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What will Trump do between now and January 20 at noon

I think that he'll try another Coup in a couple days.

So I sure hope that there is action to 25th him or better impeach him. The articles of impeachment can be one sentence long.

"Wherein Trump is found guilty of fomenting a coup against the United States Government, he is hereby Impeached."
I think that he'll try another Coup in a couple days.

So I sure hope that there is action to 25th him or better impeach him. The articles of impeachment can be one sentence long.

"Wherein Trump is found guilty of fomenting a coup against the United States Government, he is hereby Impeached."

I suspect that the A25 process is a lot faster - doesn't require two separate proceedings, and is designed for emergencies.
I think that he'll try another Coup in a couple days.

So I sure hope that there is action to 25th him or better impeach him. The articles of impeachment can be one sentence long.

"Wherein Trump is found guilty of fomenting a coup against the United States Government, he is hereby Impeached."

I suspect that the A25 process is a lot faster - doesn't require two separate proceedings, and is designed for emergencies.

Yeah, but i really like the idea of Cheato being the only president impeached twice, and thst puts every motherfucker in both chambers on the spot for saying if fomenting rebellion rises to the level of an impeachable offense.
I think that he'll try another Coup in a couple days.

So I sure hope that there is action to 25th him or better impeach him. The articles of impeachment can be one sentence long.

"Wherein Trump is found guilty of fomenting a coup against the United States Government, he is hereby Impeached."

I suspect that the A25 process is a lot faster - doesn't require two separate proceedings, and is designed for emergencies.

That will never happen.
I think that he'll try another Coup in a couple days.

So I sure hope that there is action to 25th him or better impeach him. The articles of impeachment can be one sentence long.

"Wherein Trump is found guilty of fomenting a coup against the United States Government, he is hereby Impeached."

I suspect that the A25 process is a lot faster - doesn't require two separate proceedings, and is designed for emergencies.

That will never happen.
1) House Dems force an impeachment.
2) McConnell dare not delay taking action on the impeachment.
3) Senate Dems use procedural_fu to make the vote a roll-call.
4) Rather then the entire GOP Senate choosing sides in this issue, on record, pissing off eitherr Trump's base or the rest of the party, they arrange for Pence to 25 him, first. The needs of the many vice the needs of the one,,..
I think that he'll try another Coup in a couple days.

So I sure hope that there is action to 25th him or better impeach him. The articles of impeachment can be one sentence long.

"Wherein Trump is found guilty of fomenting a coup against the United States Government, he is hereby Impeached."

I suspect that the A25 process is a lot faster - doesn't require two separate proceedings, and is designed for emergencies.

Trouble is A25 does not prohibit him from holding public office in the future. Impeachment would.

Pelosi says House will impeach if Pence doesn't act on 25th Amendment

The top Democrats in Congress called on Thursday for President Trump’s immediate removal from office for his role in urging on the violent mob that overtook the Capitol a day before, disrupting the ratification of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s electoral victory.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York called on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment, which allows him and the cabinet to wrest the power of the presidency from Mr. Trump.

If Mr. Pence declines to act, they said Democrats were prepared to impeach Mr. Trump for a second time.

“While it’s only 13 days left, any day can be a horror show for America,” Ms. Pelosi said, calling Mr. Trump’s actions on Wednesday a “seditious act.”

In an extraordinary news conference in the reclaimed Capitol, Ms. Pelosi singled out members of the Cabinet by name, asking why they would not intervene.

“Are they ready to say for the next 13 days this dangerous man can assault our democracy?” Ms. Pelosi said of the cabinet.

For fuck's sake, the Trumpers are all over Zucker on FB saying things like "its America, free speech!" Fuck you all - don't any of you understand anything?!? FB is a private company that actually has rules, rules that they can enforce at their will. AND saying "free speech" is not a fucking get-out-of-jail-free card. There are consequences. How do you not understand this?

For fuck's sake, the Trumpers are all over Zucker on FB saying things like "its America, free speech!" Fuck you all - don't any of you understand anything?!? FB is a private company that actually has rules, rules that they can enforce at their will. AND saying "free speech" is not a fucking get-out-of-jail-free card. There are consequences. How do you not understand this?
And for the consequences of yesterday, being temporary banned on Facebook is a pretty small price to pay.

Pelosi says House will impeach if Pence doesn't act on 25th Amendment

The top Democrats in Congress called on Thursday for President Trump’s immediate removal from office for his role in urging on the violent mob that overtook the Capitol a day before, disrupting the ratification of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s electoral victory.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York called on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment, which allows him and the cabinet to wrest the power of the presidency from Mr. Trump.

If Mr. Pence declines to act, they said Democrats were prepared to impeach Mr. Trump for a second time.

“While it’s only 13 days left, any day can be a horror show for America,” Ms. Pelosi said, calling Mr. Trump’s actions on Wednesday a “seditious act.”

In an extraordinary news conference in the reclaimed Capitol, Ms. Pelosi singled out members of the Cabinet by name, asking why they would not intervene.

“Are they ready to say for the next 13 days this dangerous man can assault our democracy?” Ms. Pelosi said of the cabinet.
Then she promptly adjourned (specifically saying until after the inauguration), while giving a big middle finger to the US.

For fuck's sake, the Trumpers are all over Zucker on FB saying things like "its America, free speech!" Fuck you all - don't any of you understand anything?!? FB is a private company that actually has rules, rules that they can enforce at their will. AND saying "free speech" is not a fucking get-out-of-jail-free card. There are consequences. How do you not understand this?
And for the consequences of yesterday, being temporary banned on Facebook is a pretty small price to pay.

On a scale from one to hanged by the neck until dead, it does seem like a fairly light sentence.
I need to get downtown and copyright the book title "Trump's Last Days".

It's going to be worth big bucks by February.

I'd write it myself, but living a Salman Rushdie sort of life doesn't appeal.
I need to get downtown and copyright the book title "Trump's Last Days".

It's going to be worth big bucks by February.

I'd write it myself, but living a Salman Rushdie sort of life doesn't appeal.

Titles aren't subject to copyright.

I need to get downtown and copyright the book title "Trump's Last Days".

It's going to be worth big bucks by February.

I'd write it myself, but living a Salman Rushdie sort of life doesn't appeal.

Titles aren't subject to copyright.


Maybe not.

But it would be cheaper for a big publisher to pay me a million than fight it in court.

Don't you know anything about the American Justice system?

ETA ~Yes, I know I have to sue for two millions, so the lawyers get their cut ;) ~
That will never happen.
1) House Dems force an impeachment.
2) McConnell dare not delay taking action on the impeachment.
3) Senate Dems use procedural_fu to make the vote a roll-call.
4) Rather then the entire GOP Senate choosing sides in this issue, on record, pissing off eitherr Trump's base or the rest of the party, they arrange for Pence to 25 him, first. The needs of the many vice the needs of the one,,..

The whole of the Congress would still have to take sides and vote on the Article 25 dismissal if Trump chose to dispute it, and it's a 2/3rds vote to uphold it.
That will never happen.
1) House Dems force an impeachment.
2) McConnell dare not delay taking action on the impeachment.
3) Senate Dems use procedural_fu to make the vote a roll-call.
4) Rather then the entire GOP Senate choosing sides in this issue, on record, pissing off eitherr Trump's base or the rest of the party, they arrange for Pence to 25 him, first. The needs of the many vice the needs of the one,,..

The whole of the Congress would still have to take sides and vote on the Article 25 dismissal if Trump chose to dispute it, and it's a 2/3rds vote to uphold it.

I don't think that the Constitution is particularly relevant anymore.

Did the Senate hold a vote on Garland? No.

The people who run the asylum decide what rules to follow and what the rules mean.

Trump's followers might be upset to discover that. They seem rather accustomed to changing the rules to suit themselves. But,

Did the Senate hold a vote on Garland? No.


To me, this was a watershed moment. An irrevocable break in decorum that finally convinced me that Republicans cared more about their own power than their oaths to the Constitution.

Nothing Mitch has said in the is current situation can redeem him for that.

That being said, I’m ambivalent about the use of the 25th amendment because I do not think this is what it was intended for and I’d hate to see it misused in the future. Impeachment is the ideal constitutional approach. But, on the other hand, if the VP and the cabinet, all hand-picked by a President himself, believe the President can’t fulfill his duties that’s a pretty strong statement.
When a Scot says golf is "not essential", you know things are bad. I would love to see them wave off Air Force 1.

On second thought, when he was ready to leave, he'd no longer be SCROTUS, and Biden could tell him to arrange some other means of flying back. What a beautiful "Eff you" that would be.

The supposed filed flight plan was not for Air Force 1, but for another plane in the presidential fleet, the one typically used by those other than the president.

Air Force 1 is not a specific plane; it’s whatever plane the President is on. Any plane in the “Presidential fleet” can become AF1.
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