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Trump attacks Franken for groping a woman


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism
Why do you say Franken should step down exactly? Because of something he did many years ago that has nothing to do with governing?
I think he should step down.... IF CHEATO STEPS DOWN!
And I suspect he'd agree to that!
Of course Trump attacked Franken. It's what Donald Trump does.

Lost on Mr. Trump are the graphic descriptions from the women who alleged forced contact including forcible touching of the vagina.

Thanks for pointing out irony, but I believe it's lost on folks who don't know what it is... or care.

Sanders pointed out the difference - Franken admitted it, and the President didn't. So there.
If it's the one incident, his mea culpa and having to fake remorse while sitting around during an ethics investigation are enough.

Of course, I said the same thing the first time the Kevin Spacey allegations came out and then it turned out that had a decades long history of harassment and assault, so I felt that I had jumped the gun on deciding to not give much of a shit. If a similar pattern turns out to be the case for Franken, I'll change my opinion accordingly.

Trump has already displayed that pattern. This is like a meth head bitching about the immorality of a guy who's trying out some weed.
When Trump started tweeting about what's in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th photos with Franken, the first thing that came to mind was..."this guy thinks Franken is an amateur at the whole sexual assault thing, and he wants to know where the fucking pussy grabbing photos are!"

I still can't believe this is actually happening and that this is the potus.
When Trump started tweeting about what's in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th photos with Franken, the first thing that came to mind was..."this guy thinks Franken is an amateur at the whole sexual assault thing, and he wants to know where the fucking pussy grabbing photos are!"

I still can't believe this is actually happening and that this is the potus.

Yea, it's an absolute disgrace that he is our president.
Al Franken could think laterally here and stay down to provide an example for others but I do not think it will happen.
I think he should step down.... IF CHEATO STEPS DOWN!
And I suspect he'd agree to that!

That would be the only way I'd get behind Franken stepping down.

I know it is a bit hypocritical, but (so far) there has been only this incident involving Al Franken. It was juvenile and gross and all too indicative of how women are harassed and sexualized in our society, but he was not even touching her. This was more on the order of frat boys drawing a cartoon of a penis on their friend's face while they are sleeping.

Fucking Trump RAPED women (including a minor child, and his own wife). He SEXUALLY ASSAULTED multiple women. And those $%#$%^%$ lying liars who lie evangelicals elected him anyway. When HE steps down, and fucking Roy Moore slinks under a rock never to be seen again, then and only then will I be willing to discuss Al Franken stepping down.

We would not be setting an example for Republicans. Most of what is left in the Republican party have zero conscience and/or zero brain, so it would be an entire wasted example of example-setting. And in the meantime, we need every halfway decent Democrat in office (and by all reports, Al Franken is far better than a halfway decent politician) in office to push back against this decidedly authoritarian fascist trend from Trump and his band of bullshit followers.
What's the problem with hypocrisy again?

The judge who drinks and drives (who causes absolutely no harm) is reminded of the risk he constantly poses to others, yet he's blasted for being a hypocrite when he chastises drunk drivers involved in auto accidents. Hell, even if the judge himself is the cause, are we not all in agreement with his view?

Oh, and please, throw no stones, for those living in a glass house serve to suffer far greater than those who do not. [/TWISTED LOGIC]
The way ti works in Trump world is if you never admit that you grouped women, no matter how many insist that you did, it didn't happen. If you actually admit you did something sexist and wrong, then you need to be punished. Trump did say that he grabbed women by the pussies, but later he said that was just locker room talk. See. He said he didn't do it, so all those women must be liars.

I am happy to report that lots of women that worked with Franken are coming to his defense this morning, claiming that he respected them and never did anything inappropriate. The woman that Franken offended has already accepted his apology. How can those who weren't directly affected by this one incident be more outraged than the one who was the victim? That's what I want to know.

Oh and yes. Bill Clinton should have resigned. I voted for him and I wanted him to resign when the Lewinsky scandal came out. Franken isn't Clinton. As far as we know, this was one stupid, boyish, insulting and inappropriate thing that Franken did. It was wrong, but assuming this is the only time he did something like this, he's already been punished by the fact that this became public and that awful photo went viral. But yeah. If Franken resigns, then Trump must resign as well. Hypocrisy is allowing Trump to remain in office while insisting that Franken must be tarred, feathered then run out of office.

Now, has anyone read about all the sexual harassment that's been going on during the TED talk conferences? But, I digress.
I always wondered what it was like to live in the US during the height of the 50's red scare...say, '50, '51, '52, where bizarre and extreme views full of irrationality had the floor. We are in just as bad -- if not more potentially devastating -- a situation. Utterly surreal that this crazy old bastard is our President -- that to a third of the country, he's a 'Leader' and he has 'skills' and 'competence', that he 'knows how the world works' and will advance our country in all the global 'deals.' It will take a polemicist and reporter with Mailer-like skills to pick apart this Presidency and describe the day-by-day horrors. I want to live long enough to see this era as a boxed-in, one-of-a-kind era of shame and deterioration, one that we learned from.
Franken is just as bad as Trump. Just as bad. Democrats and Republicans are exactly the same.


Franken is way worse than Trump because he's a hypocrite. All the attacks on Trump are fake news.

The way ti works in Trump world is if you never admit that you grouped women, no matter how many insist that you did, it didn't happen. If you actually admit you did something sexist and wrong, then you need to be punished. Trump did say that he grabbed women by the pussies, but later he said that was just locker room talk. See. He said he didn't do it, so all those women must be liars.

I am happy to report that lots of women that worked with Franken are coming to his defense this morning, claiming that he respected them and never did anything inappropriate. The woman that Franken offended has already accepted his apology. How can those who weren't directly affected by this one incident be more outraged than the one who was the victim? That's what I want to know.

Oh and yes. Bill Clinton should have resigned. I voted for him and I wanted him to resign when the Lewinsky scandal came out. Franken isn't Clinton. As far as we know, this was one stupid, boyish, insulting and inappropriate thing that Franken did. It was wrong, but assuming this is the only time he did something like this, he's already been punished by the fact that this became public and that awful photo went viral. But yeah. If Franken resigns, then Trump must resign as well. Hypocrisy is allowing Trump to remain in office while insisting that Franken must be tarred, feathered then run out of office.

Now, has anyone read about all the sexual harassment that's been going on during the TED talk conferences? But, I digress.

Trump has not only confessed, he's bragged about grabbing women and forcibly kissing them as well as grabbing their crotches.

The Clinton/Lewinski thing was clearly mutually consensual. He should have said that his sex life between consenting adults was private and no one's business except for his wife's. the other stuff was thoroughly investigated (or in my opinion: 'investigated'.). I always thought he was a creep, and probably worse. But the Monic thing was consenting adults.
What's the problem with hypocrisy again?

The judge who drinks and drives (who causes absolutely no harm) is reminded of the risk he constantly poses to others, yet he's blasted for being a hypocrite when he chastises drunk drivers involved in auto accidents. Hell, even if the judge himself is the cause, are we not all in agreement with his view?

Oh, and please, throw no stones, for those living in a glass house serve to suffer far greater than those who do not. [/TWISTED LOGIC]
The obvious problem with hypocrisy in this instance that if Franken should step down, so should Trump.

But to respond to your position, there is a distinct difference between criticism and demanding action. Franken's actions were ill-considered, boorish and contemptible. No one is denying that. When someone who has bragged about committing the same ill-considered, boorish and contemptible actions comments on a political opponents behavior, it gives the obvious appearance of a cynical political attack rather than a sincere condemnation.
What's the problem with hypocrisy again?

The judge who drinks and drives (who causes absolutely no harm) is reminded of the risk he constantly poses to others, yet he's blasted for being a hypocrite when he chastises drunk drivers involved in auto accidents. Hell, even if the judge himself is the cause, are we not all in agreement with his view?

Oh, and please, throw no stones, for those living in a glass house serve to suffer far greater than those who do not. [/TWISTED LOGIC]
The obvious problem with hypocrisy in this instance that if Franken should step down, so should Trump.

But to respond to your position, there is a distinct difference between criticism and demanding action. Franken's actions were ill-considered, boorish and contemptible. No one is denying that. When someone who has bragged about committing the same ill-considered, boorish and contemptible actions comments on a political opponents behavior, it gives the obvious appearance of a cynical political attack rather than a sincere condemnation.

Exactly. If he thinks anything should happen to Franken for what Franken did, and he did much worse, then he should take his own advice.
Dear Republican voters,

Since you have concluded that what Franken did is exactly as bad as repeated acts of pedophilia, then in the future anytime we catch a Republican politician doing something worse than what Franken did, we can say that Republican politician is worse than a pedophile, right? You won't object?
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