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And now the totally expected Trans Bathroom laws result

You're still not addressing the issue. What's supposed to happen tomorrow? Refitting the bathrooms won't happen by then.
What could happen tomorrow is we could change the rules to:

1: Anyone can use the men's room.
2: Anyone who's biologically female can use the women's room.
3: Anyone who's biologically female gets a vote on what the criteria are for which biological males can also use the women's room.
So the FTMs end up in the women's room and we get the case that started this thread.
No, re-read it.

ANYONE can use the men's room. Thus, Noah could have used the men's room and this would have been avoided. Noah is also allowed to use the women's room under this proposal, but is not required to do so. They could have weighed their options, taken a realistic look in the mirror and thought "Are the ladies in there going to perceive me as a dude? Are the guys in the men's room going to perceive me as a chick? Which is most likely?"
Wait, you are comparing the molestation of children by a pedophile adult who was on testosterone, exactly the class of people I consider primary risks for bad behavior due to hormonally induced derangement, with the behavior of people who are at the very least expected to NOT be on testosterone?
[removed] "Hormonally induced derangement" smh.
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The authority OKing them is specifically OKing based on urinalysis, prescriptions, and multiple doctor assessment.

I would absolutely substitute the judgement of someone like freak-out lady and the beat-em-up boys, with the judgement of doctors notes and blood testing.
Just so we're clear here, you (a male) are okay substituting the judgement of some random other person in deciding what risk to subject females to?

Isn't it so easy to decide what risks someone else should be obligated to take on?
Was this even a problem before right-wing politicians and culture warriors made it out to be a problem?

Was there a systemic problem where cis-women were made uncomfortable by male-looking trans-women using their spaces?
It wasn't a problem before various activist groups pushed for protection on the basis of self-declaration. Prior to that, we had a requirement for diagnosis and counseling before a person was legally allowed to transition. This provided people - especially women - a degree of trust that the person in their midst who still clocked as male had been vetted in a reasonable fashion.

This was not a problem before we ended up with transwomen walking around with their dicks out in the women's spas and showers, in front of kids, making the women and children there feel uncomfortable and threatened.

Also, don't call me cis. I'm not a subset of my own sex class.
Was this even a problem before right-wing politicians and culture warriors made it out to be a problem?

Was there a systemic problem where cis-women were made uncomfortable by male-looking trans-women using their spaces?
TERFs are always happy to send you a bunch of Daily Mail articles that will make it seem like this is a common occurence. Also every trans person is a rapist, every bisexual sleeps around, every Muslim is a terrorist, and every homeless person secretly has a mansion and an nice car that they bought with their scam begging money.
Wow. That's a whole lot of well poisonings for such few sentences.
Was there a systemic problem where cis-women were made uncomfortable by male-looking trans-women using their spaces?

I don’t know. But I remember going into an airport restroom, finding it empty. Used a stall, washed and left. As I was leaving, two women brushed past me and into the bathroom I had just left. That struck me as odd so I turned around to discover that I had used the “ladies room”. Struck me as funny at the time. But now I’m glad that was “back then”!
I accidentally started to walk into the men's restroom in a big store a few years ago and a man who was on the way out, looked at me as if I had committed a felony. I apologized and quickly walked out. I'm an innocent looking cute little old lady and I'm not belligerent, so I doubt it was my appearance he feared. He just didn't think I belonged in the men's space. No problem. It won't happen again

I confess that I've read this entire insane thread and I really don't totally agree with a single one of you. Some of you sound very self righteous, expecting women to not have some reservations about male looking people in their private spaces. For fuck's sake, social change comes slowly and even the most progressive woman might have some negative feelings about trans females, who might have a penis, suddenly using the women's room. Try to see it from her perspective and stop accusing her of being a hater. That's what I mean by appearing self righteous. If a man didn't want a little old lady in his space, wouldn't it seem reasonable that at least some women wouldn't want a tall, partly trans female in her space?

I'm not talking about the Ruiz story, assuming it's even true. He obviously shouldn't have been beaten up. That's all that needs to be said about that.

Still, considering that the trans population is less than 2%, or even less than 1%, depending on which source you read, it's very unlikely that we need to worry about someone with a penis coming into the women's rest room. And, if that person with a penis looks female enough, who cares! I rarely bother to notice who's in the rest room. I strongly prefer the single room rest rooms and most of the places I go have them. Some are single sex and some are unisex. I just hope they are clean, but when ya gotta go, ya gotta go. I've used out houses before when I gotta go. But I digress. 😜

As for me, if a person who appeared to be a male came into a women's rest room, I would simply say something like, " Hey bro! You're in the wrong room. The men's room is on the other side." I do not fear men. I was able to stand up to a large, asshole of a man who threatened to rape me when I was much younger and walking to my car around midnight after having meeting my sister in a bar for a drink. He backed down so quickly. I know how to stand up to a bully. I also had a back up plan as how to escape. I get it. Some women are very fearful of men being in the wrong place. As long as they aren't openly carrying a gun, or are psychopaths, like tfg, I can deal with them. Still I have empathy for the women, like my sister, who isn't able to stand up to a bully and who was raped twice in her younger years. One time it was a gang rape of teenage boys. The other time it was a stranger.

Trans people are being attacked and discriminated by the Republican Party in far worse ways, so why are so many of us caught up in this thread when by now, it's obvious that nobody is going to change their mind and some are making rather mean assumptions about others. Now I'm ashamed that I spent this much time here. I promised myself I wouldn't come back to this thread, but I had no self discipline and perhaps too much time on my hands, so here I am....

Anyway, if a person, regardless of gender has a penis, they can usually find a safe place to pee. I learned that from my two little male friends when I was about 5. Sorry. I can't take this thread too seriously because it you start at the beginning and read the entire thing, it really does look like little children throwing insults at each other. And, now I'm one too, since I added a post. Dog forgive me.

Oh no. I just read Toni's last post. I've never showered next to anyone, so I guess I don't understand that fear. I would think if there was a trans female who still had a penis, on a women's team, the other team members would know and they wouldn't be fearful. But then, what do I know. I don't even remember showering near the other girls when I was in high school. Are we all making too big of an issue out of this?

I think Gospel knows best and I'm not even a Christian. 😜
Apparently, there was an 18 year old girl who was in a women’s locker room and encountered a transwoman, apparently with penis and testicles intact, showering there, and reacted in fear. She was getting praised on conservative media and dragged everywhere else.

I think her reaction of fear was natural. I am not surprised at all at who praises her or who talks about her as if she’s a NeoNazi.

Girls sports weren’t really a thing yet when I was in high school, but we had gym class and we were expected to shower. There was a range in degrees of comfort in sharing the shower room with other girls in your class. I did d not understand at the time but some girls made snide remarks about the female gym teacher’s orientation. Very few were totally comfortable at 14-16. Partly it was a different t time and partly: adolescence is not a time when a lot of people feel very comfortable with their bodies. Which is a good argument for more opportunities and expectations of participation in sports from younger ages.

What I was writing about was assuming a space such as a Y, with facilities for men, women, families. Such gym spaces are generally segregated by sex/gender. I was assuming an adult woman going into the women’s dressing room for a shower after her swim or racket ball game or tennis. Or something similar. I was imagining what I am most familiar with.

Almost all women I can think of would react with some degree of alarm if they encountered a naked stranger with a penis in the shower next to them. Even more would be outraged if their daughter described a naked adult with a penis in the shower next to them. This includes women with kids who are LGBTQTIA or who are themselves in some way queer. Or women who show up to support the community and their rights.
And of course my own position is that stripping anyone of the protections of the 14th amendment constitutes an assault on the rule of law and the rights of the citizen generally.
How on earth do you figure this comes into it? No males are being denied the right to vote, nor are any males being denied equal treatment under the law - all males are being treated equally in all ways.
1. I do not think that cis women reacting in alarm to apparent males in a women’s only space is transphobic.
A posse of men savagely beating someone is not a form of "reacting in alarm" that is acceptable in a public space, no.

You know perfectly well that if someone "merely" lifted an eyebrow in alarm, it would not become a news story.

No one—except me_seems to say that the root cause is violence, usually male violence.
That is not something that men are willing to deal with.
What is this even supposed to mean? You were so upset that people were condemning these "men who thought they were being heroes, coming to the rescue of a woman in distress" (your words)-- by chasing someone and violently beating them --and now you're turning around and saying that you're taking a stand against male violence?

You're also stoking anti-trans paranoia rather than addressing the known causes of male violence and rape. Of which the existence of trans people is not.
Americans :rolleyesa:

You guys have to have a rule, and it has to be enforced without exception.

Have you ever considered not having a specific rule at all? No rules about who can lawfully use what spaces, no enforcement of such rules, everyone does what makes them and others around them feel comfortable, and anyone who instigates violence against anyone else gets arrested and charged.

You know, freedom.

OK, Americans don't know; But FYI, that's what "freedom" is.

It's also what you had, before a bunch of right-wing evangelicals and left-wing TERFs decided to make a big, vote-winning deal out of a non-issue.
1. I do not think that cis women reacting in alarm to apparent males in a women’s only space is transphobic.
A posse of men savagely beating someone is not a form of "reacting in alarm" that is acceptable in a public space, no.

You know perfectly well that if someone "merely" lifted an eyebrow in alarm, it would not become a news story.

No one—except me_seems to say that the root cause is violence, usually male violence.
That is not something that men are willing to deal with.
What is this even supposed to mean? You were so upset that people were condemning these "men who thought they were being heroes, coming to the rescue of a woman in distress" (your words)-- by chasing someone and violently beating them --and now you're turning around and saying that you're taking a stand against male violence?

You're also stoking anti-trans paranoia rather than addressing the known causes of male violence and rape. Of which the existence of trans people is not.
I was addressing only the woman’s actions. I’ve already condemned the three against one beating and violence in general.

I can assure you that a raised eyebrow is insufficient defense against someone who intends you harm. The woman yelled in alarm at the sight of a man in a woman’s only space. In this case, the man was very much trying to comply with horrific rules imposed on him. His girlfriend even accompanied him.

I do not support the men chasing and beating Ruiz! I said I understood their (self) justification: They thought they were defending defenseless women. I’m going to assume that is what they believed in that moment, although that may be incorrect.

But even assuming that Ruiz had been a known serial rapist who preyed on women in women’s bathrooms, with his image widely dispersed through the area, this would have been the wrong action.

I’m against beating people.
The woman yelled in alarm at the sight of a man in a woman’s only space.
Do you have any evidence whatsoever that this was the case? It seems like a pretty inaccurate description of the situation, in which the woman was chiding the couple dialectically, not "yelling in alarm".
The woman yelled in alarm at the sight of a man in a woman’s only space.
Do you have any evidence whatsoever that this was the case? It seems like a pretty inaccurate description of the situation, in which the woman was chiding the couple dialectically, not "yelling in alarm".

Well, maybe I’m misinterpreting the article in the OP but I’m not sure how?
I was using the bathroom, and she just started shouting. She was like, ‘Who the [expletive] is in here?’ And I replied, ‘I am.’ My girlfriend replied, ‘I am as well.’ She was like, ‘No man should be in this bathroom. Like, if you’re a man you need to use a man’s bathroom.’ And I was like, ‘I’m transgender. Like, I have woman body parts, and I was told to use this bathroom,’” Ruiz recalled.

He says as he was walking out, three large men approached him. In the end, he was left with several cuts and gashes across his body in addition to the bruising.

I actually have never stated approval for the woman’s behavior. I’ve merely said that it was predictable and understandable.

I truly truly wished we lived in a world where people did not need to worry that someone In the restroom meant them harm. We don’t
That's not a "shout of alarm". She was just shouting at them.
You don’t think the dialogue as presented sounded like she was alarmed?

I sure do. Maybe because I can see her point. It would be alarming to find a man in a women’s restroom, at least initially. Unless I am missing something, she accepted the explanation offered by Ruiz and his girlfriend. As far as is reported, the woman did not deliberately call the 3 men to beat up Ruiz. That appears to be an unintended consequence. A horrible one, yes.

I have nothing but sympathy for Ruiz who seems to have only been doing his best to make the best out of a bad situation.

I have sympathy for the woman who unexpectedly encountered a man in the woman’s restroom. As far as I know, she intended no harm but was speaking up for herself and other women and girls.

If you have evidence to the contrary, I’m happy to read it.

What I cannot comprehend is WHY some of the men in this thread do not seem to grasp that it is actually a problem and a safety concern for women to have men in the women’s bathroom.

You all seem to have no problem understanding that some men do not feel safe and are not safe in a men’s restroom. You recognize that ( some) men can be dangerous towards those they feel they can be violent towards. But somehow expect women to simply accept a risk you find unacceptable for men.

To be clear: I do NOT think that ANYBODY should be made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe because they need to use the bathroom or want to take a shower. That includes all trans individuals, all gender-no -confirming individuals, all children, all teens, all men and all women—and anybody wise I forgot to specify. EVERYBODY deserves to feel safe, especially when they are at their most vulnerable.

That includes women and girls, cis or trans.
You appear to be doing the same thing, judging a few women who are struggling to totally accept and/understand this new aspect of social life.
I do not care whether you or anyone else is perfect or not. You can "struggle to accept" whoever you like, in the privacy of your own mind. But that is not the game that we are currently playing, as a nation. This conflict creates very real casualties every day. You compare the matter to religious belief, but firstly this is not a question of religious belief, and secondly, if someone were responding to real life cases of anti-atheist violence with hemming and hawing and "well both sides have a point though don't they? Wasn't the atheist sort of asking for it by being so strident?" I would be no less critical of their ambivalence and unwillingness to choose a side in what would be in that case a very clear cut and obvious situation of our collective civil rights being challenged.

I just felt you weren't even trying to understand the position that some cis females hold.
You realize you could say this about any issue about which two people disagree, right? I understand why women fear sexual assault. Of course I do. Sadly, I know too many women who have been victimized by men, and of course I been a victim of physical assault myself many times in my life though for different reasons. Well, mostly different reasons. In any case, if the issue is whether or not sexual assault should be illegal, my position on that is very clear. Regardless of context, sexual assault must be illegal. But I do not believe for a second that targeting trans women for assault (or looking the other way, or sympathizing with them but demanding that the criminal who assaulted them must receive equal amounts of sympathy, or "just asking questions" equivocating about whether the victims of assault were sometimes at fault or lying about what happened to them, etc, etc) is somehow making any women safer. I do not think feeding anti-trans hysteria has made any woman in any place the slightest bit safer. Far from it. They are ignoring the wolf to go after the goat.

As for "humor", I see none in this situation, and that is unlikely to change. This is rape and assault we're talking about, not airplane food or workplace schadenfreude.
You've totally misunderstood what the cis females on this thread are trying to explain to you. And my remark about atheists was related to the fact that atheists are the most hated group of people in the country, according to many articles I've read. Plus all you have to do is look at the remarks made by the crazy Republican Christians to see that we atheists are being blamed for the most horrendous crimes and misdeeds imaginable. Point being that we atheists should recognize that other "nones" and liberal Christians are our allies, despite our differences and trans women need to be less judgmental and more understanding of the fears that some cis women have. You've called these women nasty stereotypical names and made the wrong assumptions about them, simply because you don't see them as progressive as you see yourself. At least that's how it appears to me, which is why I made my initial comment.

Everyone who posted on this thread, if my aging memory serves me correctly, has sad that Ruiz should never have been assaulted. But, most of this thread got caught up on whether or not cis women feel safe if a person with a penis in in their private space. I mentioned that I mistakenly started to walk into a men's room and a man reacted with a look on his face as if I had committed a crime. If some men are that upset about a woman mistakingly entering the men's room, why don't you understand why some cis women are upset over the prospect of a person who looks like a man entering their private space? I know it can be difficult understanding each other when we write words on a discussion board, so I'll give you that. It's happened to me before.

Anyway, we're talking past each other. I have compassion for anyone who is mistreated or misunderstood, regardless of their ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identification or age for that matter. Ageism is still acceptable. Why is that okay? You seem to be targeting people who aren't your enemy. That's what I didn't like.

Actually, you're not even a trans person and as you probably know, there are plenty of gay folks who are less tolerant towards trans folks compared to most liberal cis women Maybe you should preach it to the gay community. I read an article recently that a lot of gay folks resent that trans folks are being put in the same category as them. I'm not getting involved in that argument. Maybe we simply shouldn't categorize groups into little boxes. Who knows!

As I've said before, you can't change cultural values and habits overnight. It makes me sick to see what conservatives are doing to trans folks with their hateful laws, denying young people and in some cases adults, the ability to get the medical help they desire with transition. That's something to be concerned about instead of getting up in arms over rest rooms.

And, I didn't use humor related to assault. I use humor as much as possible for most things because humor, including sarcastic humor is a coping mechanism. Even very dark humor has it's place. I've seen people in war zones using humor to get them through the day. I laugh at myself, even while suffering with physical pain. But, I agree with you on this. There is nothing humorous about a person being brutally attacked, regardless of the reason for the attack. I know that trans folks, especially trans females have been murdered in large numbers statistically, but so have female sex workers and spousal abuse toward women is a big problem to this day. It's heartbreaking, but then murdering any innocent person is revolting and it happens all too often in this fucked up country of ours. I think we can both agree on that.
That's not a "shout of alarm". She was just shouting at them.
You don’t think the dialogue as presented sounded like she was alarmed?
I don't think so. The trouble is we really only had the Ruiz family's take on the events.
This is crucial.

We don't even have the family's take on what happened in the bathroom, only Ruiz'. Of course Mom is on the side of her kid, it's kinda what moms do.

But someone who was under stress and also drinking isn't my idea of a reliable source. This isn't to say Ruiz is lying by any means. Only that his memory of the events is likely to be faulty and self-serving. It's just how humans are.
That's not a "shout of alarm". She was just shouting at them.
You don’t think the dialogue as presented sounded like she was alarmed?
I don't think so. The trouble is we really only had the Ruiz family's take on the events.
That’s true—but Ruiz’s account is not accusatory towards the woman. He did not say that she was screaming for help.

The whole Cis woman was a bigoted anti trans bitch for calling out some man in the woman’s bathroom seems to be invented while cloth by men in this thread.

Again: No woman was violent in this story. None. We don’t even have the victim of a beating implying that a woman got him beat up.

Given the animosity directed at a woman for speaking up, by people who were not even there, is it any wonder why women are uncomfortable with having a male person in the women’s only space?

So far, we have a cis, straight man whose ‘solution’ is to simply eliminate all women’s inky bathrooms and locker rooms. Duck women and their feelings and their concerns about sexual assault or just comfort! Oh, I believe in some thread or another, Loren implied that good men would ensure that the bad guys wouldn’t hurt women.

Every other male’s option in this thread seems to be..,.to attack the woman who protested and the women who said we could see her point and it was terrible that Ruiz was jumped by 3 men!
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