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Trump falls!! Hurt too

One thing about a snjper, military usually. We know how stuffed with liberals the military is.
Well, he wasn't a very good sniper.
I thought it was fairly impressive shooting. He was 200 - 300 yards away according to the news. Only missed a kill by an inch or two.
I have seen reports that Trump's wound came from flying glass.

Seems more likely than a 1/4 inch miss at 100 yards with an AR15...
That would make sense, except Trump's people said he was shot.
They also said he was 6'3" and 178lbs.

So maybe it would be unwise to take the word of "Trump's people".
One thing about a snjper, military usually. We know how stuffed with liberals the military is.
Well, he wasn't a very good sniper.
I thought it was fairly impressive shooting. He was 200 - 300 yards away according to the news. Only missed a kill by an inch or two.
I have seen reports that Trump's wound came from flying glass.

Seems more likely than a 1/4 inch miss at 100 yards with an AR15...
That would make sense, except Trump's people said he was shot.
They also said he was 6'3" and 178lbs.

So maybe it would be unwise to take the word of "Trump's people".
Certainly logic here. The video evidence does not seem to support shot by bullet but something secondary. And in double checking sounds like Trump said in a message not his people.
Appears shooter was registered Republican. Gave $15 to a progressive PAC.

The "October surprise" came early this year. And now law enforcement are rushing on motive and then on explaining a potential failure in security.
Appears shooter was registered Republican. Gave $15 to a progressive PAC.

The "October surprise" came early this year. And now law enforcement are rushing on motive and then on explaining a potential failure in security.
Obviously it's a case of mistaken identity and he was under impression it was Biden's Rally.
If the shooter (apparently registered Republican) was only 20, this would’ve been the first presidential election he was eligible to vote in.

Sounds like he voted early—another thing that Trump hates.
Appears shooter was registered Republican. Gave $15 to a progressive PAC.

The "October surprise" came early this year. And now law enforcement are rushing on motive and then on explaining a potential failure in security.
Obviously it's a case of mistaken identity and he was under impression it was Biden's Rally.
Political shootings in the US are often not actually political. Scalise's was, Giffords' wasn't. Reagan's wasn't. Often, shootings in these cases have odd motives.

He could have tried to kill Trump because he thought Trump was an enemy of the US because he was a bad guy, or because Trump was part of the Illuminati and was going to seize all their weapons and declare martial law and put replace Americans with lizard duplicates.

Every person that knew the shooter is going to be interviewed today and we are going to learn a lot more about him before 24 hours post shooting.

At least some from the other side of reality will read Trump is an authoritarian fascist.

He says, after Donald Trump has openly and clearly amplified voices calling for the murder of Democrats.
So, it's feeling less and less like a conspiracy theory and more and more like the truth that this was set up.

Police did little, the gun nut didn't actually shoot at Trump (shot someone in the crowd), was allowed by police and those at the event to be there for no reason, police did nothing about the shooter, the shooter is associated with the Republicans...

Missing from 200 meters with an AR-15 is... Anyone with more than a day's worth of target practice, with a target that big, is either ridiculously unskilled or wasn't shooting at that target.

It looks like the sort of wound Trump could conveniently give himself with a box cutter or piece of glass, and any distress is easily explained by the fact that this was the first time Trump even was made to feel pain beyond the pain associated with his body being a piece of shit. Most people aren't prepared for the shock of how much certain things can hurt.

This, combined with the "all hell breaks loose" email, and it's pretty disappointingly clear.

"There's still a chance this wasn't staged", yes, it could be "real" but we are dealing with someone who needed a turn-around.

FFS this whole thing feels like the plot to an episode of "The Boys", mostly because it's almost the plot to an actual episode of The Boys.

While it doesn't matter much whether it was "real" in the end this whole powderkeg just ignited. I have some worry that there's an attempt on the works to play out revelation so that some specific church group can step in as presenting "Jesus, returned".
The reason I don't think it's a false flag is because Trump is such a snivelling coward I can't imagine him knowingly and willingly put himself at risk like this.
But in the aftermath of a school shooting, he told us he'd be the one to charge in there - even if unarmed - to stop the bad guy! Trump's a tough guy...just ask him!

Meanwhile, the Facebook is already filling with "pray for our country" posts. Like, a couple people get shot at a Trump rally, and NOW you're seeing that we have a problem?
So, it's feeling less and less like a conspiracy theory and more and more like the truth that this was set up.

Police did little, the gun nut didn't actually shoot at Trump (shot someone in the crowd), was allowed by police and those at the event to be there for no reason, police did nothing about the shooter, the shooter is associated with the Republicans...

Missing from 200 meters with an AR-15 is... Anyone with more than a day's worth of target practice, with a target that big, is either ridiculously unskilled or wasn't shooting at that target.

It looks like the sort of wound Trump could conveniently give himself with a box cutter or piece of glass, and any distress is easily explained by the fact that this was the first time Trump even was made to feel pain beyond the pain associated with his body being a piece of shit. Most people aren't prepared for the shock of how much certain things can hurt.

This, combined with the "all hell breaks loose" email, and it's pretty disappointingly clear.

"There's still a chance this wasn't staged", yes, it could be "real" but we are dealing with someone who needed a turn-around.

FFS this whole thing feels like the plot to an episode of "The Boys", mostly because it's almost the plot to an actual episode of The Boys.

While it doesn't matter much whether it was "real" in the end this whole powderkeg just ignited. I have some worry that there's an attempt on the works to play out revelation so that some specific church group can step in as presenting "Jesus, returned".
This is real. Someone died, two in critical condition in hospital. Security isn't magic.
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