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The Virus - Are You Affected?

Why on earth do old people like Trump so much? Like, I'm gay so I don't vote Republican; they want to kill me, so I don't vote for them. It's a straightforward logical thing, at least so I thought. But when guys like McClintock, above, say "we should kill 6% of our elderly people and refuse so much as to give them healthcare", old folks are like, yay, kill me!!! It seems completely illogical to me who Trump's base are.

'Tis a wonder alright. The TrumpTrance dance is akin to the behavior of an animal infected with a parasite that causes the animal to to expose itself to a predator that spreads the parasite when they ingest the insect...
Ain't nature great?

Meet Leucochloridium paradoxum, a parasite better known as the “zombie snail” worm. This colorful little guy gets into snails, takes control of it, mimics a caterpillar or maggot, and directs the snail to an exposed area so that a bird will eat it.


This is a great analog to the Trump voter in general, and elderly ones in particular. The amazing thing is that the eyes grow back, and the cycle repeats itself - just like two-time Trump voters!
ITT some people don't understand that activities people do in public after 10:00 or so are generally of a format likely to transmit infection. Mostly, this involves drinking at bars, dancing, and sitting in theaters close to each other.

DANCING ! *gasp and clutches at pearls* Oh the humanity !!

Gavin Newsom didn't understand any of that when he was caught breaking these rules when attending a $300 a head birthday celebration at French Laundry. Nor did the California lawmakers when they decided to take a trip to Hawaii (and don't forget Pelosi and her hairdresser visit). But of course it's not about understanding things, it's about not believing their own bullshit, doing what suits them and then scolding and wagging their fingers at the plebs.
Oh ffs, that insufferable prick and rank hypocrite governor of California is trying to set curfews on most of California.


Of course, Newsom did not have the balls to make this announcement himself. Nor was the "science and data" provided as explanation as to why these curfews were going in to effect. Am I to assume that covid becomes more potent after 10:00pm ?

California Congressman Tom McClintock praises Gavin Newsom’s French Laundry visit

ITT some people don't understand that activities people do in public after 10:00 or so are generally of a format likely to transmit infection. Mostly, this involves drinking at bars, dancing, and sitting in theaters close to each other.

In my experience, here in Jesustan, Indiana, the best place to get C19 is church. I'm pretty sure that's where my mother-in-law got it.
But when guys like McClintock, above, say "we should kill 6% of our elderly people and refuse so much as to give them healthcare", old folks are like, yay, kill me!!!

It wasn't McClintock who put covid infected patients into old people's homes. Keep in mind that roughly 50% of deaths (in California anyway and I believe other states) were in long care facilities where they should have been protected before you go running off at the mouth.

What are you talking about? You have opposed literally every measure so far enacted to contain the spread of the disease. The governor did not "put people" into senior care facilities, that was where they already lived. Presumably their families put them there. The only thing they were put in is massive risk due to morons like yourself and McClintock willingly spreading the virus.
ITT some people don't understand that activities people do in public after 10:00 or so are generally of a format likely to transmit infection. Mostly, this involves drinking at bars, dancing, and sitting in theaters close to each other.

DANCING ! *gasp and clutches at pearls* Oh the humanity !!

Gavin Newsom didn't understand any of that when he was caught breaking these rules when attending a $300 a head birthday celebration at French Laundry. Nor did the California lawmakers when they decided to take a trip to Hawaii (and don't forget Pelosi and her hairdresser visit). But of course it's not about understanding things, it's about not believing their own bullshit, doing what suits them and then scolding and wagging their fingers at the plebs.

So you disagree with McClintock, and feel that attending group functions is dangerous and irresponsible?
What are you talking about?

I am talking about the abject failure to protect the elderly in long term care facilities. 50% of deaths across the board occurred in long term care facilities. Meanwhile Newsom and his cronies fuss about standing on the beach.

So you disagree with McClintock, and feel that attending group functions is dangerous and irresponsible?

Behave yourself.
What are you talking about?

I am talking about the abject failure to protect the elderly in long term care facilities. 50% of deaths across the board occurred in long term care facilities. Meanwhile Newsom and his cronies fuss about standing on the beach.

So you disagree with McClintock, and feel that attending group functions is dangerous and irresponsible?

Behave yourself.

He tried... you morons refused to mask up, social distance, and wash your hands. What exactly are you suggesting should have been done instead?
Oh ffs, that insufferable prick and rank hypocrite governor of California is trying to set curfews on most of California.

Gov. Gavin Newsom has ordered a curfew for all California counties in the purple tier amid climbing coronavirus cases. The curfew will affect 41 of the state's 58 counties -- and more than 94 percent of the state's population. The curfew, which the state is calling a "limited Stay at Home Order," stops short of a full lockdown. It will be in effect from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. starting Saturday. The restrictions between those hours will be similar to the stay-at-home order that was in effect in March. That means all non-essential work, movement and gatherings will have to stop in all purple tier counties.


Of course, Newsom did not have the balls to make this announcement himself. Nor was the "science and data" provided as explanation as to why these curfews were going in to effect. Am I to assume that covid becomes more potent after 10:00pm ?

Tom McClintock said:
Mr. Speaker:

I rise this morning in defense of Governor Gavin Newsom who recently defied his own idiotic Covid edicts as he partied at one of the few restaurants that he has not yet forced out of business. I defend him because he was doing what we all once did in a free society: make our own decisions over what risks we are willing to run and what precautions we are willing to take according to our own circumstances to protect our own health.

Yes, Covid is a nasty bug and a quarter of a million Americans have died while having it. But this isn’t the Bubonic Plague. The CDC’s best estimate is that if you are under 49, your chance for surviving Covid – it you get it – is 99.92 percent. Even for those over 70 the survival rate is 94.6 percent.

California Congressman Tom McClintock praises Gavin Newsom’s French Laundry visit

Doesn't the fact that the red states have far higher Covid rates than blue states say there's something to the measures they are enacting? Or don't you care about deaths.
ITT some people don't understand that activities people do in public after 10:00 or so are generally of a format likely to transmit infection. Mostly, this involves drinking at bars, dancing, and sitting in theaters close to each other.

DANCING ! *gasp and clutches at pearls* Oh the humanity !!

Gavin Newsom didn't understand any of that when he was caught breaking these rules when attending a $300 a head birthday celebration at French Laundry. Nor did the California lawmakers when they decided to take a trip to Hawaii (and don't forget Pelosi and her hairdresser visit). But of course it's not about understanding things, it's about not believing their own bullshit, doing what suits them and then scolding and wagging their fingers at the plebs.

We don't know the details on the birthday.

I've already addressed the Hawaii issue--it means testing or quarantine. By holding the meeting there it greatly reduces the chance there's someone infected there.

And Pelosi was a victim. It's reasonable to trust the people who should know the rules actually know them. We do that all the time, especially when it's licensed professions.
What are you talking about?

I am talking about the abject failure to protect the elderly in long term care facilities. 50% of deaths across the board occurred in long term care facilities. Meanwhile Newsom and his cronies fuss about standing on the beach.

So you disagree with McClintock, and feel that attending group functions is dangerous and irresponsible?

Behave yourself.

It spreads like wildfire through care homes when some plague rat infects one of the workers.
What are you talking about?

I am talking about the abject failure to protect the elderly in long term care facilities.

And exactly how do you propose that while the disease is spreading unmitigated among the population at large? It's not like we can evacuate them to Mars until this thing is over, or can we? You do understand that care facilities have nurses, cooks, cleaners, who in turn have kids who go to school and spouses and lovers working in other sectors, right? Right??? Should those family members be sent along on the trip to Mars, or would you rather the nurses don't get to see their families for anything between half a year and 2 years?
Two days in quarantine with my partner and his mom.
I called my boss and begged her to let me come in.
She agreed.

It's volunteering and I have to stay out in the warehouse, away from any human contact. I told her I'd be there Monday at noon. Then I told Doug about it. He's coming in with me. We're going to fix broken power wheelchairs.
So the 10:00pm curfew put in place by the insufferable prick governor of California, Gavin Newsom is proving to be ineffective. Most county sheriffs are saying they will not enforce it. Interesting that our local Target store was open until 11:00pm last night.
I went out yesterday evening to pick up food. Town center was pretty busy and most people were walking around not wearing masks. Me neither of course.
I can confirm. People are ignoring the orders casually, and there is no observable penalty for doing so. People are dying in large numbers, and others are intentionally spreading the pathogen in a misguided belief that doing so somehow protects their "freedoms". In short, we're fucked. If it's this bad in the most "liberal" region of California, I can only imagine what Trump country looks like right now. This virus is going to with us for years, not months.
So the 10:00pm curfew put in place by the insufferable prick governor of California, Gavin Newsom is proving to be ineffective. Most county sheriffs are saying they will not enforce it. Interesting that our local Target store was open until 11:00pm last night.
I went out yesterday evening to pick up food. Town center was pretty busy and most people were walking around not wearing masks. Me neither of course.

The problem is that Trump supporters don't think that laws apply to them.
Got it.

If you got hit by a drunk driver on your way home afterwards, would you agree that laws don't apply to anyone here in the USA?
Oh ffs, the control freaks in LA county have banned in person dining from Wednesday. Again no “science or data” presented for justification of such dumb and arbitrary diktat. Protests in various parts of California took place over the weekend, masks burned etc.
Oh ffs, the control freaks in LA county have banned in person dining from Wednesday. Again no “science or data” presented for justification of such dumb and arbitrary diktat. Protests in various parts of California took place over the weekend, masks burned etc.

You really need a scientist to explain why public communal eating during a pandemic surge is a dangerous idea?
Put a pile of groceries over at my mom's empty house today for my daughter to use for the week with a friend as their college campus is kicking all the students out until next Sunday.

Why the fuck can't the kids just stay on campus? All the experts are warning of a country-wide super-spreader for Thanksgiving but the colleges aren't even giving people a choice to be safe.

We are lucky as shit to have a spare house at the moment.
Oh ffs, the control freaks in LA county have banned in person dining from Wednesday. Again no “science or data” presented for justification of such dumb and arbitrary diktat. Protests in various parts of California took place over the weekend, masks burned etc.

Of course the news doesn't present the science or data--it's far too complex for a newscast. It's not dumb or arbitrary, dining in is a substantial risk factor, along with bars and large indoor gatherings (ie, religious services.)
Put a pile of groceries over at my mom's empty house today for my daughter to use for the week with a friend as their college campus is kicking all the students out until next Sunday.

Why the fuck can't the kids just stay on campus? All the experts are warning of a country-wide super-spreader for Thanksgiving but the colleges aren't even giving people a choice to be safe.

We are lucky as shit to have a spare house at the moment.

Cheaper for them than paying people to work on the holiday.

Never mind the death toll, that doesn't come out of their pocket.
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