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Trump and neocons started War with Iran in order to win elections?

I am trying to find evidence supporting CNN generals claims that Soleimani was responsible for hundreds of deaths of American soldiers. So far I found zilch. Wikipedia mentions only his cooperation with US against Taliban and his war with ISIS. Yes, he obviously supported Assad (it's official policy of Iran). I don't doubt that he was a main guy behind all the crap Iran does abroad, but hundreds of americans killed? It's very new to me.

The Quds force was responsible for planting many roadside bombs that killed and injured hundreds if not thousands of US forces in Iraq, according to Senior Director for Iraq and Afghanistan Brent McGurk under Bush II, Obama, and Bonespurs.
My presumption is support of militants in Iraqi between ‘04 and ‘06. But this is a presumption. Analysts agree he has been involved with attacks on troops, but total numbers, no idea.

According to Trump, he killed quadrillions of people.
I am trying to find evidence supporting CNN generals claims that Soleimani was responsible for hundreds of deaths of American soldiers. So far I found zilch. Wikipedia mentions only his cooperation with US against Taliban and his war with ISIS. Yes, he obviously supported Assad (it's official policy of Iran). I don't doubt that he was a main guy behind all the crap Iran does abroad, but hundreds of americans killed? It's very new to me.

The Quds force was responsible for planting many roadside bombs that killed and injured hundreds if not thousands of US forces in Iraq, according to Senior Director for Iraq and Afghanistan Brent McGurk under Bush II, Obama, and Bonespurs.

Iraqi insurgents were Sunni. Yes, Iran did help (militarily) Iraqi Shia who were involved in civil war with Sunnis but to say that Quds were running around attacking US convoys is a stretch.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Last night the President engaged in what is widely being recognized as an act of war against Iran, one that now risks the lives of millions of innocent people.
Now is the moment to prevent war & protect innocent people - the question for many is how, publicly & Congressionally:" / Twitter

Last night the President engaged in what is widely being recognized as an act of war against Iran, one that now risks the lives of millions of innocent people.

Now is the moment to prevent war & protect innocent people - the question for many is how, publicly & Congressionally:

Right now is the moment to decide if you are pro-peace or not.

The cheerleaders of war, removed from its true cost, will gladly convince you that up is down - just as they did in Iraq in ‘03.

But war does not establish peace.
War does not create security.
War endangers us all.

War advocates start off saying “we all want peace, but...” or “it’s too late...” & frame a pro-peace agenda as naïve to realpolitik.

Don’t give into this gaslighting. The same folks selling us Iraq and selling us this latest provocation of violence. We cannot repeat this cycle.

Congress now has a moral and legal obligation to reassert its power to stop this war and protect innocent people from horrific consequences.

We have two immediate options:

1. Vote on a War Powers Resolution, which requires Trump to attain Congressional approval.

2. Reintroduce & vote on @RepRoKhanna’s bipartisan NDAA amendment, which blocks $ offensive action to Iran.

This amendment passed the House w/ bipartisan support not long ago, and was later gutted in negotiations. We can bring it back as a standalone bill.
I like the idea of refusing spending on a war against Iran.

To me, this war seems like "wag the dog", though that's what right-wingers thought about Bill Clinton's wars. They violated their cherished principles in objecting to his wars, as well as objecting to such things as firing those travel agents. It was fun watching the right-wingers turn anti-employer and pro-wasteful-government-spending.
More AOC:
(are** selling us)

mike casca, @cascamike
“i know that it is rarely the children of the billionaire class who face the agony of reckless foreign policy. it is the children of working families.”

War is a class conflict, too. The rich and powerful who open war escape the consequences of their decisions. It’s not their children sent into the jaws of violence.

It is often the vulnerable, the poor, & working people -who had little to no say in conflict - who pay the price.

Here at home, inequality in military service means poorer areas of the country bear greater sacrifices for war.

Abroad, 100s of 1000s of innocent people - dismissed as statistics - have had their lives ravaged by the consequences of our decisions.
noting Invisible Inequality: The Two Americas of Military Sacrifice: "Today, unlike in World War II, the Americans who die or are wounded in war are disproportionately coming from poorer parts of the country."

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "So what if Trump wants war, knows this leads to war and needs the distraction?
Real question is, will those with congressional authority step in and stop him? I know I will. https://t.co/Fj9TMossEW" / Twitter

Ted Cruz on Twitter: "According the the Obama Department of Defense, Qasem Soleimani was a terrorist directly responsible for the murder of over 500 US service men & women. Why are congressional Dems outraged that he’s finally dead? See more: [url]https://t.co/7MrD4tyM5y https://t.co/cKYSPLSLmj" / Twitter[/url]

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "We are outraged the president would assassinate a foreign official, possibly setting off another war without Congressional authorization and has zero plan to deal with the consequences.
But of course you know that. https://t.co/GzfdKilV4t" / Twitter

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "“I don't know anyone who would be comfortable with someone who behaves this way having his finger on the button.”
- Ted Cruz, 2016" / Twitter

Presumably referring to when he was running against Donald Trump. Like so many other anti-Trump Republicans, he has become a loyal Trumpie.

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "There is no way to overstate how dangerous this is.
We need every voice to rise up and demand that Congress stop Trump from starting a catastrophic war with Iran.
Sign the petition → [url]https://t.co/dOG17thC3g
#NoWarWithIran https://t.co/ObgI58t5Rv" / Twitter[/url]

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "⬇️⬇️ 💯 https://t.co/yEyErZgCI6" / Twitter
Brian Schatz on Twitter: "They have lied about almost everything. There is no reason to suddenly give them the benefit of the doubt because they took a precipitous military action. Instead, our deepest skepticism, our toughest oversight, our most probing questions, must come now." / Twitter

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "There’s always a tweet. https://t.co/rWPkHXYYUW" / Twitter
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "In order to get elected, @BarackObama will start a war with Iran." / Twitter
11:48 AM · Nov 29, 2011

Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "They’re going to accuse anyone who cautions against war of “siding with our enemies” or “supporting terrorists.”
This is the exact rhetoric that got us into the War in Iraq.
Don’t fall for it." / Twitter
When? Not in regard to the embassy. That wasn't an "attack," that was a bunch of protesters upset at the actual attack by the US in retaliation for a "Pentagon contractor" being killed, not US soldiers (emphasis mine):

As was reported in regard to the earlier rocket attack (emphasis mine):

"One U.S. civilian contractor was killed and several U.S. service members and Iraqi personnel were wounded in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base in Kirkuk hosting Coalition troops, on Dec. 27 at 7:20 p.m. (Iraqi time)," the U.S.-led coalition said. "Iraqi Security Forces are leading the response and investigation. Further information will be released as it becomes available."

Iow, someone--presumed to have been backed by Iran--attacked an IRAQI military base that was "hosting" coalition forces, but there is no evidence that I can find that whoever fired a few katyusha's at the base was specifically targeting coalition forces or even knew if there were any such forces on the base.

Regardless, it was not a US base and the person killed was a US contractor, not a soldier, so nothing about what happened then and subsequently could possibly have been considered acts of war against the US, but everything Trump has done in response will rightly be considered acts of war by Iran and/or Iraq.

And certainly nothing was done to justify any further "retaliation" from Trump. Some angry protesters--who arguably were justified considering 27 of their friends were evidently killed--stormed one of the most heavily fortified buildings in the world, got nowhere and set a fire while everyone inside the embassy was--as Trump affirmed--perfectly safe the entire time. It ended nearly as soon as it began, so what exactly were we "retaliating" against?

Not to mention the fact that the spin since has said nothing of retaliation for the embassy and everything about:

“General Suleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region,” a Pentagon statement said. “This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans.”

So, which is it?

ETA: The only thing I can find is this bit from the Guardian piece linked above:

The strike came at a time when Iraq was already on the brink of an all-out proxy war, and hours after a two-day siege of the US embassy in Baghdad by a mob of PMF militants and their supporters. The Pentagon accused Suleimani of having masterminded the mob attack.

Except, again, it wasn't a "mob attack."
Weren’t most of these attacks over a decade ago?
Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "Thread ⬇️⬇️ https://t.co/Zzpf8pcLDn" / Twitter linking to this Twitter thread created by Jared Yates Sexton @JYSexton
Considering the Trump Administration is angling to start an illegal, unjustified war with Iran, it's a good time to pass on some advice learned from living through the buildup to the Iraq War.

Things change and they change in a hurry. You need to be ready.

It starts completely out of nowhere. You're doing something one day, just living your life, and then it's there. As if it's always been there. You feel crazy, like everyone had a discussion you weren't included in and now you need to catch up.

All the shows will have it as a segment. Are we going to war? People are talking about war...I hear people talking. What people? What people are talking about war? It's the biggest open secret that war is now a possibility. It gathers its own momentum.

It gathers speed. It's not will there be war anymore. It's WHEN is the war going to happen? HOW will the war happen? This new war has become a certainty that we all just have to reckon with on our own time. It's not conjecture anymore, it's something different.

There will be speeches. And you'll start to notice poll-tested rhetoric. Nicknames for the enemy. It'll get drilled in your head. Axis of Evil. Axis of Evil. There so it's not here. The catchphrases will become chyrons. Everyone will say them. It'll seep into everyday life.

The people around you will start talking about war as an inevitability, as if it's a good, necessary thing. You'll hear family members and friends. They'll say things you never, ever imagined hearing from them. Even the most rational ones.

You'll hear family members say the most fascist things you could ever imagine. They'll talk casually about genocide. Flippantly they'll laugh about dropping nuclear bombs and wiping nations off the face of the earth. They'll fight you tooth and nail if you speak up.

One day, out of nowhere, you'll get called a traitor. You'll have questioned the war, not even in your loudest voice or even that aggressively. It'll be an offhand question. But someone close to you will literally call you a traitor and you'll realize the circle is shrinking.

Now that the war is a certainty, you'll ask what comes next. What's the plan? What happens AFTER the war? How do you WIN the war? There aren't answers. Everyone just assumes it'll be fine. You'll realize war is a means to an end, a reason for itself.

You'll go out in public. Grab a coffee. Pick up some groceries. See a movie. Something mundane. And you'll realize you're a stranger in your own town. There'll be propaganda somewhere. Scratched on a wall. An overheard conversation. You won't feel like you're home anymore.

The war starts on television. Like a dream you once had. Bombs. Long, glittery packages with stirring music and worshipping shots of weapons. Generals on every channel. Hosts talking about missions and directives without questioning anything or giving any context.

Once the war starts, the criticisms you have will just...dissipate like so much smoke. You'll walk through rooms mumbling to yourself while the TV plays the war in realtime. One battle and one day leads into the next. You'll feel like sleepwalking.

Meanwhile, to keep the war fever going, the government and politicians have to keep everyone terrified. Terror alerts. Rumors of potential terror attacks. Terror. Terror. Terror.


Keep a mental list of everyone who supported the illegal war. Everyone who supported fascism. When the war turns sour, when it becomes a quagmire, when it goes bad, they'll deny it and society will largely forget what they said.

Remember it.

More advice: Go to rallies. Go to teach ins. Go to poetry readings. Go to anti-war marches and events. Get to know the others. They'll form your community. You'll know some of them the rest of your life. Remind yourself you're not crazy, that you're existing in crazy times.


Learn. Learn why the war is happening. Learn the history behind it. Learn the history of those who pushed for it. Learn the financial motives for the govt. and the media. Learn. Learn. Learn.

You have to learn because this WILL happen again. It always happens again. History teaches us it's one illegal war after another. Next time, you'll need to be one of the leaders. You'll need to educate those who don't know better. Because there's always a next time.
Trump is starting it without claiming any big provocation. Even the Nazis were careful about that. They claimed that it was Poland that started European WWII, by Polish soldiers attacking a German outpost at Gleiwitz, now Gliwice. It was all some fakery created by some SS troops.
When? Not in regard to the embassy. That wasn't an "attack," that was a bunch of protesters upset at the actual attack by the US in retaliation for a "Pentagon contractor" being killed, not US soldiers (emphasis mine):

Bullshit. They were members of the same militia (Kataib Hezbollah) that was hit in retaliation for the killing of the contractor.

Kataib Hezbollah attacked the US Embassy in Baghdad. Who are they?

Well there you go. That group is Shia and Iran funded in a country who was majority Shia run by a Sunni group who ran it in to the ground while an ally of the US until the US turned on him after he attacked Kuwait. Now that country Shia run ais a US ally. Unfortunately because of the past the US are hated by both the Iraqi Sunni and Shia there. That is evidenced by the rise of ISIS mainly built from old Saddam loyalists and the increased cooperation with Iran by the Shia government in Iraq.

We and out european coalition are odd man out. The sooner we come to terms with these facts the better will be our chances of helping to stabilize disruptionsions in that region. We have managed to radicalize two nations in that region we should be depending on for countering the tribalists in Pakistan and Afghanistan. We are bombing the very people we should be working with to bring modernity to the area.

In fact we have let Turkey become more radical as well and we lost Lebanon a long time ago. If one looks back to the seventies we find Iran, Iraq, Trukey, Lebanon and Jordan and even Syria were more secular than islamic. Not now. We fucked up big time.

Thank you Mr. Nixon. You opened up China and bagan the radicalization of the Middle east. Way to go.
You sure you have the right country and leader that is pulling Trump's strings? Israel is where lots of the embezzling Russian Oligarchs (who coincidentally are Jewish) take their wealth too.

View attachment 25478

Should have a betting pool on the odds of Ivanka and Jared moving to Israel in the next ten years.

As Herman Melville said, "thou requirest a little lower layer".

True, conflict with Iran is something Israel(and the Saudis) wants. But it also pushes Iran into the Russia/China orbit.

In the spirit of Muhammad Ali, no Iranian has ever called me goyim.
So why aren't we accusing Warren and Bernie of being Russian assets?

Maybe because they are not obviously kompromatted like Trump is.
From the moment he lied to the public about not having any dealings in Russia (if not before), Trump has been in Putin's pocket.
Also, neither Warren nor Sanders has evinced belief in Pootey's word over that of the entire US intelligence apparatus.
See the difference?
You sure you have the right country and leader that is pulling Trump's strings? Israel is where lots of the embezzling Russian Oligarchs (who coincidentally are Jewish) take their wealth too.

View attachment 25478

Should have a betting pool on the odds of Ivanka and Jared moving to Israel in the next ten years.

As Herman Melville said, "thou requirest a little lower layer".

True, conflict with Iran is something Israel(and the Saudis) wants. But it also pushes Iran into the Russia/China orbit.

In the spirit of Muhammad Ali, no Iranian has ever called me goyim.

Which means what?
So why aren't we accusing Warren and Bernie of being Russian assets?
They are not as glaringly obvious as Trump. He was bailed out by some Russian oligarchs, and he wants a Trump Tower in Moscow. He owes Russia some major favors.

Tulsi Gabbard? What she wants in foreign policy seems convenient for Russia - for the US to pull out and let Russia have a free hand.
I am trying to find evidence supporting CNN generals claims that Soleimani was responsible for hundreds of deaths of American soldiers. So far I found zilch. Wikipedia mentions only his cooperation with US against Taliban and his war with ISIS. Yes, he obviously supported Assad (it's official policy of Iran). I don't doubt that he was a main guy behind all the crap Iran does abroad, but hundreds of americans killed? It's very new to me.

The Quds force was responsible for planting many roadside bombs that killed and injured hundreds if not thousands of US forces in Iraq, according to Senior Director for Iraq and Afghanistan Brent McGurk under Bush II, Obama, and Bonespurs.

Iraqi insurgents were Sunni. Yes, Iran did help (militarily) Iraqi Shia who were involved in civil war with Sunnis but to say that Quds were running around attacking US convoys is a stretch.

You'll have to take that up with Brent McGurk.
Malcolm Nance again...

"The administration here is making the fundamental error of believing that the people in the Hashd al-Sha’bi, even though they have Iranian weapons, Iranian trainers and some support from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard core, they are Iraqis. And so when we struck their facility and killed 3 Iranians, we killed 19 Iraqis, Shia Iraqis, and what you saw here is this force, all of these popular militias who destroyed ISIS."
-Malcolm Nance and Amb. Christopher Hill on MSNBC Live with Yasmin Vossoughian
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