Definitely need to state that this is early. Sarah Palin was a remarkably sound choice for a week too! While Harris gets the "fast" track to the General Election, everyone is looking at the brand new car, no one is kicking the tires yet. Yes, the transition was very smooth and deliberate. But we are about to move from transition to race. With about 45% of the electorate set for each candidate, leaving the last 10% unknown.
You sound worried about tires falling off when they're kicked.
I'm not. Of course it depends somewhat on "strategists" and "handlers" but it should be mind-numbingly simple.
She has a decent speaking voice. A bit annoyingly nasal, but she can make her words understood, unlike Sleepy Joe, and is capable of inflection and emphasis, which Sleepy Joe is not. She also has a prosecutor's mean streak, which Joe does not. But really, she shouldn't need that.
All she really has to do is
tell the truth. Over and over again. Clearly, with emphasis.
truth about the economy, which is absolutely cranking by most all measures vs Trump's economy which he inherited from Obama and ran into the ground..
truth about illegal immigration, which was at a 50 year low before Cheato showed up, and which Cheato refused to allow to be fixed.
truth about the violent crime rate, which is currently at a 40 year low.
truth that inflation is now within the Fed's target range.
And myriad other
truths. Facts of the sort that Reagan referred to as "stubborn things".
No need to indulge in back and forth petty insults (though there's a lot of low hanging fruit there too).
"Just the facts, ma'am" will do the trick.