This is a true story.
A few years ago I was selling at farmers/craft markets - handmade soap. A friend of mine who made candles wanted to team up with me at market to sell both candles and soap. She had come across a wire type thingy that once you blew out a candle you used this device to dip the candle wick in the wet wax and pull it out again to make the wick easier to light the next time. It was called the wick dipper. She was going to give these away for every purchase of candles.
So the big market day comes and we set up, making a few sales. Then my friend tells a buying customer do you want a free "dick whipper"? The customer looks at her funny and blinks and says - "umm, no thank you"
Mean friend that I am - I don't say anything - just laughing hysterically behind her back. I wait to see if she still does it. Yep sure enough she often says "dick whipper" the expressions on the customer faces are priceless! I am just peeing my pants
Finally a well dressed older lady buys a candle. I just waiting for it - yep "Would you like a free dick whipper?" The lady looks at her and says "no thank you my husbands penis is just fine".