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What will Trump do between now and January 20 at noon

I believe that he needs to be out at noon on the 20th. Not the 21st. Traditionally the outgoing president gets the use of Air force One, one last time when moving to wherever. I wonder if Biden would allow that. It's tradition, not law. Does Trump still have his 757?

Biden certainly should disallow Trump's use of Air Force One. Not to embarrass the clod, but for fear that Trump or one of his die-hard associates will defecate and smear stool all over the furniture and walls of the airplane -- that would be a serious nuisance. Trump will probably plan to flee before noon, while he is still technically Leader of the Free World! I hope one of the adults tells AF1's pilot or maintenance crew to say that a few hours are needed for service before take-off, then turn him away when the clock strikes noon.

Keep this secret from the Orange Dotard. If he knows he won't have a final opportunity to defecate on Biden's airplane, he will surely spend the morning of the 20th smearing shit all over the Oval Office.

I am not exaggerating, though the details of his tantrums may involve things other than human fecal waste. We've had four years to see what this psycho is like when he's at his best. What he turns into in his final days, enraged that his Twitter channel is cut, will be the source for future movies akin to 2004's Downfall.
Just went on Trump's official website, for larfs. I clicked on Events, but that's empty. I clicked on News, and Trump has retweeted an appearance by Rep. Matt Gaetz on Fox's Steve Hilton show. The Fox banner underneath Gaetz reads: 'Steve: We Need a Real Revolution in Congress and Throughout Our Political System'.
Patriots coach Bill Belichick spurns Trump's presidential medal of freedom offer
Former Trump ally makes decision following invasion of Capitol
News is latest rebuke to president from sports world

“Recently I was offered the opportunity to receive the presidential medal of freedom, which I was flattered by out of respect for what the honor represents and admiration for prior recipients. Subsequently, the tragic events of last week occurred and the decision has been made not to move forward with the award,” said Belichick in a statement issued on Monday.

“Above all, I am an American citizen with great reverence for our nation’s values, freedom and democracy. I know I also represent my family and the New England Patriots team. One of the most rewarding things in my professional career took place in 2020 when, through the great leadership within our team, conversations about social justice, equality and human rights moved to the forefront and became actions."

What he turns into in his final days, enraged that his Twitter channel is cut, will be the source for future movies akin to 2004's Downfall.

I'm picturing Glenn Close at the end of Dangerous Liaisons.
Don't minimize Trump. What looks like catatonia or a state of eremitic withdrawal is actually the President laying the groundwork for a wonderful surprise. Two impeachments? Chump change. Trump will be impeached for a third time by Monday evening. This time he's going to fulfill a pledge he made in Sioux City five years ago -- he's going to shoot someone. The WH stewards are jumpy when they serve him his meals. Those fries are crisp!!
Try matching that, Presidents 46, 47, 48, etc.

I couldn't get into the WP article but read it elsewhere. Trumpo and his loyalists are rearranging the deck chairs and playing happy music. Trumpo doesn't want to pay Rudy either. Great stuff.

Just out of curiosity - when has Trump paid for anything?

He paid for sex with a porn star.

From the link

Trump has instructed aides not to pay Giuliani’s legal fees, two officials said, and has demanded that he personally approve any reimbursements for the expenses Giuliani incurred while traveling on the president’s behalf to challenge election results in key states. They said Trump has privately expressed concern with some of Giuliani’s moves and did not appreciate a demand from Giuliani for $20,000 a day in fees for his work attempting to overturn the election.

HA HA HA. Too funny, though anyone who has watched Trump would be able to see 5000 miles away that Trump would stiff Giuliani. It's Trump's MO. May they bankrupt each other suing each other. I hope they both loose.

I couldn't get into the WP article but read it elsewhere. Trumpo and his loyalists are rearranging the deck chairs and playing happy music. Trumpo doesn't want to pay Rudy either. Great stuff.

Just out of curiosity - when has Trump paid for anything?
Paid big bucks to charities. But i doubt you mean 'when coerced by the court.

I couldn't get into the WP article but read it elsewhere. Trumpo and his loyalists are rearranging the deck chairs and playing happy music. Trumpo doesn't want to pay Rudy either. Great stuff.

Wow. I know Trump's reputation is to renege on all his financial arrangements, but long-time-friend Rudy was almost his only remaining loyal accomplice. Trump's mania must have become very severe to reject his only non-family friend.

I use Firefox as my browser but have a Chrome with Javascript disabled just for WPO and NYTimes. So far, that's been good enough to read those sites. (I think there's a way to tell Firefox not to allow Javascript from specific websites, but I'm too lazy to learn how to do that.)
Pretty straight forward.
Trump is impeached (again) for the coup.
Trump would not have needed the coup if his people had reversed the swing states.
He paid $20,000/day, plus expenses, for the swing states.
He did not receive the service he contracted for.
Therefore he doesn't owe the vendors money. They should have tried harder.
No, he didn't. He got Cohen to pay for it, that is why it was an illegal campaign contribution.
I thought he reimbursed Cohen and that’s how he became directly connected. I could be wrong.

He agreed to pay Cohen $200K or thereabouts: $130K for Stormy, and another $70K to cover the IRS payments Cohen would need to make since the whole $200K would appear as income to Cohen. That this money appeared as income for Cohen rather than just for Stormy proves they knew it was illegal, but more interesting to me is that they felt the need to structure the transactions so that IRS got an extra cut. (Stormy presumably had to cut the IRS in also.) That they structured it this way rather than just secretly handing over a bagful of Benjamins shows that the super-elite can't really operate with impunity as we imagine.

He promised to pay Cohen $200K: it was structured as ten monthly payments or some such; Cohen showed some of the checks to Congress. Did Cohen get the whole $200K before he "flipped"? Or did he end up stiffed as happens to so many Trump creditors?
No, he didn't. He got Cohen to pay for it, that is why it was an illegal campaign contribution.
I thought he reimbursed Cohen and that’s how he became directly connected. I could be wrong.

He agreed to pay Cohen $200K or thereabouts: $130K for Stormy, and another $70K to cover the IRS payments Cohen would need to make since the whole $200K would appear as income to Cohen. That this money appeared as income for Cohen rather than just for Stormy proves they knew it was illegal, but more interesting to me is that they felt the need to structure the transactions so that IRS got an extra cut. (Stormy presumably had to cut the IRS in also.) That they structured it this way rather than just secretly handing over a bagful of Benjamins shows that the super-elite can't really operate with impunity as we imagine.

He promised to pay Cohen $200K: it was structured as ten monthly payments or some such; Cohen showed some of the checks to Congress. Did Cohen get the whole $200K before he "flipped"? Or did he end up stiffed as happens to so many Trump creditors?
I believe the critical issue is that the payback was structured as such to go under the radar for wire transfers, which made it a wire fraud crime, which is worse that the campaign finance infraction.
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