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To Give You a Size of the Immense and Growing Size of Illegal Immigration

One wonders why anyone would pay attention to anything Paul Craig Roberts says, let alone give it any credence.
Around 20 years ago he was predicting the US would become a 3rd world country by now. I know because I was reading him back then too. Well I don't think we are quite there yet economically. But politically there is a case to say the US is a banana republic now or at least our leaders act like banana republic leaders do. We have seen an effort to prevent a smooth transition of POTUS, government efforts to censor opposition in an election, and also using government as a weapon to prevent a candidate from running. So in comparison to US in 2000 I believe it is fair to say we have made some important strides towards becoming 3rd world status.

PCR timing was obviously off but the trend of his prediction has still been spot on accurate.
1) I've been in third world economies. They're nothing like what I see here.

2) A smooth transition of POTUS? You're supporting a coup! MTG has even admitted it was a coup.

You're on the side trying to make us into a dictatorship.
But politically there is a case to say the US is a banana republic
Largely because people like yourself give fringe lunatics credence. You remember the pillow guy, right?
We have seen an effort to prevent a smooth transition of POTUS
Again, supported by people like you.
government efforts to censor opposition in an election
Nope, we've talked about that too.
and also using government as a weapon to prevent a candidate from running.
I could point out Biden had nothing to do with that, but instead I'll just point out your Lord and Saviour Trump's attempts to suppress the vote
So in comparison to US in 2000 I believe it is fair to say we have made some important strides towards becoming 3rd world status.
I agree. I'm just confused as to why someone like yourself who so readily consumes new alt-right media considers that such a bad thing.
PCR timing was obviously off but the trend of his prediction has still been spot on accurate.
You should have been more motivated then, apparently.
Around 20 years ago he was predicting the US would become a 3rd world country by now. I know because I was reading him back then too.
Over the course of my life I too have seen this happening.
Here's the thing though. "Banana Republic" is mainly about oligarchic authoritarian government and wealth disparity. Those things have consistently soared when conservatives are in power and receded when Democrats are in power.
Take a look at the state of this country when Clinton took office and when he left. Then compare that to how it was when Bush II took office and when he left. Then compare that to when Obama took office and when he left. Then when Trump took office and when he left.
The Republicans and now Teapartiers have consistently degraded the situation here and the Democrats have consistently improved it.
That's not just a personal opinion, the evidence is huge and stretches back decades.
One wonders why anyone would pay attention to anything Paul Craig Roberts says, let alone give it any credence.
Around 20 years ago he was predicting the US would become a 3rd world country by now.
You supported the banana republic candidate. Just saying.
We have seen an effort to prevent a smooth transition of POTUS,
You supported that guy too...
...government efforts to censor opposition in an election
That is absolutely false.
and also using government as a weapon to prevent a candidate from running.
You misspelled, being held liable for their actions.
So in comparison to US in 2000 I believe it is fair to say we have made some important strides towards becoming 3rd world status.
Actually, we made huge strides into becoming the country the GOP sold America. Most of these declines are related to the justice put on the courts by the Republicans.
I suspect RVonse really has no idea of what the conditions are in a real third world country.
As someone who knows what those words meant en debut, I'm amused by the notion that the US is somehow getting kicked out of its own bloc. It'd be healthy for us, honestly. The Cold War sucked.
After Fox News promoted a hoax about homeless veterans being “evicted” from New York hotels to house migrants last year, some of the network’s anchors said they would provide viewers more information “as we get it.” That promise was apparently disingenuous: Fox has yet to report that the originator of the bogus story now faces federal fraud charges.

On Wednesday, federal prosecutors charged Sharon Toney-Finch, an Army veteran whose Yerik Israel Toney Foundation claims to “help homeless and low-income military service veterans in need of living assistance,” with multiple counts of fraud. They alleged that she raised funds for the group by falsely claiming to have received a Purple Heart after surviving a terrorist attack and spent the group’s money on personal expenses. They also alleged she received “hundreds of thousands of dollars in disability benefits” by falsifying her military discharge paperwork to match her story.

Toney-Fitch drew notoriety as the source for a May 12, 2023, New York Post report in which she alleged that nearly two dozen homeless veterans her organization had been helping were kicked out hotels in upstate New York to make room for migrants.
The foreign-born or immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit new record highs in March 2024 of 51.6 million and 15.6 percent of the total U.S. population. Since March 2022 the foreign-born population has increased 5.1 million, the largest two-year increase in American history. The foreign-born population has never grown this much this fast. Although many think of immigrants only as workers, less than half of those who arrived since 2022 are employed. many newly arrived immigrants are children, elderly, disabled, caregivers, or others with no ability to work or interest in doing so. Only about 8 percent of the 2.5 million new arrivals who are not working say they are actively looking for work. There also is some undercount in this data, so the actual number of foreign residents in the United States is larger.

Center For Immigration Studies

This could be an election decider. Along with high inflation, slow economy etc.
Founder of CIS John Tanton said:
One of my prime concerns is about the decline of folks who look like you and me ... for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that.

Amazing, that an organization created by a white nationalist would view immigration with such disdain. Let's learn more about these unemployed children that aren't doing their fair share. How many other white nationalist groups do you get your info from?
Children, elderly, disabled, caregivers, or others with no ability to work or interest in doing so.

Fuck the children, fuck the old people, fuck the home-makers, amirite? If you aren't working in a factory or a field somewhere, you're valueless, Even if you are a mother, a grandfather, or even a future factory worker, you are contemptible and disposable if you aren't currently making money for some rich fucker or another.
Man, I know households where 60+% of the residents are unemployed. My home, 33% don't have a job and have absolutely no intention of getting one either! Unemployment is endemic.
Man, I know households where 60+% of the residents are unemployed. My home, 33% don't have a job and have absolutely no intention of getting one either! Unemployment is endemic.

You should definitely take in more unemployed/unemployable people.
Man, I know households where 60+% of the residents are unemployed. My home, 33% don't have a job and have absolutely no intention of getting one either! Unemployment is endemic.

You should definitely take in more unemployed/unemployable people.
What does "take in" mean in that sentence?

My family of 8 had exactly 1 "employed/employable" members.
12.5% of our household brought in a paycheck.
Man, I know households where 60+% of the residents are unemployed. My home, 33% don't have a job and have absolutely no intention of getting one either! Unemployment is endemic.

You should definitely take in more unemployed/unemployable people.
What does "take in" mean in that sentence?

My family of 8 had exactly 1 "employed/employable" members.
12.5% of our household brought in a paycheck.
Leeches! We are sending you all back to Mexico and TSwizzle will pay for it.
Man, I know households where 60+% of the residents are unemployed. My home, 33% don't have a job and have absolutely no intention of getting one either! Unemployment is endemic.

You should definitely take in more unemployed/unemployable people.
What does "take in" mean in that sentence?

My family of 8 had exactly 1 "employed/employable" members.
12.5% of our household brought in a paycheck.
Leeches! We are sending you all back to Mexico and TSwizzle will pay for it.
Actually, it would be Ireland.

The 12.5% I'm referring to is a burly dude who spent years aboard Navy ships saving America from the Japanese.
Yeah, y'all can fuck with him now since he's dead. Try doing that in 1958.
What does "take in" mean in that sentence?

My family of 8 had exactly 1 "employed/employable" members.
12.5% of our household brought in a paycheck.
Leeches! We are sending you all back to Mexico and TSwizzle will pay for it.
Actually, it would be Ireland.

The 12.5% I'm referring to is a burly dude who spent years aboard Navy ships saving America from the Japanese.
Yeah, y'all can fuck with him now since he's dead. Try doing that in 1958.
Nope, Mexico. All immigrants are from Mexico. All highly reproductive families are also from Mexico.
Man, I know households where 60+% of the residents are unemployed. My home, 33% don't have a job and have absolutely no intention of getting one either! Unemployment is endemic.

You should definitely take in more unemployed/unemployable people.
children and caregivers are only temporarily unemployed/unemployable. that's future tax revenue you're tossing out.
What does "take in" mean in that sentence?

My family of 8 had exactly 1 "employed/employable" members.
12.5% of our household brought in a paycheck.
Leeches! We are sending you all back to Mexico and TSwizzle will pay for it.
Actually, it would be Ireland.

The 12.5% I'm referring to is a burly dude who spent years aboard Navy ships saving America from the Japanese.
Yeah, y'all can fuck with him now since he's dead. Try doing that in 1958.
Nope, Mexico. All immigrants are from Mexico. All highly reproductive families are also from Mexico.
In my immediate Irish family we only had 6 kids. I've got two sets of cousins, 8 each.

My aunts would occasionally giggle, "Ann only has 6 kids. What does she do with herself all day?"

Yeah, it was a different time and century.

But we were immigrants, within living memory, sorta.
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