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Trump falls!! Hurt too

It’s not a false flag. There’s no evidence of such, and if the shooter got that close, he could have missed. I doubt Trump planned such a close shot. The shooter was only 20 years old so he’s likely just some nut. A gun nut trying to make a name for himself.

A 200 yard shot is not particularly difficult, but there are lots of factors, including that he could be moving around the podium, and the intensity of what you are doing. And I’m not sure how well trained he is.

As the guy was only 20 years old, I doubt very seriously if he is the “registered Republican” referenced at the address. Likely his father.

I’ve been thinking of the fall of the Roman Republic and how Caesar’s assassination effectively ended it. They thought they were saving the Republic but ended up ensuring its downfall. I knew some motherfucker might try this on trump. I see this as the precipice of the end of our republic and the establishment of an autocracy. Oh we will remain a republic in name. But recall that Russia’s constitution also has the guarantees of free speech and the right to vote, etc.

Someone implied that the military was full of conservatives. It most certainly is not.
My statement was related to hundreds of yards for the shot which limits the shooter pool. Also I indicated the military isn't a bastion of liberals. We know more now, so we know it isn't relevant.
I just found a diagram in the Washington Post that pegs the distance at a much shorter 400 feet, well within range of a moderately skilled person.

That’s going to raise a lot more questions about security.
My statement was related to hundreds of yards for the shot which limits the shooter pool. Also I indicated the military isn't a bastion of liberals. We know more now, so we know it isn't relevant.
So, it's feeling less and less like a conspiracy theory and more and more like the truth that this was set up.

Police did little, the gun nut didn't actually shoot at Trump (shot someone in the crowd), was allowed by police and those at the event to be there for no reason, police did nothing about the shooter, the shooter is associated with the Republicans...

Missing from 200 meters with an AR-15 is... Anyone with more than a day's worth of target practice, with a target that big, is either ridiculously unskilled or wasn't shooting at that target.

It looks like the sort of wound Trump could conveniently give himself with a box cutter or piece of glass, and any distress is easily explained by the fact that this was the first time Trump even was made to feel pain beyond the pain associated with his body being a piece of shit. Most people aren't prepared for the shock of how much certain things can hurt.

This, combined with the "all hell breaks loose" email, and it's pretty disappointingly clear.

"There's still a chance this wasn't staged", yes, it could be "real" but we are dealing with someone who needed a turn-around.

FFS this whole thing feels like the plot to an episode of "The Boys", mostly because it's almost the plot to an actual episode of The Boys.

While it doesn't matter much whether it was "real" in the end this whole powderkeg just ignited. I have some worry that there's an attempt on the works to play out revelation so that some specific church group can step in as presenting "Jesus, returned".
This is real. Someone died, two in critical condition in hospital. Security isn't magic.
Security isn't magic, but multiple people informing police of a possible active shooter at a presidential rally in a shooting location which was visible from the ground observers and nobody acting on it is fucking ridiculous right on its face.

Of course someone died though. It wouldn't be something that could have the effect it did if nobody died.

You think that people attempting to overthrow the US government and liquidate the constitution to set up a fascist dictatorship and send all the gays and immigrants to concentration camps for enslavement and murder would be squeamish about murdering someone?

But again, no matter whether it was staged or not, we have turned to the next page in this sick Antichrist drama, complete with @TV and credit cards 's revelation prophecy being fulfilled.

I'm just wondering how much longer until "loyalty marks" become a trend.
Appears shooter was registered Republican. Gave $15 to a progressive PAC.
It's always like that, isn't it? Each "side" gets a fact that they can use to "prove" that the shooter was One of Them, and everyone refuses to budge. Meanwhile in reality, most people who try to shoot presidents are a bit too unhinged to really belong to a political party or answer to one.
Is the big question why a rooftop so close to the event was not covered in coordination with local law enforcement? No one should have had the opportunity to even get up there, nevermind with a rifle.

In these stressful times, I make it a point of being extra nice/courteous when out and about. It may be perception on my part but I think others do the same.
Security isn't magic, but multiple people informing police of a possible active shooter at a presidential rally in a shooting location which was visible from the ground observers and nobody acting on it is fucking ridiculous right on its face.

Of course someone died though. It wouldn't be something that could have the effect it did if nobody died.

You think that people attempting to overthrow the US government and liquidate the constitution to set up a fascist dictatorship and send all the gays and immigrants to concentration camps for enslavement and murder would be squeamish about murdering someone?

But again, no matter whether it was staged or not, we have turned to the next page in this sick Antichrist drama, complete with @TV and credit cards 's revelation prophecy being fulfilled.

I'm just wondering how much longer until "loyalty marks" become a trend.

As to your first point, it is worth noting that when the right wing's boy-hero Kyle Rittenhouse walked into the Kenosha protest with an AR in his hands, the police on the scene not only let him pass, but offered him some water. Gotta be hydrated when you're a-killing!

Of course, this was a different situation. There's apparently a video where you can hear several audience members shouting "He's got a gun!" when the shooter had climbed upon the roof, but how did no one notice that he had it before he managed to get up there?

As far as sick Antichrist drama, no doubt some Trump supporters have already chocked this up as a "miracle" and the elevation of Trump to martyr status (even though he's still alive) has already begun.

And it's weird, isn't it? Kid with an AR walks into a BLM protest and guns down several people...right wing be like "Cool!" Kid with an AR guns down several people at a Trump rally, and the right wing reaction is "OMG! We must do something about all this violence! Pray for our country!"
Security isn't magic, but multiple people informing police of a possible active shooter at a presidential rally in a shooting location which was visible from the ground observers and nobody acting on it is fucking ridiculous right on its face.

Of course someone died though. It wouldn't be something that could have the effect it did if nobody died.

You think that people attempting to overthrow the US government and liquidate the constitution to set up a fascist dictatorship and send all the gays and immigrants to concentration camps for enslavement and murder would be squeamish about murdering someone?

But again, no matter whether it was staged or not, we have turned to the next page in this sick Antichrist drama, complete with @TV and credit cards 's revelation prophecy being fulfilled.

I'm just wondering how much longer until "loyalty marks" become a trend.

As to your first point, it is worth noting that when the right wing's boy-hero Kyle Rittenhouse walked into the Kenosha protest with an AR in his hands, the police on the scene not only let him pass, but offered him some water. Gotta be hydrated when you're a-killing!

Of course, this was a different situation. There's apparently a video where you can hear several audience members shouting "He's got a gun!" when the shooter had climbed upon the roof, but how did no one notice that he had it before he managed to get up there?

As far as sick Antichrist drama, no doubt some Trump supporters have already chocked this up as a "miracle" and the elevation of Trump to martyr status (even though he's still alive) has already begun.

And it's weird, isn't it? Kid with an AR walks into a BLM protest and guns down several people...right with be like "Cool!" Kid with an AR guns down several people at a Trump rally, and the right wing reaction is "OMG! We must do something about all this violence! Pray for our country!"
Actually the right wing reaction is always to do whatever Trump says to do. And what Trump said was:

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Thousands of Americans are dropping by the gun store to restock their ammunition this morning.
And it's weird, isn't it? Kid with an AR walks into a BLM protest and guns down several people...right wing be like "Cool!" Kid with an AR guns down several people at a Trump rally, and the right wing reaction is "OMG! We must do something about all this violence! Pray for our country!"
Comparing Kyle Rittenhouse to Thomas Crooks? Wow. How low can you go.
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The conspiracy theories are unnecessary to say the least and sharing them serves the same purpose as right wing authoritarian conspiracy theories: propaganda and hate/fear mongering, whether anyone intends to do this or not.

No one was surprised to find this shooter turned out to be a registered Republican. I should have put money on it. It was my first thought. Nothing conspiratorial, just another violent piece of shit Republican shooter. Yawn.

I really feel for those people in the bleachers behind. They literally had nowhere to go but to try to scrunch down in whatever space they had. Just watching was claustrophobic.

Anyway, that's a former President of the United States. The man is a fascist pig but any President should be protected from harm. He carries the dignity of the highest office in our democracy, the same fucking position as George Fucking Washington, ffs. Anyone who attempts to harm that stunted, vapid dumpster fire should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and that includes life in prison.
Man, I thought Alex Jones was the king of conspiracy theories. Some of you are not far behind.

I think some have gone past Alex Jones.
Not quite. It takes some serious "coo coo for cocoa puffs" beliefs to think Sandy Hook was faked. That said, though, I wouldn't be surprised if Alex Joes is anonymously perusing this forum and getting tips for his next conspiracy. ;)
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