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The Virus - Are You Affected?

It's known that almost all tests have some false negatives. There's some tricks to get a rough estimate how many. For example, there could be people who got tested because they had contact with a confirmed case. If they test negative and a few days or a week later they actually developed symptoms and test positive when tested again, one plausible explanation is that they where already infected at the time of the first test. Of course in any individual case we'll never know, they might actually have gotten infected later. But if there are many such cases were can draw statistical conclusions - if people with good reason to suspect they got infected but a negative initial test get positive within the next two weeks st substantially higher rates than the general population, a high (-ish) rate of false negatives survives as the only plausible explanation.
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So, the question is "how are you affected"

I am employed in software, in a fairly crisis-secure though not super well-paying position.

My partner is self-employed in tourism.

We have a child who is now one and a half.

We had a plan that I would reduce my hours to maybe 75% full-time, possibly less during the summer high season, so that she I could spend more time with the child while she'd get her business back into business.

Now there is no business in tourism and I'm essentially a single earner, so we're sneakily slipping into much more of a traditional role partition than we ever intended for our family
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Heading to a cutting (horse) competition today.
The first two shows of the season were cancelled, as was most practice.
My horse will almost certainly be borderline out of control "cow fresh". Oh well... still fun.
I was convinced I had had it. Got tested. Negative. Turns out I was probably just overworked from work

Reports out of Germany suggest up to a fifth false negative test results among the people carrying the virus.

How do they know the people who tested negative are secretly positive?

Studies do a second test to confirm. Here's one that looked at several studies.

Variation in False-Negative Rate of Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction–Based SARS-CoV-2 Tests by Time Since Exposure | Annals of Internal Medicine

False negative rate depends on the days since infection.

Over the 4 days of infection before the typical time of symptom onset (day 5), the probability of a false-negative result in an infected person decreases from 100% (95% CI, 100% to 100%) on day 1 to 67% (CI, 27% to 94%) on day 4. On the day of symptom onset, the median false-negative rate was 38% (CI, 18% to 65%). This decreased to 20% (CI, 12% to 30%) on day 8 (3 days after symptom onset) then began to increase again, from 21% (CI, 13% to 31%) on day 9 to 66% (CI, 54% to 77%) on day 21.

It would also depend on the specific test used of course.
I'm sure that this will seem trivial to many but at the moment I'm trying to figure out what to do for summer vacation. We always go to our house we have in Maine. But Maine has implemented a 14 day quarantine for people arriving from out of state. They will wave the quarantine if one has a negative test result within 72 hours of arrival in Maine but in Massachusetts one can't get tested without either showing symptoms or prescription from a PCP for a valid medical reason.

The Governor of Maine has said that Maine will establish testing locations for out of staters if they can't get a test in their own state but they haven't implemented it and I'm hard pressed to imagine that Maine will be able to test the number of people who want to visit. I expect that the number of people who visit Maine in the summer is on the order of 4x Maine's total population.

We could possibly go to our house and quarantine for 14 days if I work the 14 days and then vacation after 14 days are up. We could get my wife's sister or cousin to food shop for us. But then our issues are being away from my mom in assisted living for such a long time.

At this point Maine should drop the quarantine for people in southern New England as our new new positive test results are getting really low. It's the southern red states and the west who are the risks now.
I'm sure that this will seem trivial to many but at the moment I'm trying to figure out what to do for summer vacation. We always go to our house we have in Maine. But Maine has implemented a 14 day quarantine for people arriving from out of state. They will wave the quarantine if one has a negative test result within 72 hours of arrival in Maine but in Massachusetts one can't get tested without either showing symptoms or prescription from a PCP for a valid medical reason.
It's ridiculous not to allow testing of anyone who wants it.

However, it's not at all difficult to say "I have a dry cough and I think I might have a slightly elevated temperature". So getting a test shouldn't be too difficult.
The Governor of Maine has said that Maine will establish testing locations for out of staters if they can't get a test in their own state but they haven't implemented it and I'm hard pressed to imagine that Maine will be able to test the number of people who want to visit. I expect that the number of people who visit Maine in the summer is on the order of 4x Maine's total population.

We could possibly go to our house and quarantine for 14 days if I work the 14 days and then vacation after 14 days are up. We could get my wife's sister or cousin to food shop for us. But then our issues are being away from my mom in assisted living for such a long time.

At this point Maine should drop the quarantine for people in southern New England as our new new positive test results are getting really low. It's the southern red states and the west who are the risks now.

Nowhere should drop their quarantine until new cases in the region of origin are ZERO, and have been for at least two weeks.

Seriously. That's what quarantine IS.
I learned my boss is something of a covidiot--he doesn't believe in transmission without symptoms.
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">it's like a youtube comments section come to life <a href="https://t.co/b2AbN6GHBM">pic.twitter.com/b2AbN6GHBM</a></p>— jordan (@JordanUhl) <a href="https://twitter.com/JordanUhl/status/1275889418402922498?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 24, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]

Jesus fucking christ, these people are dense.
I'm sure that this will seem trivial to many but at the moment I'm trying to figure out what to do for summer vacation. We always go to our house we have in Maine. But Maine has implemented a 14 day quarantine for people arriving from out of state. They will wave the quarantine if one has a negative test result within 72 hours of arrival in Maine but in Massachusetts one can't get tested without either showing symptoms or prescription from a PCP for a valid medical reason.

The Governor of Maine has said that Maine will establish testing locations for out of staters if they can't get a test in their own state but they haven't implemented it and I'm hard pressed to imagine that Maine will be able to test the number of people who want to visit. I expect that the number of people who visit Maine in the summer is on the order of 4x Maine's total population.

We could possibly go to our house and quarantine for 14 days if I work the 14 days and then vacation after 14 days are up. We could get my wife's sister or cousin to food shop for us. But then our issues are being away from my mom in assisted living for such a long time.

At this point Maine should drop the quarantine for people in southern New England as our new new positive test results are getting really low. It's the southern red states and the west who are the risks now.

Where I got tested in Copenhagen the throughput was extremely high. It was in a temporary building/tent away from the hospital. Everything there was cheap. If they do it that way I think it's practically possible to temporarily push up testing speed to almost any number no matter the location. The bottleneck isn't the testing facility. Nor is it testing staff (it's quick to train testing staff). It's the lab and lab time. But the lab doesn't need to be close to the testing facility. They can send the samples anywhere.

I don't think them finding ways to test people will be a problem. If there's a queue to get tested it's because they want there to be a queue for political reasons, ie making it hard on purpose.
[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">it's like a youtube comments section come to life <a href="https://t.co/b2AbN6GHBM">pic.twitter.com/b2AbN6GHBM</a></p>— jordan (@JordanUhl) <a href="https://twitter.com/JordanUhl/status/1275889418402922498?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 24, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]

Wow! These people are friggin nuts!
Jebus Christ! I'm hoping those were four completely insane idiots among dozens of people that raised valid points.
Now these are going around.


'Freedom to Breathe Agency' Masks Exemption Cards Are Fake—How to Tell

A Facebook group dubbed the Freedom to Breathe Agency, or FTBA, is promoting fake face mask exemption cards featuring an eagle image reminiscent of the Department of Justice seal. Images of the laminated cards began circling social media on Wednesday and have been deemed fraudulent by the DOJ

The white cards, intended to prevent business owners from denying service to those without face masks, feature a red banner stamped with the words, "Face Mask Exempt Card," and includes the DOJ ADA Violation reporting number and the DOJ seal. The bottom corner of the card depicts the group's logo, an eagle above the FTBA's website.
Now these are going around.

View attachment 28368

'Freedom to Breathe Agency' Masks Exemption Cards Are Fake—How to Tell

A Facebook group dubbed the Freedom to Breathe Agency, or FTBA, is promoting fake face mask exemption cards featuring an eagle image reminiscent of the Department of Justice seal. Images of the laminated cards began circling social media on Wednesday and have been deemed fraudulent by the DOJ

The white cards, intended to prevent business owners from denying service to those without face masks, feature a red banner stamped with the words, "Face Mask Exempt Card," and includes the DOJ ADA Violation reporting number and the DOJ seal. The bottom corner of the card depicts the group's logo, an eagle above the FTBA's website.
How to tell? Ask them how to spell 'poses,' for one.
Do such cards typically say 'you'? I would expect third person. More like, 'Individuals or organizations which violate this bullshit face penalties not to exceed a gahzillion buckaroos.'

Plus, all i have to do, as a business owner, is make AN accomodation for your horrible burden. Like having an associate shop for you and bring it to your car. Nothing in the ADA says i have to put my employees at risk for your snowflaking.
I ponder what federal laws this violates.

The other thing to do that'd be fun would be to take it, hold it up to the light and shake your head. I'm sorry, this is a fraudulent card because it doesn't have the hologram in it.

Meanwhile, the DoJ says it isn't real. When Trump hears of it, will he call Barr to authorize it?
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