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Another Trump Rape Surfaces

Do some of you men not understand that rape has nothing to do with a woman being someone's type? Women in their 80s have been raped by much younger men. Are 80 year women a younger man's type? Or do they consider 80 year old women just easy prey?
I think there are different types of rape. You have entitled sex (which Trump has been alleged being guilty of, including this case), you have violent assault (which Trump has been alleged being guilty of regarding his wife), and you have ignored assault (almost all accusations of rape according to Derec). I do make the distinction here because I think violently assaulting a person in order to leave a mark is a different mindset than thinking one is entitled and therefore they shall receive. One intends to harm violate greatly, the other doesn't either give a damn about the victim or convinces themselves that the victim is quite happy and is only closing their eyes to enjoy the moment.

Both, of course, are crimes. However, your comment regarding "someone's type" I think ignores entitled sex rape (also known as date rape or being close to Donald Trump). And as I previously noted, if you have to say "she wasn't you type" you probably did it because you aren't even trying to come up with a viable alibi.
"Entitled sex" however, is just another way of saying "I have all the power; you have none; so I will do this to you to prove it." Aka, rape.
"Entitled sex" however, is just another way of saying "I have all the power over you."
I honestly don't think they think there is a "you". Violent assault rape is to violate the person, specifically. Entitled rape is about conquest and taking what the person thinks they are entitled too, either not caring what the other person thinks or lying to themselves thinking the other person is fine with it. I don't believe their intent is to violate... mainly because having sex with the rapist would be considered a privilege to that type of racist.

And as a reminder, the context is the "not my type" confession by Trump. That for some rapes, type does matter... or in Trump's case... maybe more like proximity.
And as a reminder, the context is the "not my type" confession by Trump. That for some rapes, type does matter... or in Trump's case... maybe more like proximity.
It's the status. Rich men have beautiful women at their sides. So that lesser men will look at them and say, "I wish I were him."

Some women, Trump wants to be associated with. Beautiful women. He wants the reputation of attracting and/or having beauty. To confirm his alpha male status among his fans.
Other women, women that his fans will not envy, he won't want to be associated with. He still assumes that the WOMEN want to be associated with HIM. That they want his sex, and will do nothing to stop him. Which also confirms his alpha male status, at least in his mind.
Entitled rape is about conquest and taking what the person thinks they are entitled too, either not caring what the other person thinks or lying to themselves thinking the other person is fine with it.

You're still describing a power dynamic. It's irrelevant what the rapist might (or might not) be thinking; the action betrays itself. The intent--whether consciously understood or not--is to exert their power over others.
Do some of you men not understand that rape has nothing to do with a woman being someone's type? Women in their 80s have been raped by much younger men. Are 80 year women a younger man's type? Or do they consider 80 year old women just easy prey?
I think there are different types of rape. You have entitled sex (which Trump has been alleged being guilty of, including this case), you have violent assault (which Trump has been alleged being guilty of regarding his wife), and you have ignored assault (almost all accusations of rape according to Derec). I do make the distinction here because I think violently assaulting a person in order to leave a mark is a different mindset than thinking one is entitled and therefore they shall receive. One intends to harm violate greatly, the other doesn't either give a damn about the victim or convinces themselves that the victim is quite happy and is only closing their eyes to enjoy the moment.

Both, of course, are crimes. However, your comment regarding "someone's type" I think ignores entitled sex rape (also known as date rape or being close to Donald Trump). And as I previously noted, if you have to say "she wasn't you type" you probably did it because you aren't even trying to come up with a viable alibi.

And we mustn't forget statutory rape.


It's going to be hard for Trump to go on a name calling binge on the way to 2020 with his record. King of liars. Orange rapist. and on and on.
The face of the #resistance. Think of the fantasies. Egad.

She's nuttier than squirrel poop. :hysterical: CNN and Anderson Cooper lap this up until she takes a step too far even for them. Coopers' face :hysterical:

Right-wingers think laughing at a potential rape victim is funny. Meanwhile, Derec has to turn the thread topic into himself. Now that people know for sure TSwizzle is just as bad as the rest of the usual suspects, could we bring this back? So the alleged victim told her two best friends that Trump raped her just the next day, according to the friends.
Right-wingers think laughing at a potential rape victim is funny there aren't really potential rape victims, just women who are lying to get attention.

There. Fixed it for you.

This woman. That woman who accused Bret Kavanaugh (her last name escapes me for some reason). Any of the other dozen or so women who have accused Trump of sexual assault.

Oh...of course, Juanita Broderick is totally credible as far as the right wing is concerned. That's an exception that has nothing whatsoever to do with politics.

Aside from that, rape accusations should never be taken seriously.
She appears more grounded in reality than any fuckwitted climate change denier.
That's a real low bar. Like saying somebody is more rational than laughing dog.

Well, ya got the first part right. Congratulations.
Unfortunately, your stab at a revenge insult seems to have ended up with your foot in your mouth.
But 50% is pretty good...
It looks like Carroll plagiarized her rape allegation from a 2011 episode of Law and Order SVU.
Life imitates art, so the alleged rape must have been plagiarized? Wow.

I wonder what new tactic rape apologists and their dupes will come up with next.
Even worse is the fact that all "Law and Order" shows are famous for taking their stories from real life events. It's in their fucking title cards after all.

Considering that this particular episode's story line was written by three writers who have all worked in New York City--any one of which could have heard this story over the years and in various forms at parties or among fellow writers who in turn knew Carroll--it's very possible that it wasn't Carroll who plagiarized.
From the episode dialogue...look how much is in common:
And it was not her fantasy [it wasn't anyone's fantasy], it was mine [it wasn't a fantasy but instead an alleged sex assault].
Role play [there wasn't any role play] took place in the dressing room at Bergdorf's [the word Bergdorf is definitely in common!!] while she was trying on lingerie [she wasn't trying on lingerie].
I would burst in Hold on. [She didn't say Trump bursted in]
May I? When did she and you have your date? [there was no date] Six weeks ago, maybe. [there was no police report filed 6 weeks later]
She wrote back, wanted to get together. [there wasn't any written communication back and forth]

Therefore, rapologists response:
OMG! A show that has a setting in NYC mentions Bergdorf's. Therefore, this has to be plagiarism!!!11111!one
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