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The World-O-Meter Thread


You have to turn on the forecast, by default it's off. This lets you run forward and backwards in time.

Ha! The Mayo Clinic (weird name, were Bacon Clinic and Cheeseburger Clinic already taken?) forecast shows metro Atlanta going down in the next 2 weeks. At the same time, yes, they think Michigan will get worse. That place is pretty fucked up. I mean, there aren't many cities run more incompetently than Detroit. Not even NYC under Bill deBlowjob.

It's a person's name. And do you not realize the Mayo Clinic is considered one of the best medical places in the country?

That's okay. He probably thinks the Cleveland Clinic was named after a cartoon tv show.
Back up over 80k cases yesterday for the first time since Feb 26.
NY tops the daily list again (so much for "herd immunity") with MI right behind, then the usual suspects FL, TX, PA, NJ ...

The "bumpy plateau" that Derec predicted in November has finally arrived - unless this is the start of another surge.
The prediction that "the other Easter" would see 7-day averages for new cases below 15k looks like yet another pipe dream.
I am resigned to the fact that anti-vaxers/anti-maskers are determined to keep a huge reservoir of coronavirus alive in the human population, so endless variants are an inevitability.
At this point, broad spectrum treatments/cures are probably the only developments that could enable a full return to anything resembling pre-pandemic normal.

And they wonder why conservatives are such great failures at comedy.

That's harsh. Derec made a good joke. He said "I'm not a conservative".
Back up over 80k cases yesterday for the first time since Feb 26.
NY tops the daily list again (so much for "herd immunity") with MI right behind, then the usual suspects FL, TX, PA, NJ ...

Texas is actually pretty low compared to its population, just above 10 cases per day per 100,000.
Compare with Michigan, at almost 90 per 100,000.
What is Gretchen (parents big Faust fans or what?) Whitmer doing wrong?

The "bumpy plateau" that Derec predicted in November has finally arrived - unless this is the start of another surge.
I predicted a bumpy plateau from December through early January, followed by steep drop. Which actually occurred. The bumps there were very big due to Christmas reporting delays.

Now we are in another bumpy plateau it seems and I think it will likewise give way to a steep decline in 1.5-2 weeks time.

The prediction that "the other Easter" would see 7-day averages for new cases below 15k looks like yet another pipe dream.
It is certainly too early to tell. If we get the same steep decline as we got after the December-January plateau, we will definitely go below that number.
I think that is very likely, given the rapid vaccine deployment.

I am resigned to the fact that anti-vaxers/anti-maskers are determined to keep a huge reservoir of coronavirus alive in the human population, so endless variants are an inevitability.
Endless is quite an exaggeration. Anti-vaxxers are not yet a factor, as idiotic as they are. When we cross the 60% vaccination mark, they will matter somewhat but by that time we will have likely reached full herd immunity (natural + vaccine immunity).

At this point, broad spectrum treatments/cures are probably the only developments that could enable a full return to anything resembling pre-pandemic normal.

Vaccines are very effective even against variants. You give them way too little credit.

That's harsh. Derec made a good joke. He said "I'm not a conservative".
I am genuinely not. I have rather liberal views on most issues, just not leftist views. And this board skews hard left, even explicitly illiberal left (type specimen: Toni).
Texas is actually pretty low compared to its population, just above 10 cases per day per 100,000.
Compare with Michigan, at almost 90 per 100,000.
What is Gretchen (parents big Faust fans or what?) Whitmer doing wrong?

When Gretchen wanted to do the right thing the people of her state marched on the Capitol and threatened to kidnap her. Her legislature hasn’t done her any favors either so I think it’s a tad unfair to put the blame solely on her.
Texas is actually pretty low compared to its population, just above 10 cases per day per 100,000.
Compare with Michigan, at almost 90 per 100,000.
What is Gretchen (parents big Faust fans or what?) Whitmer doing wrong?

When Gretchen wanted to do the right thing the people of her state marched on the Capitol and threatened to kidnap her. Her legislature hasn’t done her any favors either so I think it’s a tad unfair to put the blame solely on her.

Yes Gretchen has been hand-tied by the Repugs.
On the brighter side, here's today's header ad at the World-o-Meters site.
Apparently deaths are down - they're having sales on coffins.

wom header.JPG
I thought cremations were through the roof.

I have read that it's increased huge amounts during the pandemic. Don't have stats handy. But it makes sense. It allows a family to do any group ceremony at a later date.

My dad was created August 2019 just because that's how he wanted it but we've still not put his ashes where we plan to put them because of the pandemic issue of getting my mom there.
Looks to me like surge #4 is well underway.
Certainly there will be no magical reduction of the 7-day new case average in the US to under 15k by May 2.
Saturday saw 67,511 new cases with 11 states not reporting at all. Sunday was over 47k with thirteen States abstaining from reporting.
Current 7-day average is 68,071.

Wondering if Derec has any more predictions to offer - it's good knowing what NOT to expect.
Looks to me like surge #4 is well underway.
Certainly there will be no magical reduction of the 7-day new case average in the US to under 15k by May 2.
Saturday saw 67,511 new cases with 11 states not reporting at all. Sunday was over 47k with thirteen States abstaining from reporting.
Current 7-day average is 68,071.

Wondering if Derec has any more predictions to offer - it's good knowing what NOT to expect.

4/11, the 7-day average broke 70k for the first time since February.
"Good" news - Deaths now down to 755/day. Another 20% reduction and we'll be near where Derec said we'd be by March 1st (<600/day).
On 4/11 (Sunday) 31 States reported zero deaths... Only 285 total for the nation. Haven't seen that for a while.
We are admonished not to celebrate, since it's just a daily stat. But I can't help feeling like this could be the last gasp of the pandemic, even if new cases keep increasing for another month or few.
I am confident that we are past the top of the curve regarding deaths, and despite the best efforts of anti-vax/anti-mask morons to keep it going, we are going to beat this thing.
The science is advancing very fast, and broad spectrum treatments and immunizations are going to prevail even if new variants continue to appear.
So the US has put a pause on the J&J vaccine. Fun... Not.
Things are not looking so rosy for J&J especially this after their monumental manufacturing issue announced about a week ago that caused I think 15 million doses to be destroyed.

My daughter has an appointment for the J&J next week and will it be cancelled?

In the meantime the issue may be moot for her. She was able to get an appointment today for Pfizer. But she has no drivers license or car so it will cost her about $80 to take an Uber.
US 7-day new case average rose to over 72,000 Tuesday 4/13.
If we maintain that rate as well as the rate of vaccination, everyone in the country will have had either COVID-19 or a vaccination against it within a year...
Oh, joy.
At least not quite as many people are dying.
Starting to feel a little bit optimistic... yesterday (Monday 4/19/21) there were "only" 51,650 new US cases and the 7-day average fell back below 70,000.
The death toll was 488, less than 0.1% of the new case number.
I'm not exactly ready to go full "Happy Talk" about it but the current trend is encouraging, esp regarding deaths.

The interesting questions we will soon face have to do with compulsory vaccinations. Soon we will hit the wall as far as getting people vaccinated. Does the government have the right to "force" vaccinations on people like they did with the polio vaccine? Do anti vaxxers have the "right" to go around infecting each other with no constraints? Do they have the "right" to serve as incubators for new possibly more dangerous variants that will cause more deaths and require yet more public resources to deal with them? Do businesses have the right to require proof of vaccination in certain circumstances?

I think we might end up with COVID-19 becoming mostly a Red State phenomenon, costing the rest of us dearly but letting the ignorati have their free-dumb. There are too many of them that are too ignorant and too brainwashed to force what's good for them upon them. We can only hope that there won't be enough of them to constitute a viable breeding ground for something even more horrible than what we've already been through.
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