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Veep Bets

I think Abrams would be good, and at the risk of counting my chickens before they hatch, she could run for re-election after Biden.
Stacey Abrams hasn't won a contested election in her life! I really do not get infatuation with her. Val Demings would be a much better southern black woman to be Biden's running mate.

I've never bought the experience argument. Competence is the most important factor, not experience in government per se[I/], since a competent person would surround themselves with the sorts of people who would fill in any gaps.

A good way to show your competence is a track record in relevant past positions. Doesn't have to be government per se, but it helps.
If I am not mistaken, Biden has stated that he would not run for re-election, which is a plus, given his age.
I don't think he has committed to serving only one term. Nor do I think it's a good idea to come out and say it at this point, even if he ultimately decides to not run for relection.

I think that any VP candidate should be given more than usual scrutiny as potential POTUS. It should be presumed that Biden’s VP
would run as POTUS and would need to be ready to go as POTUS at a seconds notice any time in the next 4 years.
Exactlty. When you have a 78 year old POTUS, changes of Veep having to take over increase dramatically. And thus it's stupid to push some state legislator from an uncontested district to be one heartbeat away.

For the most part, the allegations against Biden seem relatively trivial —with the exception of the allegation by Tara Reade.
And she seems about as trustworthy as Jean Carroll. Which is to say, not at all.
Abrams definitely carries a good deal of water.
It's not hard to get water. Joe can get his own damn water!

And the above doesn't discuss the potential vulnerabilities that the existing Georgian Senators managed to get themselves into. This greatly strengthens the Abrams argument.
There are much more important considerations as to selecting a Veep than the probably vain hope that putting a Georgian on the bottom of the ticket will deliver those Senate seats for the Democrats.
Especially with Biden being 78 the ability of the running mate to be president should be the top consideration. And Stacey Abrams is definitely not even close to being the top pick in that regard.

It can not be dismissed, she has no national footprint for experience.
To put it mildly.

Yes, the existing President was less qualified to be President than Kim Kardashian, and he is still our President, but we can't let Trump lower the bar in America to what should be expected. I think it is a shame Abrams isn't going for the Senate
True. Either Senate or a congressional seat would be logical stepping stones.

Abrams only fault is that national level experience.
There is also the issue of her never winning a contested election. All her wins for state legislatures came in districts so uniform, the GOP didn't even bother putting up a candidate!

]Obama didn't get put on the Kerry ticket. Obama was definitely on the 'running for President bus', but he ran for Senate, got elected, then became President. Abrams is skipping a step here. And this isn't an unreasonable observation.
Exactly. You need to walk before you can run.

Sen. Harris fits the mold for experience better. But Harris's selection would be to increase turnout, there would be no EVs directly gained from her, nor would Senator seats become as available as if Abrams got the nod.
I think with a 78 year old on the top of that ticket ability to be president from get go should be criterion sine qua non for selecting the running mate.
I agree with this NYTimes editorial.
The writer is delusional!

Among the other contenders, a recent poll (by Data for Progress for the group Way to Win) found that Ms. Harris ran a close second to Ms. Abrams in terms of support among African-Amer

Then Biden should go with her instead. Close second on black enthusiasm but lightyears ahead in terms of qualifications and experience.

Yes, I know some of you don't think that she has enough experience,
Wrong. We KNOW she doesn't have enough experience.

but I personally find that her intelligence, natural born leadership style and charisma is exactly what we need.
But she needs to show those qualities in a venue bigger than state legislature. She needs to show ability to win contested elections, preferably statewide. In other words, she should have run for Senate instead of that pastor.

And seriously, who else has the motivation and talent to work their way though law school by writing numerous novels? :D I've never known another politician as bright, organized, and appealing as Stacey. And, if she isn't the pick, I hope she will make another run for governor of Georgia. We sure could have used her during this pandemic.
I get it. You like her. But there are many bright people in politics. She needs to show more before she is ready for prime time. Especially with Biden being 78 years old.

So, you don't have to agree with me, but please spare me the same old nonsense that she doesn't have enough experience. We have a totally inexperienced reality tv host, who acts like a mentally deranged idiot who is now president.
Which is an argument for experience, not against it.

OF course, I will support which ever woman Biden chooses to run with him, but I do think that Stacey would be one of the best choices that Biden could make.
I can think of a dozen better ones.
The writer is delusional!

The writer is well informed. You disagree strongly but that does not make the writer delusional

OF course, I will support which ever woman Biden chooses to run with him, but I do think that Stacey would be one of the best choices that Biden could make.
I can think of a dozen better ones.
Then you should list them. Seriously. I'm interested in your opinion and I'm also interested in hearing more names of people who would make good running mates/potential POTUS.
Who's who:

11. Susan Rice - "She served on the National Security Council and in a high-ranking State Department role in the Clinton administration, and she was United Nations ambassador and national security adviser in the Obama administration."

Susan Rice is one I had not considered before. I think she'd be a great pick. Very smart, not too old, still an outspoken critic of the present administration, and doesn't remove an already sitting senator.

I still think Biden will go for either Klobuchar or Harris.
If I had to bet, I'd also say it will probably be one of these 2 women. Though I didn't think Biden would get the nod in the first place, nor wanted him or Bernie as they are both too old IMPOV. I was already leaning towards Klobuchar for Prez, so I could wait 4 years for her to get it.

But both have good backgrounds and experience.
Looks like both WaPo and the Gray Lady have chosen Klobuchar. I just took this shot seconds ago:

I liked Klobuchar. I was disappointing when she fell out of the running. Would be nice to have her as VP. But I'm not taking bets on anything these days.
If you had read the articles, instead of just posting images from a news feed, you would have known that:

  • The NYT article was written BY Amy Klobuchar
  • The WaPo political columnist is going to write the same headline about all the possible Veep choices, and give the best argument for why that one should be the pick. The WaPo editorial board did NOT write that column.

This piece is the first in a series where I make the strongest possible case for various possible Democratic vice presidential picks. I’m starting with Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar and will make the case for others in the coming days.

Looks like both WaPo and the Gray Lady have chosen Klobuchar. I just took this shot seconds ago:
View attachment 27112
The writer is well informed. You disagree strongly but that does not make the writer delusional
I stand by my assessment. Stacey Abrams has not shown that she is ready to be a running mate, much less for a 78 year old.

I can think of a dozen better ones.
Then you should list them. Seriously. I'm interested in your opinion and I'm also interested in hearing more names of people who would make good running mates/potential POTUS.

The point is not that all of them would be good choices per se, but they would all be better choices than a state rep who never won an election against an actual opponent in her life!
I stand by my assessment. Stacey Abrams has not shown that she is ready to be a running mate, much less for a 78 year old.

Then you should list them. Seriously. I'm interested in your opinion and I'm also interested in hearing more names of people who would make good running mates/potential POTUS.

The point is not that all of them would be good choices per se, but they would all be better choices than a state rep who never won an election against an actual opponent in her life!

The point is that you cannot think of dozens of better ones. Or you aren't willing to share your thoughts on who this 'they' are. Which really is a shame. I'm genuinely interested in your opinion.
I stand by my assessment. Stacey Abrams has not shown that she is ready to be a running mate, much less for a 78 year old.

Then you should list them. Seriously. I'm interested in your opinion and I'm also interested in hearing more names of people who would make good running mates/potential POTUS.

The point is not that all of them would be good choices per se, but they would all be better choices than a state rep who never won an election against an actual opponent in her life!

The point is that you cannot think of dozens of better ones. Or you aren't willing to share your thoughts on who this 'they' are. Which really is a shame. I'm genuinely interested in your opinion.

Tara Reade?
The point is that you cannot think of dozens of better ones. Or you aren't willing to share your thoughts on who this 'they' are. Which really is a shame. I'm genuinely interested in your opinion.

You are missing my point. My point is that Abrams is not very well qualified, not about coming up with any particular list.
There are well more than a dozen female Democratic governors and US senators. Vast majority of them would be better than former state representative Abrams. So would many in the House, for example Val Demings.
And yet Abrams keeps getting pushed by different op eds. I guess she is the new shiny thing to grab their attention.
I would say that if Tara Reade is in line for the VP position, it's justified discussing her here. But she isn't and we already have a place for that discussion. Nuff said.

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