• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

The World-O-Meter Thread

Too bad similar bets couldn't have been made with the 'like the flu' types. TF would be swimming in money... because of a large death toll, but you know... silver linings and all.
Too bad similar bets couldn't have been made with the 'like the flu' types. TF would be swimming in money... because of a large death toll, but you know... silver linings and all.

Actually, I'm not comfortable with cash bets being made on this board, even if the board is the recipient of the cash. I've opened up this topic for discussion in the staff room.

I've several times encouraged the use of avatar bets.
Understood Zipr.
Thanks to Derek, and shame on any who doubted him.

This post is edited because I didn’t see Zip’s acknowledgment of receipt.
Too bad similar bets couldn't have been made with the 'like the flu' types. TF would be swimming in money... because of a large death toll, but you know... silver linings and all.

Actually, I'm not comfortable with cash bets being made on this board, even if the board is the recipient of the cash. I've opened up this topic for discussion in the staff room.

I've several times encouraged the use of avatar bets.

Just to let you all know the other staff doesn't seem to have a problem with betting so I will defer to their decision.

TFT Casino is open for business. :) Don't forget the vig for the house. ;)
Too bad similar bets couldn't have been made with the 'like the flu' types. TF would be swimming in money... because of a large death toll, but you know... silver linings and all.

Actually, I'm not comfortable with cash bets being made on this board, even if the board is the recipient of the cash. I've opened up this topic for discussion in the staff room.

I've several times encouraged the use of avatar bets.

Just to let you all know the other staff doesn't seem to have a problem with betting so I will defer to their decision.

TFT Casino is open for business. :) Don't forget the vig for the house. ;)

Experts divided on 4th wave?

What’s going to stop it? Herd immunity? Prayer?
It is already happening in the east, where herd immunity should be strongest.
Herd immunity among the stupid sociopaths will help. They've already contracted it. The younger college aged kids are likely to have spread it around too.

Cases are increasing, but slowly in most places. We are seeing a creep, but the rate of increase has yet to go up. Hopefully we can avoid a fourth surge.
Final tally for Easter Sunday:

More than 4x Derec's Happy Talk prediction.
Time to remit now, @Derec

Meh, still much better than your doom and gloom talk. What really saved you are the variants. Lucky break I guess. You need to kiss the ground of England, South Africa and Brazil for saving your bacon!
I should have said the Orthodox Easter. That's on me though. A bit too optimistic.

Anyway, it is done. The payment did not give me the option to state that it was the pound of flesh for Elixir, but I am sure Zipr will know what's what.

Variants are to be expected.

We are seeing a lot more of them with Covid because the genetic technology is being used to identify them, not because it has mutated more.

(Consider a local case of a doctor being sloppy several years ago. The CDC was able to figure out exactly who was infected by his actions and who already had hepatitis C before they came in by genetic analysis.)
Mayo Clinic's predictor shows Michigan as the current "leader" and the forecast only shows it getting worse.

Do you have a link to the forecast? The national 7 day average is trending down again. Michigan is still increasing though and I wonder why. Variants more prevalent there? Artefact due to more testing? Michiganders and -geese behaving particularly foolishly?


You have to turn on the forecast, by default it's off. This lets you run forward and backwards in time.
It's a misnomer to call it a "fourth wave". There have not been three waves. Instead, 1st and 2nd waves hit different parts of the country at different times, which gives an illusion of three distinct waves.
But for example, Wisconsin only had the one wave.

What’s going to stop it? Herd immunity? Prayer?

Herd immunity, be it from infections of vaccinations, yes. US has managed to up the vaccination rate to 3M/d, which means about 1.5M/d unique people as most vaccines administered need two doses. A third of the population has already been given at least one dose. A fifth is fully vaccinated.

It is already happening in the east, where herd immunity should be strongest.
"It", whatever it is, is mostly happening in Michigan.

You have to turn on the forecast, by default it's off. This lets you run forward and backwards in time.

Ha! The Mayo Clinic (weird name, were Bacon Clinic and Cheeseburger Clinic already taken?) forecast shows metro Atlanta going down in the next 2 weeks. At the same time, yes, they think Michigan will get worse. That place is pretty fucked up. I mean, there aren't many cities run more incompetently than Detroit. Not even NYC under Bill deBlowjob.
I predicted that the April 4th, the 7-day average would be 2-4x your Happy Talk bet.
Could have sworn you said something about >100k/d through the Spring. But this thread is way too big to comb through all the responses...

Apparently you don't have the coin, since you haven't paid up. But you want me to "bet" with you some more?
I have the coin, but did not think Zipr would appreciate the delivery.
So I had to settle for electronic payment.

I might entertain a further wager if you agree that the proceeds - regardless of who wins - go to TFT. Once you pay up, that is.

Screw that! All proceeds should be made to the High Class Escort to Celebrate the End of Pandemic Fund :).

Now you're calling me "chicken"?

Of course you are chicken. You had the chance to double your money.

Did so before you wrote that. Why are you ignoring my post #1212?

Pay up, dude. Then agree that all proceeds benefit TFT and we can go another round, ok? You're batting zero - it can only get better for you, right?
Well, I am pretty confident, but I do want to be the beneficiary for a change.
Nearly 8,000 cases today in Floriduh. A big uptick from yesterday. This could be their third surge.

Michigan remains elevated, peaking at the moment near their peak in the Fall. I read an article indicating that this is being driven by younger people. The good news is, likely fewer deaths. The good news ends there.

You have to turn on the forecast, by default it's off. This lets you run forward and backwards in time.

Ha! The Mayo Clinic (weird name, were Bacon Clinic and Cheeseburger Clinic already taken?) forecast shows metro Atlanta going down in the next 2 weeks. At the same time, yes, they think Michigan will get worse. That place is pretty fucked up. I mean, there aren't many cities run more incompetently than Detroit. Not even NYC under Bill deBlowjob.

It's a person's name. And do you not realize the Mayo Clinic is considered one of the best medical places in the country?
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