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Will Trump finally be indicted in Georgia?

I think that the Republican former Lt. Governor of Georgia, Geoff Duncan, says it best. It is time for Republicans to acknowledge that Trump has driven their party into the ditch. What I find most chilling about his take on the situation is that, if Republicans could get up the courage to ditch Trump, they would have a very good chance of winning the presidency. They probably won't be able to do that, but Democrats really need to consider that possibility, as they rush to reelect a very old leader who isn't a good campaigner and whose age is going to dog him every step of the way. I don't see Biden easily beating any Republican other than Donald Trump. Even Ron DeSantis would have a good chance at beating him, given the propensity of Republicans to fall into lockstep behind any nominee they select and the propensity of Democrats to fall out of lockstep just as easily.

Geoff Duncan on Trump: Taking our Republican Party straight to the ditch
I’m not certain I agree with you re: Biden’s chances against most GOP candidates. Even among lefties/left leaning and centrists among my Dem family and friends, there IS concern about Biden’s age. Unfortunately I don’t see a very likely Dem replacement. Fir the GOP, I think we cannot underestimate Tim Scott who I think would stand a good chance against Biden. He’s young, attractive, gives the GOP cover to pretend they aren’t racist and speaks well to religious conservatives.

But re: Biden. I was unhappy that he entered the race. But I think he has performed very far above my expectations for him. Unfortunately I don’t see Kamala Harris taking over the reigns unless there is a truly unfortunate event. I have a lot of respect for her, but she’s not terribly electable. There are too many who are willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces, as my mother used to say and let the pursuit of the perfect be the enemy of the good.

I’ll vote for Biden again, unless there is an extremely compelling reason for me not to do so.

And I will continue to hope like heck that we get some younger, and strong candidates coming forward.

I do not see myself ever voting for a member of the GOP. What has the party come to, not only supporting Trump but when a Cheney is the voice of morals and reason in the party, they are lost forever.

I agree with you on all of that, but the real problem is the undemocratic electoral process of choosing presidents in the US. Republicans--largely rural, white, Christian, and conservative voters--hold a structural advantage over Democrats. Their votes tend to be counted more heavily than those who live in more densely populated Democratic strongholds. If we had a completely popular election, I would be less concerned, but the fact is that Democrats need to do a lot better than 51% of the popular vote, and Republicans need only come in at the high end of the 40th percentile. Those who decide the election will be independents and moderates in a few purple states, and they aren't as liberal as most of us discussing this in the IIDB forum. Our view of what the general public is going to do tends to skew towards liberal perceptions of what they ought to do. Given a choice, they may be less likely to share liberal and Democratic concerns about the value of social programs, and they may be more resentful of what they see as Democratic arrogance and disrespect for traditional values. Wishful thinking about what most American voters will do tends to create unrealistic expectations.
Time for everyone to mail Trump some of these:

We don't just vote for Presidents. We vote for the team that the President brings with him or her.

Sure we wish Joe were younger. He doubtless wishes it, too. But with age comes stature and experience — who else could meet with Xi having known him for 30 years? — and a team of 1,200 younger, vigorous appointees that has shown itself to be effective. With Joe, you’re not getting an octogenarian; you’re getting that team of 1,200 led by a wise, decent, deeply good-hearted octogenarian who has earned the trust of our allies around the world. And united them in thwarting Russia’s aggression. Why would you change administrations when so much is going well — jobs for anyone who wants one, lower drug prices, chip manufacturing coming back to the US, a decade of revitalized infrastructure and rural broadband teed up — and when progress is being made on the things we all agree need improvement? Why would you mess with that?
Yes! To be very honest, my only concern with Joe is his age —not his competence or his experience and certainly not his team! It was very much one of the worst side effects of Trump: he brought no one with him who knew how to do anything —although frankly I’m grateful for that. And we cannot count on that level of incompetence again.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

So, the Witch Hunt continues! 19 people Indicated (sic) tonight, including the former President of the United States, me, by an out of control and very corrupt District Attorney who campaigned and raised money on, "I will get Trump." And what about those Indictment Documents put out today, long before the Grand Jury even voted, and then quickly withdrawn? Sounds Rigged to me! Why didn't they Indict 2.5 years ago? Because they wanted to do it right in the middle of my political campaign. Witch Hunt!
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others - There will be a complete EXONERATION!

They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!

Now they have the evidence??? This should be a good one.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others - There will be a complete EXONERATION!

They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!

Now they have the evidence??? This should be a good one.
I look forward to seeing it.

I could use a laugh.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others - There will be a complete EXONERATION!

They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!

Now they have the evidence??? This should be a good one.
Is anyone stupid enough to believe this?
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others - There will be a complete EXONERATION!

They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!

Now they have the evidence??? This should be a good one.
Is anyone stupid enough to believe this?

What country do you live in, Jimmy? I thought it was the US.
The Grift must go on. Trump‘s legal jeopardy is a cash cow - Trump himself has become irrelevant. The GQP will do whatever they can to perpetuate the life of the cash cow, even (especially?) if Trump goes to jail. The powers that be in the GQP probably don’t care what happens to the moron as long as they continue to rake it in.
Is anyone stupid enough to believe this?
Sadly, obviously, yes. Millions. And they can vote.
Go to rallies.

They can do all these things, it is true. Trump seems to be fixated on that fact. He makes a post on his site, it gets lots of likes, "re-truths" and media coverage. The rubes send money. They show up to a rally and cheer for him. He's winning in his mind. And yes, a disturbing number of people are on his side.

What they - and apparently he - don't grasp is that legally, none of that matters. So far, several grand juries - local, state, and federal - have looked at the evidence and recommended charges. A federal judge has treated him with kid gloves, but the case is proceeding. Another federal judge has been less patient, but that case is proceeding as well. The state case? "Y'all motherfuckers better be here next Friday or shit's gonna get real."

Will Trump be cooling his heels in a Fulton County jail cell? Probably not, but this case (and the others) are going forward with little or no official concern about how many hits Trump gets on Truth Social. This is not a popularity contest.
Let's not forget the Georgia law that Kemp signed in May that allows a commission appointed by Republicans to remove prosecutors. The commission cannot take its first complaints for review until October 1. I expect Fani Willis to definitely be a target. Whether the commission will have the courage to pull the plug on her is another matter, because it is obviously something that would have huge political fallout. And the next prosecutor would still have the indictment to pursue. Meanwhile, Trump will try every means in his power to have the charges moved up to federal courts. Trump cannot be pardoned if convicted until five years after serving whatever he is sentenced with. The governor in Georgia will not be able to pardon him, and the law is very strict there. However, he does not necessarily need to be sentenced to jail. He could be given some kind of house arrest or probation, serve his sentence, and then be pardoned five years later, if he were to live that long.

Georgia’s GOP governor signs bill that could remove local prosecutors and DAs from their jobs

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So...we'll get the revelation of our lives at 11 a.m. next Monday? I'm hanging on it. I know my President won't disappoint. He has investigators in Georgia, and THEY CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT THEY'RE FINDING OUT.
Old Lily Tomlin line, about how crazy the country got in '68: "Is this happening, or is it the hash?"
Really, really, really, you poor deluded Trumpaholics. You're so deep in the rabbit hole that there's no daylight at all getting to you. He lied his ass off to you for 4 years about Birthergate. Right? He even let you know that was a lie, because he had his campaign end it in 2016. That means he's a liar. That means.........no, it's just plain futile. The sociologists of the future will have to explain all this. Living through it in 2023, it's just plain mind-warping. Is this happening, or is it the hash?
If the case is kicked up to a federal court, which is a strong possibility, it won't actually move the case out of Georgia. Rather it will be moved to a federal court not far away, and the jury will be expanded to include surrounding areas that are more Trump friendly. Fani Willis will still be the prosecutor, but there will be a federal judge instead of a Georgia judge overseeing the case. The Georgia indictment will still be prosecuted under Georgia law, and those found guilty will not be eligible for federal pardons. Rather, Georgia state law will still apply. So moving it up to the federal level won't give Trump as much advantage as people seem to think. Anyway, see this interview by MSNBC's Chris Hayes with Anna Bower, who is a Harvard Law graduate with special expertise in this issue. It is very informative.

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