Nothing mind-blowing but I made banana muffins today. Not sure what took me so long, but lately I've gotten in the habit of using up old bananas this way. This used to be done by my partner, but now I've found the motivation and realized how easy muffins are.
What's interesting about it is that it's such a simple and low-cost recipe that it's risk-free to tweak and experiment with it. I use this recipe as a base and try to do something different with it each time just to see how it turns out. To date I've experimented with brown sugar, adding blended berries, the number of eggs, and adding some pepper.
Nothing too difficult but it adds some fun to using up overripe bananas, and who knows what I'll have come up with in a few years.
Nothing mind-blowing but I made banana muffins today. Not sure what took me so long, but lately I've gotten in the habit of using up old bananas this way. This used to be done by my partner, but now I've found the motivation and realized how easy muffins are.
What's interesting about it is that it's such a simple and low-cost recipe that it's risk-free to tweak and experiment with it. I use this recipe as a base and try to do something different with it each time just to see how it turns out. To date I've experimented with brown sugar, adding blended berries, the number of eggs, and adding some pepper.
Nothing too difficult but it adds some fun to using up overripe bananas, and who knows what I'll have come up with in a few years.
That's what I like about making my own spaghetti sauce. Lots of room to experiment. Something told me to try adding allspice and now it's a standard ingredient. It sounds like a natural part of banana muffins too.
That's what I like about making my own spaghetti sauce. Lots of room to experiment. Something told me to try adding allspice and now it's a standard ingredient. It sounds like a natural part of banana muffins too.
That's what I like about making my own spaghetti sauce. Lots of room to experiment. Something told me to try adding allspice and now it's a standard ingredient. It sounds like a natural part of banana muffins too.
Fish sauce and soy sauce are great additions to tomato sauce, just be sure to reduce the salt you use.
This morning eggs, potatoes, vegetables with a tomato sauce. And an apple.
Lunch was rice, corn with a tomato sauce. A pile of cheery tomatoes on the side.
Dinner will be salad with canned salmon.
The strawberries are done but the blueberries are coming in. A bowl of fresh chilled blueberries goes down pretty well on a hot day, which is exactly what we just enjoyed.
The zucchini are almost there. Cut in half or whatever size dictates and skillet grill in olive oil with a touch of salt and pepper.