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Split Biden or Trump too old?

To notify a split thread.
Biden looked really old in Vietnam.

Compare Biden to Mick Jagger. :ROFLMAO:
Yes, because we should expect everyone of a certain age to look exactly the same. There are plenty of people Biden's age that don't look as good as him. Some people have even died before reaching his age!!
Oh lighten up, it's just a little bit of humor. C'mon man!

But even so, Biden is not a spry 80! Just sayin'.
Sure. I can see how coming from you it was meant just as a joke.

I only wish my father, who died a month before turning 80 at the start of the Covid pandemic and ten years after a massive heart attack that nearly killed him and left him with stroke-like cognitive disfunction, were currently as spry as Biden.
Sure. I can see how coming from you it was meant just as a joke.
Then laugh it off, roll your eyes or whatever but jeezus, the snark.

I only wish my father, who died a month before turning 80 at the start of the Covid pandemic and ten years after a massive heart attack that nearly killed him and left him with stroke-like cognitive disfunction, were currently as spry as Biden.

Sorry for your loss. My father died before his 70th birthday from cancer. I'm not so sure my father would want to be as "spry" as Biden. And by "spry" we really mean an old geezer who is definitely losing his marbles.
Loving the Age Wars.

If there was ever a clearer indicator of the vacuity of RW vision, plans and policies, I can’t think of it at the moment. Bodes well for ‘24.

Let them put that shit plus Hunter’s Laptop plus their Orangeman, up against the disparate performance records of the T-P vs B-H administrations.
Compare Biden to Mick Jagger. :ROFLMAO:
In what way? Yes, Mick's face does look like an old catcher's mit, but he is dating a 36 year old, so he has that going for him.

Besides, they are still touring.

Nm, I didn't see who posted this at first. :ROFLMAO:
Loving the Age Wars.
Age wars? No, just a critique of gerontocracy.
up against the disparate performance records of the T-P vs B-H administrations.
Both did some things well, other things poorly. Both showed too much deference to the extremists in their own party.
Moreover, both presidents are too old to be running in 2024, and their veeps are both uninspiring/uncharismatic and would lose a competitive primary if their (former) boss were to drop dead, or at least out.
Oh my giddy aunt;

The U.S. Libertarian Party has filed for conservatorships for President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, referring to them as "geriatric elites" mentally unfit to properly serve the American populace. Libertarian National Committee Chair Angela McArdle, who oversees the nation's third-largest political party, told Newsweek on Tuesday that to her knowledge this is the first instance of such filings against sitting politicians. She said the party has conferred with several attorneys, including three who drafted the paperwork, who said that, legally, an organization can have a conservatorship over an individual in Washington, D.C. "Is it going to be a fight in the courts? Obviously. But we're committed to filing this thing and we wanted to send a really strong statement that we're serious about getting someone in the White House who has the mental capacity to run the country because we don't have that right now," McArdle said.


Is Newsweek similar to The Onion? This can't be real.
Oh my giddy aunt;

The U.S. Libertarian Party has filed for conservatorships for President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, referring to them as "geriatric elites" mentally unfit to properly serve the American populace. Libertarian National Committee Chair Angela McArdle, who oversees the nation's third-largest political party, told Newsweek on Tuesday that to her knowledge this is the first instance of such filings against sitting politicians. She said the party has conferred with several attorneys, including three who drafted the paperwork, who said that, legally, an organization can have a conservatorship over an individual in Washington, D.C. "Is it going to be a fight in the courts? Obviously. But we're committed to filing this thing and we wanted to send a really strong statement that we're serious about getting someone in the White House who has the mental capacity to run the country because we don't have that right now," McArdle said.


Is Newsweek similar to The Onion? This can't be real.
This seems so completely anti-Libertarian to me.
Loving the Age Wars.
Age wars? No, just a critique of gerontocracy.
up against the disparate performance records of the T-P vs B-H administrations.
Both did some things well, other things poorly. Both showed too much deference to the extremists in their own party.
Moreover, both presidents are too old to be running in 2024, and their veeps are both uninspiring/uncharismatic and would lose a competitive primary if their (former) boss were to drop dead, or at least out.
Biden won the primary in '20. We are stuck with him unless he drops out. But certainly with the economy, inflation, etc... being in good shape, his fucking age will be the main attack, that and Hunter Biden.
Loving the Age Wars.
Age wars? No, just a critique of gerontocracy.
up against the disparate performance records of the T-P vs B-H administrations.
Both did some things well, other things poorly. Both showed too much deference to the extremists in their own party.
Moreover, both presidents are too old to be running in 2024, and their veeps are both uninspiring/uncharismatic and would lose a competitive primary if their (former) boss were to drop dead, or at least out.
Biden won the primary in '20. We are stuck with him unless he drops out. But certainly with the economy, inflation, etc... being in good shape, his fucking age will be the main attack, that and Hunter Biden.
The Russo-Republican propaganda syndicate is state of the art, pervasive in its exposure and demonstrably effective. The stakes for Putler are maybe even higher than for Trump, as most of the possible undesirable outcomes for Pootey don't involve his survival. You can bet that they will invest whatever it takes this time to win. All they have to do is convince a few actual centrists that the Republicans are correct about the horrible state of the economy, their impending doom at the hands of the commiefascist leftist deep state crime family, and the election is theirs.
Democrats generally still don't have the cojones to tell it like it is. They pretend there are "political solutions" to fucking everything, and take like TWO YEARS after a goddam INSURRECTION to start judicial proceedings. They hold Senate hearings that are never aired on FOX, OAN, NewsMax et al, edited to make them look nothingburgerish and their suckers never know better. Instead they get a full frontal Russian talking points, often delivered by their ringleader, Agent Orange.
I don't know what solutions are available. Excellent public education w/free meals for poor kids all over the globe would be a good place to start. 20-30 years later, there might be some improvement, but right now people love Pootey and Trump.

The frogs want a king, even if they know it's going to eat them all, their friends and their families.
They're easy marks. A lot of people already actually equivocate about the extremists "in both parties" and how both parties' leaders are beholden to them. I'm sure the Q-Party wags wish the election was right now, but by 11/24 they may well have most of the public convinced:

* that Biden and his crime family deserve to be in jail more than Dear Innocent Leader ever did,
* that Trump's record as President was middling to excellent while Biden's has been a dismal failure and,
* Biden is way too old anyway - just look a him (worst pic every) and look at how much younger President Trump looks! (NFT trading card)
* Which of course is why you are so hurting.

Never mind that SEVEN TRILLION added to the debt, while cutting government services, killing a million Americans and giving away over a TRILLION of YOUR tax dollars to his donors.

In the end we will get what we deserve, depending on how gullible we are collectively.
Brandon is so old his birth certificate is in Latin. And he is obviously losing his marbles. Unfit for the job.
Yes. Very unfit. While Biden is trying to stabilize the supply chain, stop Russia and China from invading sovereign countries; {snip}
Brandon's approval rating is in the toilet, an all time low.

But anyway, the man is a doddering cabbage. Not fit for the job. But if he's your guy, ok (y)

So you think the head of the Biden crime family in charge of a vast conspiracy of pharmas to give people vaccines and hide trafficked children in invisible pizza restaurant basements is senile? That's probably what he wants you to think and you fell for it! It should have been obvious to you anyway because Lizard People live for centuries and have access to secret medical cures so Biden can't possibly be senile yet.
Sure. I can see how coming from you it was meant just as a joke.
Then laugh it off, roll your eyes or whatever but jeezus, the snark.

I only wish my father, who died a month before turning 80 at the start of the Covid pandemic and ten years after a massive heart attack that nearly killed him and left him with stroke-like cognitive disfunction, were currently as spry as Biden.

Sorry for your loss. My father died before his 70th birthday from cancer. I'm not so sure my father would want to be as "spry" as Biden. And by "spry" we really mean an old geezer who is definitely losing his marbles.
He certainly is more fit historically than Reagan, Wilson, and arguably FDR, and definitely Trump. He wasn't in my top four in 2020, but he won the primary, and then the general election. And he's decided to keep going. At the moment, the alternative looks like it'll be the whack job who inspired a riot after months of lying about voter/election fraud and then riot-palooza on the morning of January 6th. He is polling poorly, much like his three predecessors all had.
The Russo-Republican propaganda syndicate is state of the art, pervasive in its exposure and demonstrably effective.
And is this "Russ-Republican propaganda syndicate" in the room with you right now?

If we are going to look at a US domestic policy that would have helped "Putler" the most, banning fracking is it, by some margin.
Fracking not only enabled US to double our oil production, it is also responsible for about 2/3 of our natural gas production. Russia is heavily dependent on both of those commodities, but especially gas. Fracking enabled US not only to meet our own domestic demand, but to export a lot of it to Europe as LNG. Without this, Europe might have wavered, as Russia would have had them by the short and the curlies last winter.
Back in 2020, many Dems wanted to ban fracking outright.

Democrats generally still don't have the cojones to tell it like it is. They pretend there are "political solutions" to fucking everything, and take like TWO YEARS after a goddam INSURRECTION to start judicial proceedings.
What are you talking about? Garland is aggressively prosecuting every 1/6 rioter. They are getting long prison sentences. At the same time, the 2020 insurrectionists are mostly not being prosecuted, and when they are, they get sweetheart deals. Like one short year for arson and handing out incendiary devices to fellow rioters/insurrectionists.

2020 insurrectionists did orders of magnitude more damage, both in terms of property and human life, then the 1/6 insurrectionists. The 2020 insurrectionists also occupied territory for weeks or months in cities like Seattle, Atlanta and Minneapolis. But I guess some guy puit his feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk and that is somehow far worse than "burning this bitch down".

Instead they get a full frontal Russian talking points, often delivered by their ringleader, Agent Orange.
Again you with the conspiracy theory. Any evidence that these are "Russian talking points"?
I don't know what solutions are available. Excellent public education w/free meals for poor kids all over the globe would be a good place to start.
I am all for excellent public education. That includes standards for graduation. Those should not be suspended in the name of "equity" like former Oregon governor did.
Oregon gov signs bill suspending math, reading requirements for HS grads
NY Post said:
Charles Boyle, the deputy communications director from Brown’s office, told the paper in an email that staff from the governor’s office informed legislative staffers about the bill’s signing on the day it was passed. He also said that the new standards for graduation will help benefit the state’s “Black, Latino, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”
Instead of improving the level of learning for these groups, equity is accomplished by letting them graduate without reading, writing and math skills.
Instead of quality of education, Dems tend to obsess about free meals. Pathetic.
The frogs want a king, even if they know it's going to eat them all, their friends and their families.
Hence why we have a democratic republic.
They're easy marks. A lot of people already actually equivocate about the extremists "in both parties" and how both parties' leaders are beholden to them.
Easy marks are those who think this only applies to the "other" party.

* that Trump's record as President was middling to excellent while Biden's has been a dismal failure and,
Both have been middling I would say.
* Biden is way too old anyway - just look a him (worst pic every) and look at how much younger President Trump looks! (NFT trading card)
Both are too old.
Biden won the primary in '20. We are stuck with him unless he drops out. But certainly with the economy, inflation, etc... being in good shape,
A lot can change re economy between now and a year from now.
his fucking age will be the main attack, that and Hunter Biden.
If Trump is his opponent, that would somewhat neutralize the age issue, since both of them are ancient.
But if it's somebody else, age will become the major factor, yes. Esp. if he has any senior moments or health scares and the like.
WaPo published an oped about how Biden should drop out of the race. The author also wasn't too enamored of Kamala Harris' chances.

President Biden should not run again in 2024

I disagree with Ignatius that Biden governed "from the center out" (he was pulled to the left pretty hard by Bernie Saruman and Alexandria Occasio Wormtongue) and also about his assessment of Karen Bass (she is a Fidel Castro and Nation of Islam sympathizer and should not have been and should not be tapped as a running mate for any presidential candidate except for maybe Sibling West).
However, I think he is right that Biden should not run in 2024 and should do it soon to ensure a competitive primary contest.
WaPo published an oped about how Biden should drop out of the race.
I published an op-ed, here on IIDB, about why I think Trump should get the death penalty.
For a combination of perjury and treason.

Do you think that every op-ed on the internet deserves equal treatment?
Of course not, but WaPo is a major national newspaper. The author, David Ignatius, is by all accounts a well-respected writer. He also seems to lean to the left - he even likes Karen Bass, bless his heart!

So I do not see why we should dismiss him out of hand, just because you don't like his conclusion.
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From ye experience I went though revering from heart failure there are some things I key on with Biden.

He looks stiff when he walks, especialy when he turns his body or head or changes direction. That says to me he has to workat keeping on his feet and stay balanced.

Plus his speech. He has to work at remembering.

Trump on camera had trouble climbing the stairs to board Air Force 1. Out of condition, poor diet, and no exercise. I'd be very surprised if he is not being held together by meds. Including mental meds. A candidate for heart failure and stroke. Chronic anxiety., He s reported to be furious behind the scene. Add to that growing pressure from legal problems.

I like a lot of what Biden is doing, but he may not be up to a 2nd term.
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