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Split Biden or Trump too old?

To notify a split thread.
Yea, Biden is old. But he's the youngest viable non-bat-shit crazy politician current running for President for 2024.
I think that Tim Scott could be a viable threat. He's young, attractive, religious, unattached, and he doesn't seem like an idiot or uneducated. He's solidly conservative. He would very nicely fill the "See we are NOT racist niche" in the GOP. And he could do well for those who dislike Biden or who just want a decent(seeming--I haven't really thoroughly vetted him) person who is a conservative.
Trump could be in prison and he'll still get the nomination. Tim Scott could be running for VP.
Yea, Biden is old. But he's the youngest viable non-bat-shit crazy politician current running for President for 2024.
I think that Tim Scott could be a viable threat. He's young, attractive, religious, unattached, and he doesn't seem like an idiot or uneducated. He's solidly conservative. He would very nicely fill the "See we are NOT racist niche" in the GOP. And he could do well for those who dislike Biden or who just want a decent(seeming--I haven't really thoroughly vetted him) person who is a conservative.
Actually, I totally agree. He's a very viable candidate. He's not crazy. I wouldn't vote for him. But I would follow him if he were elected as my president.
Yea, Biden is old. But he's the youngest viable non-bat-shit crazy politician current running for President for 2024.
I think that Tim Scott could be a viable threat. He's young, attractive, religious, unattached, and he doesn't seem like an idiot or uneducated. He's solidly conservative. He would very nicely fill the "See we are NOT racist niche" in the GOP. And he could do well for those who dislike Biden or who just want a decent(seeming--I haven't really thoroughly vetted him) person who is a conservative.
Actually, I totally agree. He's a very viable candidate. He's not crazy. I wouldn't vote for him. But I would follow him if he were elected as my president
I, too, see him as not batshit crazy. OTOH, from the POV of Trumpists, that may be a liability. He could be the best the Cons have to offer.
Yea, Biden is old. But he's the youngest viable non-bat-shit crazy politician current running for President for 2024.
I think that Tim Scott could be a viable threat. He's young, attractive, religious, unattached, and he doesn't seem like an idiot or uneducated. He's solidly conservative. He would very nicely fill the "See we are NOT racist niche" in the GOP. And he could do well for those who dislike Biden or who just want a decent(seeming--I haven't really thoroughly vetted him) person who is a conservative.
Actually, I totally agree. He's a very viable candidate. He's not crazy. I wouldn't vote for him. But I would follow him if he were elected as my president.
He's actually the most popular governor in the country at present.
He's actually the most popular governor in the country at present.
That, and $4.75 gets you a small latté.
Trump is the GOP nominee.
We need to start now, developing counter-measures against the inevitable insurrection of 2025; once that is over, we can begin the long process of repairing the damage Trump has done to America.
He's actually the most popular governor in the country at present.
That, and $4.75 gets you a small latté.
Trump is the GOP nominee.
We need to start now, developing counter-measures against the inevitable insurrection of 2025; once that is over, we can begin the long process of repairing the damage Trump has done to America.

It is possible that Trump will cop a plea to avoid jail time by dropping out of the race and agreeing never to run for public office again. The same outcome spared Spiro Agnew from jail in 1973, on condition that he resign the vice presidency and withdraw from public life. Trump’s monumental narcissism may preclude this, but the stark reality of jail time if he does not take such a deal may bring him to what few senses he has left. We’ll see.
Trump’s monumental narcissism may preclude this
Yes, that monumentally stupid narcissism will almost certainly keep him from any such “deal”, at least until prison is imminent and unavoidable.
Until that moment arrives he is truly all-in on becoming lifelong Dear Leader of the US, which is his only possible path to glory. There will be no holds barred when the shit hits the fan in 15 months. He is a desperate animal backed into a corner, and is therefore extremely dangerous.
Having already committed sufficient crimes to keep him in jail for the rest of his life, (even if he lives to 200 as his “doctor” predicts) he truly has nothing to lose, no matter what further crimes he commits.
Trump’s monumental narcissism may preclude this
Yes, that monumentally stupid narcissism will almost certainly keep him from any such “deal”, at least until prison is imminent and unavoidable.
Until that moment arrives he is truly all-in on becoming lifelong Dear Leader of the US, which is his only possible path to glory. There will be no holds barred when the shit hits the fan in 15 months. He is a desperate animal backed into a corner, and is therefore extremely dangerous.
Prison being imminent and unavoidable is the point. I predict that at some point he will take a plea deal to avoid prison on the condition that he drop out of the race and withdraw from public life, including a stipulation that he refrain from all further public appearnces and end all engagement with social media.
Trump’s monumental narcissism may preclude this
Yes, that monumentally stupid narcissism will almost certainly keep him from any such “deal”, at least until prison is imminent and unavoidable.
Until that moment arrives he is truly all-in on becoming lifelong Dear Leader of the US, which is his only possible path to glory. There will be no holds barred when the shit hits the fan in 15 months. He is a desperate animal backed into a corner, and is therefore extremely dangerous.
Prison being imminent and unavoidable is the point. I predict that at some point he will take a plea deal to avoid prison on the condition that he drop out of the race and withdraw from public life, including a stipulation that he refrain from all further public appearnces and end all engagement with social media.
I don't like that. His fans will say the prosecutors never really had anything on Trump just getting him out of the election was the real goal.

No, this fucker needs to go to jail.
I predict that at some point he will take a plea deal to avoid prison on the condition that he drop out of the race and withdraw from public life
As long as there's still a race, and even a vanishingly small chance that he will win it by hook or (more likely) crook, he will not make any plea deal. He will commit even more crimes as necessary to keep that tiny hope alive.
Not to brag, but I have yet to make any failed predictions (that I recall) based on Trump's (lack of ) character. I don't think this one is wrong either.
Having already committed sufficient crimes to keep him in jail for the rest of his life, (even if he lives to 200 as his “doctor” predicts) he truly has nothing to lose, no matter what further crimes he commits.
This ^^^^

Trump really has little or nothing to lose by committing any crime or crimes at all. And he has had, probably still has, access to secrets and stuff that could trash this country for decades and a willing band of supporters with the ethical standards of a snake.
It's scary.
To make matters worse,
There's currently a world leader locked in a battle with another, smaller, country. He too has the ethics of a snake. He and his war would benefit hugely by trashing the USA.

Like giving clandestine support to his most useful idiot, Trump.
I predict that at some point he will take a plea deal to avoid prison on the condition that he drop out of the race and withdraw from public life, including a stipulation that he refrain from all further public appearnces and end all engagement with social media.
He is certainly capable of agreeing to such a deal, but he's no more able to actually comply with any such agreement than I am capable of flying unaided to the Moon.

So either he ends up in jail anyway; Or (my cynical side suspects) he makes the deal, and then gets away with completely ignoring large parts of it. Which pretty much summarises the man's entire way of life.

You can't make a deal with someone who doesn't even for a moment contemplate the possibility of doing any of the things he agrees to, unless he was planning to do them anyway.

This is the guy who, when put on trial for his bad faith dealings, hires lawyers to defend himself, and then doesn't pay them.
Trump’s monumental narcissism may preclude this
Yes, that monumentally stupid narcissism will almost certainly keep him from any such “deal”, at least until prison is imminent and unavoidable.
Until that moment arrives he is truly all-in on becoming lifelong Dear Leader of the US, which is his only possible path to glory. There will be no holds barred when the shit hits the fan in 15 months. He is a desperate animal backed into a corner, and is therefore extremely dangerous.
Prison being imminent and unavoidable is the point. I predict that at some point he will take a plea deal to avoid prison on the condition that he drop out of the race and withdraw from public life, including a stipulation that he refrain from all further public appearnces and end all engagement with social media.
A plea deal like this would only validate the idea that the prosecution is politically motivated. I would be profoundly disappointed if this were to happen. He must face a legal accountability not a political only (though that could come too but not because of a plea deal).
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