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What will Trump do between now and January 20 at noon

Moving days has begun.

Trump Aides Are Reportedly Looting The White House In The Administration’s Final Days


CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta reports that Trump is completely isolated from his staffers:

“I will tell you, you talk to sources close to the White House, people inside the White House, they describe a situation where the president is basically isolated, behind closed doors. He’s whining about this impeachment, he’s whining about being held responsible for what happened on January 6th. He’s also sort of casting off advisers and aides who aren’t telling him what he wants to hear.”

In essence, Vice President Mike Pence is running the country, Acosta added:

“And there is a split screen because Vice President Mike Pence is almost acting like a de facto president right now. He’s attending briefings like national security briefings on inauguration security preps and so on and it is a striking sort of way to look at the end of the Trump presidency.”

And then we have the looting, which was caught on camera, Acosta noted:

“And we are seeing what looks like moving day over at the White House. You are seeing items coming and going from the West Wing. We saw Larry Kudlow leaving earlier today. Here’s a bust of Abraham Lincoln being carried out of the West Wing.

“People need to know that the items inside the White House are not giveaways, they’re not souvenirs you can take home. This is not an estate sale or Antiques Roadshow, but yet you’re seeing some White House staffers taking mementos with them as they go. And so it is a strange sort of surreal look at the end days of the Trump presidency, but that’s what we’re in the midst of right now.”
abraham lincoln bust
This bronze bust of President Abraham Lincoln was created by American sculptor Gutzon Borglum, formally known as John Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum, in 1908. The large bust is installed atop a tall, white, stone pillar and has historically been displayed in a niche in the East Garden Room, visible to public visitors and guests as they enter the White House through the East Wing. Borglum was also famous for his work on Stone Mountain and Mount Rushmore.

artist - John Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum
date of work - 1908
credit - White House Historical Association/White House Historical Association
Don't they know there are curated inventories of all this shit?

Maybe not. They've never been military so they've never spent four days ripping a place apart because the number of spoons and forks in the wardroom don't match.
I assume they'll be getting an itemized bill.
"Lincoln bust. Priceless, but insured for $5 million. Bust or exact change, please. Now, in the dining room, we're missing $40K of silverware..."
Don't they know there are curated inventories of all this shit?

Maybe not. They've never been military so they've never spent four days ripping a place apart because the number of spoons and forks in the wardroom don't match.
I assume they'll be getting an itemized bill.
"Lincoln bust. Priceless, but insured for $5 million. Bust or exact change, please. Now, in the dining room, we're missing $40K of silverware..."

We're still using a big ass steel spoon my wife's now deceased dad stole out of the galley on the USS Furst.
Don't they know there are curated inventories of all this shit?

Maybe not. They've never been military so they've never spent four days ripping a place apart because the number of spoons and forks in the wardroom don't match.
I assume they'll be getting an itemized bill.
"Lincoln bust. Priceless, but insured for $5 million. Bust or exact change, please. Now, in the dining room, we're missing $40K of silverware..."

We're still using a big ass steal spoon my wife's now deceased dad stole out of the galley on the USS Furst.

Don't they know there are curated inventories of all this shit?

Maybe not. They've never been military so they've never spent four days ripping a place apart because the number of spoons and forks in the wardroom don't match.
I assume they'll be getting an itemized bill.
"Lincoln bust. Priceless, but insured for $5 million. Bust or exact change, please. Now, in the dining room, we're missing $40K of silverware..."

We're still using a big ass steal spoon my wife's now deceased dad stole out of the galley on the USS Furst.


No, I'm pretty sure it's made of steel, like Superman.

Trump reportedly took home $750,000 worth of art from the home of the US ambassador to France in 2018 after canceling a World War I cemetery visit

President Donald Trump took home art from the residence of the US ambassador to France during the 2018 visit in which he canceled a journey to visit American World War I dead, according to a new Bloomberg report.

According to the outlet, the transfer caused tension between officials but was deemed legal because the pieces were US property.

All the pieces were discovered to be copies and replicas, the report said, but one unnamed source told Bloomberg the art was worth a combine $750,000.

Bloomberg reported that Trump had extra time to spend in the Paris residence after canceling a visit to a cemetery for American troops killed during World War I and found some pieces of art that he liked inside.
Bloomberg reported that Trump had extra time to spend in the Paris residence after canceling a visit to a cemetery for American troops killed during World War I and found some pieces of art that he liked inside.

Surprised the French Ambassador was into cheap gold leaf and velvet Elvis...
Bloomberg reported that Trump had extra time to spend in the Paris residence after canceling a visit to a cemetery for American troops killed during World War I and found some pieces of art that he liked inside.

Surprised the French Ambassador was into cheap gold leaf and velvet Elvis...

Well, if Trump was visiting me, i wouldn't leave the Charles Russell out where that fuck could get mayo on it. "Here's $30, go to the thrift store, get me some Elvis and some big-eyed puppies. No, wait. Take $40, get one of those Chia-pet things."
Trump reportedly took home $750,000 worth of art from the home of the US ambassador to France in 2018 after canceling a World War I cemetery visit

President Donald Trump took home art from the residence of the US ambassador to France during the 2018 visit in which he canceled a journey to visit American World War I dead, according to a new Bloomberg report.

According to the outlet, the transfer caused tension between officials but was deemed legal because the pieces were US property.

All the pieces were discovered to be copies and replicas, the report said, but one unnamed source told Bloomberg the art was worth a combine $750,000.

Bloomberg reported that Trump had extra time to spend in the Paris residence after canceling a visit to a cemetery for American troops killed during World War I and found some pieces of art that he liked inside.

Oh yeah? Well Obama wore a tan suit once!!
Trump reportedly took home $750,000 worth of art from the home of the US ambassador to France in 2018 after canceling a World War I cemetery visit

President Donald Trump took home art from the residence of the US ambassador to France during the 2018 visit in which he canceled a journey to visit American World War I dead, according to a new Bloomberg report.

According to the outlet, the transfer caused tension between officials but was deemed legal because the pieces were US property.

All the pieces were discovered to be copies and replicas, the report said, but one unnamed source told Bloomberg the art was worth a combine $750,000.

Bloomberg reported that Trump had extra time to spend in the Paris residence after canceling a visit to a cemetery for American troops killed during World War I and found some pieces of art that he liked inside.

I haven't visited the US embassy in Paris, but it rather surprises me that they had 'Dogs Playing Poker' on their walls.
Trump reportedly took home $750,000 worth of art from the home of the US ambassador to France in 2018 after canceling a World War I cemetery visit

President Donald Trump took home art from the residence of the US ambassador to France during the 2018 visit in which he canceled a journey to visit American World War I dead, according to a new Bloomberg report.

According to the outlet, the transfer caused tension between officials but was deemed legal because the pieces were US property.

All the pieces were discovered to be copies and replicas, the report said, but one unnamed source told Bloomberg the art was worth a combine $750,000.

Bloomberg reported that Trump had extra time to spend in the Paris residence after canceling a visit to a cemetery for American troops killed during World War I and found some pieces of art that he liked inside.

I haven't visited the US embassy in Paris, but it rather surprises me that they had 'Dogs Playing Poker' on their walls.

One of the tip-offs that perhaps Spiro Agnew was destined for infamy was that when he left his position as the Governor of Maryland he looted the Governor's Mansion of all of the valuable antique furniture that was the property of the State. So, I fully expect that on the afternoon of January 20th, the new administration will find that everything including the Resolute Desk will be gone from the White House.
A Trump insider has told reporters that Big T will leave Washington on Wednesday morning, be flown to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland for a celebration in his honor. It may include a color guard (which Trump presumably vetoed until they told him what it meant) and a 21 gun salute. That last part stumps me -- are there really 21 members in his extended family?? (Maybe they can include Rudy, Ted, and Lindsey in the lineup.)
A Trump insider has told reporters that Big T will leave Washington on Wednesday morning, be flown to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland for a celebration in his honor. It may include a color guard (which Trump presumably vetoed until they told him what it meant) and a 21 gun salute.

Do you have ANY idea how many times that Sergeant is gonna verify the guns have blanks?
"Kowalski! Lemmee see your magazine again."
"Foreign AND domestic, Sarge! That's the oath!"
"Ski! Gimmee your god-damned weapon!"
"He's got a point, Sarge."
"Yeah, we all took the same oath."
"Even you, Sarge."
"Alright, all you motherfuckers, PRESENT...ARMS!"
Trump reportedly took home $750,000 worth of art from the home of the US ambassador to France in 2018 after canceling a World War I cemetery visit

President Donald Trump took home art from the residence of the US ambassador to France during the 2018 visit in which he canceled a journey to visit American World War I dead, according to a new Bloomberg report.

According to the outlet, the transfer caused tension between officials but was deemed legal because the pieces were US property.

All the pieces were discovered to be copies and replicas, the report said, but one unnamed source told Bloomberg the art was worth a combine $750,000.

Bloomberg reported that Trump had extra time to spend in the Paris residence after canceling a visit to a cemetery for American troops killed during World War I and found some pieces of art that he liked inside.

I haven't visited the US embassy in Paris, but it rather surprises me that they had 'Dogs Playing Poker' on their walls.

Even for dogs, $750,000 is a large pot.

I fully expect that on the afternoon of January 20th, the new administration will find that everything including the Resolute Desk will be gone from the White House.

I have been saying for years that Trump and his mob would literally steal everything that wasn't bolted down. People accused me of being hyperbolic, just like when I said he'd never concede, would try to stay in power by any means possible etc...
If the resolute desk is still there, it's because Trump and his mob were unable to steal it.
Get ready for the worst case of p.d. (pardon diarrhea) in history. Trump's about to have a massive sit-down. Phil Spector's gotta be one mad munchkin in hell. If he'd just lived a couple more days...
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