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The Virus - Are You Affected?

Man spits on oranges. Store owner gets revenge.

Owner/manager/worker (?) isn't wearing a mask. Is this dated?

Also, I have no idea what is being said.
It doesn''t matter.


European football is doing just fine without drunks throwing obscenities and fecal matter on the sidelines.

What matters is the game.

Fans are just there to let off steam and kill each other.

Now we have group video apps so fans can see each other acting badly.

Much more interesting than professionals demonstrating great skill.

"Oh look! Johnny is acting out again."

"Lock Orange up"
It doesn''t matter.


European football is doing just fine without drunks throwing obscenities and fecal matter on the sidelines.

What matters is the game.

Fans are just there to let off steam and kill each other.

Now we have group video apps so fans can see each other acting badly.

Much more interesting than professionals demonstrating great skill.

"Oh look! Johnny is acting out again."

"Lock Orange up"
Based on the Covd-19 cases in the NBA, MLS, college sports, etc... in the US, I can't see how they can make sports work. They didn't start this in Europe until well down the curve. We are accelerating in the up position in the US.

Things are getting so desperate, Americans will probably start watching cricket soon!

Person A: Dude, you catch that West Indies v England test cricket match?
Person B: Naw, I meant to but I got pulled away on something else.
Person A: That's a shame, it was awesome!
Person B: What happened?
Person A: I have no idea. Every once in a while the guy throwing the ball yells and screams and looks backwards... and when the umpire makes a 1 signal the team goes ape shit.
Person B: Man, wish I caught that. Did those blinking lights go off.
Person A: Oh yeah! That happened a few times. Blinking lights are the best part of cricket!
ESPN airs the cornhole league, so I'm good.
Oh ffs, now West Hollywood are going to ticket people for not wearing a mask when out in public;

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department West Hollywood Station said Wednesday it would start citing people for not wearing face coverings. The department said it took the step after receiving a number of complaints about people not wearing face coverings in West Hollywood. According to the statement, deputies have been educating people on the importance of face coverings since the first public health order and would start issuing the $250 citations this month following Gov. Gavin Newsom’s June 18 order requiring them statewide. The second offense will come with a $1,000 fine, the third a $2,000 fine. If caught a fourth time without a mask, the person will be hit with a $5,000 fine. Each of the non-criminal administrative citations also come with a $50 processing fee.

CBS News

No doubt some finger wagging busybody making a complaint. What a strange place Los Angeles is. The homeless shit in the street causing a very real health hazard and there are no consequences for them but a jogger out for a run in the middle of the night is going to get hassled about a mask. If not from the sheriff department but a Karen type. Yeah, time to defund the police.
More than 11,000 children test positive for coronavirus in Florida

(WTXL) — As the Florida Department of Education mandates that public K-12 schools must open in August, thousands of children in Florida are continuing to test positive for COVID-19.

According to the Florida Department of Health's latest data, more than 11,000 children under 18 have tested positive for coronavirus since the pandemic began in March.

Of the 11,515 kids who tested positive, the majority of those cases stem from four Florida counties: Broward, Dade, Palm Beach and Hillsborough.

So far, three children, a 17-year-old boy in Pasco County, a 16-year-old girl in Lee County, and an 11-year-old boy in Miami-Dade County, have died from the virus.

'I thought this was a hoax': Patient in their 30s dies after attending 'COVID party'

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (WOAI/KABB) – A patient in their 30s died from the coronavirus after attending what is known as a “COVID party,” according to health care officials.

Chief Medical Officer of Methodist Healthcare Dr. Jane Appleby said the idea of these parties is to see if the virus is real.

“This is a party held by somebody diagnosed by the COVID virus and the thought is to see if the virus is real and to see if anyone gets infected,” Dr. Appleby said.

According to Appleby, the patient became critically ill and had a heartbreaking statement moments before death.

“Just before the patient died, they looked at their nurse and said ‘I think I made a mistake, I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not,’” Appleby said.

And another one...

Fox News Faces Lawsuit For Calling COVID-19 A ‘Hoax’

In a lawsuit filed by a nonprofit group, Washington League for Increased Transparency and Ethics (WASHLITE), Fox News has been accused of violating Washington State’s Consumer Protection Act by falsely stating in February and March broadcasts that the novel coronavirus was a hoax, downplaying the crisis in a way that potentially undermined efforts to slow the spread of the disease. While many might dismiss this lawsuit in the same manner that Fox News has, it presents interesting questions of law for news outlets.

The lawsuit, originally reported on by the Times of San Diego last week, is proceeding under the Washington State Consumer Protection Act (CPA), which provides: “Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce are hereby declared unlawful.” That Act permits injunctive relief and payment of a civil penalty for violations. Notably, the Act has a reference to television broadcasting stations saying that it does not apply to those entities that distribute information “in good faith without knowledge of its false, deceptive or misleading character.”
Fox News Faces Lawsuit For Calling COVID-19 A ‘Hoax’

In a lawsuit filed by a nonprofit group, Washington League for Increased Transparency and Ethics (WASHLITE), Fox News has been accused of violating Washington State’s Consumer Protection Act by falsely stating in February and March broadcasts that the novel coronavirus was a hoax, downplaying the crisis in a way that potentially undermined efforts to slow the spread of the disease. While many might dismiss this lawsuit in the same manner that Fox News has, it presents interesting questions of law for news outlets.

The lawsuit, originally reported on by the Times of San Diego last week, is proceeding under the Washington State Consumer Protection Act (CPA), which provides: “Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce are hereby declared unlawful.” That Act permits injunctive relief and payment of a civil penalty for violations. Notably, the Act has a reference to television broadcasting stations saying that it does not apply to those entities that distribute information “in good faith without knowledge of its false, deceptive or misleading character.”
I think that's called "absent malice." Faux is anything but.
Can you be medically exempt from wearing a face mask?

According to the CDC, "cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance."

Beyond that, every state has its own guidelines regarding the wearing of face coverings. In California, the state's Department of Public Health gives mask exemptions to “persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering." This includes “persons with a medical condition for whom wearing a face covering could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a face covering without assistance.” In New York City, you don’t have to wear a face covering if you have “a health issue that makes you unable to tolerate [one].”

But here's where it gets tricky: None of the health agencies specify any health conditions that would constitute a mask exemption—and some health professionals don't believe these stated, unspecific exemptions for surgical masks or cloth face coverings are necessary. "There are no known medical conditions aside from a severe skin condition [like a very severe burn that needs medical attention] on your face that would prevent a person from wearing this type of mask,” David Kaufman, MD, pulmonologist and director of the medical ICU at Tisch Hospital, tells Health. “If you can wear a scarf to keep your face warm in the winter, you can wear a mask to prevent the spread of disease.”
The Virus: Are you affected?

Husband's job at a small [less then 20 employees] machine manufacturer (as in, they manufacture machines that other companies buy & use to make things) is struggling a bit due to shutdown; his hours and pay have just been reduced by 20%. (He now works 4 days each week instead of 5.)

Two other employees were furloughed (only working ONE day/week, to still qualify for insurance, etc). They kept Husband on cuz he was willing to travel to customers locations to do installations and repairs. Good, but stressful cuz, of course, travel has increased risk of exposure to COVID.

I'm not directly affected, but my neighbor has lost a cousin to the virus and she has several other members of her extended family who are infected. They are younger. So far they aren't too sick. She hasn't been around any of these people in months. However, living in a conservative town, most of the white people here don't bother to do a thing to protect themselves or others from COVID. They refuse to wear masks. They have parties, eat in crowded restaurants, and some even go to church. Cases have been rising very quickly over the past two weeks, but that doesn't seem to be changing anyone's behavior. I will say this. We try to only go to the grocery store between 7 and 8:30. That's when the more intelligent shoppers go. They wear masks and are considerate of each other's space. Our black citizens are also usually more considerate, but they are almost all Democrats and our damn president has politicized this virus. Stupid is as stupid does.

One more rant. People keep saying that not as many people are dying. So the fuck what. Many only survive after long hospitalizations, and long recovery times at home. This is more common among those who are obese, or who have other under lying conditions, but it's not rare even among fairly healthy youngish people. Plus, the carelessness of these idiots is putting a terrible burden on the health care system. Some nurses are so stressed out that they are about to walk out. Health care workers are again experiencing shortages of PPE, so fuck all of those who aren't willing to respect the health care providers and their fellow citizens by wearing a mask when out and about, avoiding crowds and limiting the number of people who you spend time with on a daily basis.
Scans Reveal Heart Damage in Over Half of COVID-19 Patients in Study

A study on heart scans of COVID-19 patients has revealed more than half had some form of damage.

The study involved 1,216 patients, of whom 813 had been diagnosed with COVID-19, and 298 were deemed probable cases. Due to the design of the study, the remaining 105 were assumed to have COVID-19, the co-authors told Newsweek. The participants were from 69 countries across six continents. They each had an echocardiogram, a type of ultrasound scan for the heart, between April 3 and 20.

Of the total 1,216 patients, 667 (55 percent) had abnormalities in their scan and one in seven participants had what researchers described as "severe abnormalities," according to the paper published in the journal European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging.
Scans Reveal Heart Damage in Over Half of COVID-19 Patients in Study

A study on heart scans of COVID-19 patients has revealed more than half had some form of damage.

The study involved 1,216 patients, of whom 813 had been diagnosed with COVID-19, and 298 were deemed probable cases. Due to the design of the study, the remaining 105 were assumed to have COVID-19, the co-authors told Newsweek. The participants were from 69 countries across six continents. They each had an echocardiogram, a type of ultrasound scan for the heart, between April 3 and 20.

Of the total 1,216 patients, 667 (55 percent) had abnormalities in their scan and one in seven participants had what researchers described as "severe abnormalities," according to the paper published in the journal European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging.

COVID-19 Autopsy Study Finds Blood Clots in 'Almost Every Organ', Pathologist Says

The autopsy study also showed the noteworthy appearance of large bone-marrow cells called megakaryocytes. Rapkiewicz said these cells "usually don't circulate outside the bones and lungs".

"We found them in the heart and the kidneys and the liver and other organs," she told CNN. "Notably in the heart, megakaryocytes produce something called platelets that are intimately involved in blood clotting."
Oh ffs, that insufferable prick Newsom is determined to destroy the California economy, aided by the equally moronic mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti who is "on the brink of issuing a total shutdown of LA County".
My father, who was in a nursing home, suddenly passed away a month shy of his 80th birthday. At the time he hadn't been suffering from any COVID19 symptoms, though he had had pneumonia back in January. His body was not tested, so I don't know if he died from it. I'm not sure if it would be possible for him to pass away without overt symptoms, though blood clotting is a major symptom and he had suffered a massive heart attack about ten years ago from a thrown clot and he never really recovered from that. After he passed I found out that multiple people died from COVID19 in the following weeks at his nursing home. I will likely never know the true cause of death...
Four more students reporting infections. One who had previously contacted me has disappeared, do not know their fate. I'm VERY glad not to be on the physical campus right now.

The anti-Newsom crowd have completely lost their collective fucking minds, and are overtly trying to kill us all.
Oh ffs, that insufferable prick Newsom is determined to destroy the California economy, aided by the equally moronic mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti who is "on the brink of issuing a total shutdown of LA County".

Before throwing stones like "insufferable prick" and "moronic" about with such gay abandon, you should perhaps have noted that your current house is extensively glazed.
Oh ffs, that insufferable prick Newsom is determined to destroy the California economy, aided by the equally moronic mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti who is "on the brink of issuing a total shutdown of LA County".

Dead people don't have much of an economy.

And we can save both the people and the economy if we get serious about masks.
Michigan man refused service for not wearing mask stabs customer, is fatally shot by deputy

A Michigan man refused service for not wearing a mask amid the coronavirus pandemic early Tuesday morning stabbed another customer before he was shot to death by a sheriff's deputy, police said.

Sean Ernest Ruis, 43, walked into Quality Dairy in Windsor Township — just outside Lansing and 100 miles west of Detroit — at about 6:45 a.m. without wearing a mask.

A 77-year-old customer asked Ruis to cover his face and the store refused service before asking him to leave, Michigan State Police said in a statement. He then stabbed that customer who asked him to put on a mask, authorities said.

An Eaton County Sheriff's deputy pulled over Ruis on a residential street in neighboring Delta Township at 7:13 a.m., leading to the brief, fatal encounter official said.

"The suspect immediately exits his vehicle and walks towards the deputy with a knife in hand to attack the deputy," according to a statement from state police. "The deputy attempted to increase distance by backing up and subsequently shot and injured the suspect. The suspect was transported to a local hospital and died during surgery."
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