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What Are You Eating Today?

No, thank you. Do not like french fries.

French fries in an Italian dish. Blasphemy.
Our version is a crumbed chicken breast fillet, cooked, and topped with ham, parmigiana sauce and cheese, which is grilled until melted. Slices of avocado are sometimes added as well. (That is the blasphemy part IMO).

It is a ‘pub meal’, and comes with chips and a side salad (usually lettuce, cucumber, tomatoe, grated carrot and sliced red onion with a vinaigrette dressing). Most pub meals do come with chips and salad. Or mash and veg. They are simple foods that are nutritious and easy to produce in large quantities. Other examples of pub meals are: fish and chips, grilled Barra and chips/salad, rump steak, & bangers and mash. These are generally around the $20 mark and are quite substantial meals.
French fries in an Italian dish. Blasphemy.
What are you on about? Chicken Parmy with chips* and salad is 100% pure Australian cuisine. It's practically our national dish**. ;)

*Frenched and fried potatoes - subsequently contracted to "French fries" - were invented in Belgium; They are nothing to do with France, frenching is a culinary technique that consists of slicing vegetables into long thin strips. They are called "chips", but sometimes referred to as "hot chips", where it is possible that they could be confused with "chips", which are (obviously) completely different.

**The chief competitors being Barra and Chips, and Nachos. There's nothing as purely Aussie as Nachos.
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Just finished my dinner, which was an open face sandwich with hummus and salad with blue and blackberries for dessert. Delicious and filling. I am on Day 5 of a plant based whole food diet (no animal products, oil or sugar) out of necessity (more on that later) and I can feel a difference already.
A typical pub meal menu. This one is actually from the pub about 1.5km away from our house.

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$15 for 6 chicken wings - in a PUB?
It only looks expensive because you are used to prices in US$ (AU$15 is about US$10), and that don't include the waitstaff wages or sales taxes. The price on a menu here is the total sum of money that you pay, with no additional tips, taxes, or other hidden expectations or requirements.
No wonder Vegemite is your National Dish!
We have to eat Vegemite, to repel the drop-bears.
I just realized that almost everything we eat is ethnic food of many varieties. Well, last night I got Mr. Sohy to make us a chicken and broccoli stir fry, not exactly ethnic, but something new. It was pretty good. It had ginger, garlic, honey rice vinegar and I don't remember what else. I guess it was sort of Asian.

Today we had Japanese. I had a California roll with a big side of teriyaki vegetables. At least half of my meals are vegan or vegetarian, but due to my chronic anemic and borderline protein levels, I have to eat some meat and I'm not even a fan of meat. I read an article in Scientific American the other day that said there is no right. type of diet for everyone. I believe it. I do best with mostly vegan and small portions of meat or fish.

We had Chinese takeout two or three times this past week, usually honey or sesame chicken. I made fresh steamed vegetables to go with it.

I had a falafel wrapped in pita bread with hummus and vegetables one day for lunch, while he had Italian at a local restaurant owned by a charming Lebanese immigrant. She and Mr. Sohy shared Arabic swear words with a lot of laughter, since his mom spoke fluent Arabic but never taught it to him. We don't have an Indian or Korean restaurants in the area, so that's about it.

One day I went out by myself and had pizza for lunch, and to be honest, that's about all I remember, other than having the same Japanese dish another day for lunch. Oh wait. I think Mr. Sohy made me my favorite version of breaded baked shrimp with an orange dipping sauce, and now that I think of it, I had a burger one night to get my weekly dose of red meat with a side of rice and fresh veggies. We always have lots of vegetables. Tonight we are lazy, so it will be frozen dinners. I might go with a cheese and spinach ravioli with a side of fresh steamed veggies. That way I feel like I'm eating real food. :)

I'm cutting down on my sweets, but I need the calories so I still indulge in a couple of cookies a day and a small serving of ice cream.
Because of my upcoming upthebumthing I am on a low residue/low fibre diet. It limits what I can eat. @bilby is being amazing and following it also so that I don’t have to prepare two completely different meals. The only real diff is if I cook sausages for him, I will bake a salmon or Barra fillet in the oven. Sausages see a no no due to fibre and spices. :( I miss them. I love s good banger and mash!

Tonight we will have a cheese platter. I am allowed cheese, and bought some nice sliced ham off the bone to go with instead of salami and pepperoni and other sliced meats. I also bought plane(ish) cracker - again fibre. I can’t add the usual semi dried tomatoes, pickles etc for me, but can put them out for Bilby.
I had a huge veggie burger with an enormous side of sweet potato fries at one of our local restaurants for lunch today. Luckily, one of my parrots loves the fries so she finished them for me. I'm beginning to really hate meat, not because I think it's unhealthy. In fact, I need some for my chronic anemia because I don't seem to absorb non heme sources of iron very well. I just hate the thought of animals being killed for me to eat, especially considering how most of them come from factory farms. Still, I did have some honey chicken with a nice side of fresh veggies last night. I just try not to think about how that chicken might have been raised and killed.
I had a huge veggie burger with an enormous side of sweet potato fries at one of our local restaurants for lunch today. Luckily, one of my parrots loves the fries so she finished them for me. I'm beginning to really hate meat, not because I think it's unhealthy. In fact, I need some for my chronic anemia because I don't seem to absorb non heme sources of iron very well. I just hate the thought of animals being killed for me to eat, especially considering how most of them come from factory farms. Still, I did have some honey chicken with a nice side of fresh veggies last night. I just try not to think about how that chicken might have been raised and killed.
Apparently, chicken in our country that are raised for food are done so according to RSPCA standards, so I feel less guilty.


On the chronic anaemia front… my mum suffers that too in that her iron levels are consistently low. She has been having iron infusions twice a year for quite a while now, and they are starting to investigate why. So far nothing wrong with her gut, and she is having a CT colonoscopy soon to see if there is a problem there.
Today I made a giant pot of cream of chicken and rice soup and some rotini chicken lasagna.

I'm usually not making hot dishes at this time of year, but I just really love my chicken soup. I'm just too hot to eat it most days so I'm putting it into pint containers and freezing it so it won't go bad because I'm not sure if I'll be in the mood for it every day.

Also froze the lasagna in the same way except I ate a big bowl of it first. :biggrina: I'm just a cooking fool today. Everything from scratch except for the pasta sauce.

I cooked the chicken from raw, which is a new habit for me but I save money buying fresh chicken breasts and then freezing them each in their own freezer bag so I can pop them out to thaw whenever I need chicken.

I cook the breasts in a frying pan in butter and olive oil with just salt and pepper seasoning on medium for five minutes. Then I turn over the breasts and add about 3/4 cup of chicken broth to the pan, cover, and let simmer for another 7-8 minutes. Then I let it cool and shred it with my hand mixer. From there it can go into a recipe or stored until I feel like cooking.

So a couple weeks' worth of cooking DONE.

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