same day he imposed new restrictions on residents of the Golden State amid resurging coronavirus cases, including moving many southern counties back into the most restrictive “purple tier.”

The latest restrictions, which take effect on Tuesday, will put 41 of the state’s 51 counties in the strictest of the four-tier system for reopening that is based on virus cases and infection rates.


Newsom, not only an insufferable prick but a fucking hypocrite too. Like Pelosi.
Now, the hypocrisy thing I agree on. But we shouldn't have re-opened in the middle of a surge to begin with, so I'm glad saner minds are prevailing.
Here's the thing.
IIRC, the Bush administration created a White House level team to monitor the world for this sort of possibilities. And make plans for different scenarios, the way the military does. Because with the global village shrinking so fast with jet travel and such, something like this was virtually inevitable.
Obama kept that team and bolstered it.

Trump got rid of it, apparently because it came from Obama. So our government was caught flat footed when it finally happened.
The Government could have survived and worked its way through it.... had Trump insisted it wasn't a scam, equating it to the flu and encouraging protests against soft shutdowns.
But Trump does what trumpers (his base) say.
Even if Hillary was president you would still have trumpers not following rules.
I disagree. You still need to be incited Just because people can be willing to riot, they often need to be incited to do so. Trump pretty much is the guy who loves to light matches. Then Trump's election in '16 gave legitimacy to Trump, i.e. more weight (and a lot more visability) to his statements.

Yes, if we had President Clinton (actually at this point it'd be President Kaine because she would have been impeached had the death toll reached 10,000 Americans), there would have been dumbasses, but the dumbasses very likely could have been quelled by Trump's loss in '16, so the extent of their significance in a Clinton Presidency is really unknown.

looks like infection rate is low but never goes to zero. Are all of these sporadic cases traced to air travel from abroad?

Yeah, pretty much. Here in Queensland it's been 65 days since a case of community transmission, but every couple of days a new case is reported in the quarantined travellers returning from overseas. Victoria has gone three weeks without a new case, but I don't think they are allowing international arrivals at all, so Victorians returning from overseas have to quarantine in Sydney for a fortnight before they can return home. Sydney has almost eradicated community transmission, but it's not yet been long enough to be 100% sure there's not still a case or two lurking out there.

There's a small outbreak in Adelaide, which is now in lockdown; Interstate travel from South Australia is also now severely restricted. The index case there was someone who travelled to SA from Melbourne, at a time when restrictions in Adelaide were practically nonexistent due to zero cases locally.

We've basically got it under control, but need to remain vigilant about testing and quarantine of people coming into the country.
Newsom, not only an insufferable prick but a fucking hypocrite too.

Prolly so. It's common amongst politicians.

But the governor of California doesn't impact things here in southern Indiana as much as Trump. This is serious Trumpistan!

Trump being a hypocritical prick is the problem here. On a national level, huuuuge disaster! The biggest, best plague since the 1600s!
Everybody says so.

Just learned from my mom that my dad died today around 5pm of Covid-19, in a hospital in N. Georgia. He was 81.
Just learned from my mom that my dad died today around 5pm of Covid-19, in a hospital in N. Georgia. He was 81.
You have my deepest sympathies. This has to be very difficult for you.

On the back of liar, liar pants on fire Gavin Newsom comes the news that eight California lawmakers take a trip to Hawaii;

A group of California lawmakers have come under fire for flying to Hawaii for a policy conference despite health officials warning against out-of-state travel amid an alarming spike in coronavirus cases. At least seven assemblymembers and one state senator from districts around California are among the 75 people attending this week's conference hosted by the Independent Voter Project (IVP) at the five-star Fairmont Kea Lani Hotel in Wailea, Maui, according to the Los Angeles Times. Several of those legislators have now come out to defend their decision to ignore California's travel warnings - arguing that their attending the conference was important because it includes discussions about pandemic policies.


Hundreds of thousands of people thrown out of work and probably permanent poverty, thousands of small businesses lost for good and these cunts are taking the piss. Fuck them and their lockdown.
On the back of liar, liar pants on fire Gavin Newsom comes the news that eight California lawmakers take a trip to Hawaii;

A group of California lawmakers have come under fire for flying to Hawaii for a policy conference despite health officials warning against out-of-state travel amid an alarming spike in coronavirus cases. At least seven assemblymembers and one state senator from districts around California are among the 75 people attending this week's conference hosted by the Independent Voter Project (IVP) at the five-star Fairmont Kea Lani Hotel in Wailea, Maui, according to the Los Angeles Times. Several of those legislators have now come out to defend their decision to ignore California's travel warnings - arguing that their attending the conference was important because it includes discussions about pandemic policies.


Hundreds of thousands of people thrown out of work and probably permanent poverty, thousands of small businesses lost for good and these cunts are taking the piss. Fuck them and their lockdown.

Ah yes, criticising people in government for conferring with each other, with no context of how or whether these people are doing their best to be responsible as they go about it. Disingenuous much?

As it is, it is not these officials taking steps to prevent relief efforts to prevent said poverty.

Maybe look in a mirror?
Stay home - save lives
Wear a mask - save lives.

Fuck off, they don't get to scold and shame me. Fuck them.
Stay home - save lives
Wear a mask - save lives.

Fuck off, they don't get to scold and shame me. Fuck them.

People are fucking dying, and you're being an asshole about it because you're offended by a few inches of fabric. That is a fair thing to criticize.
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