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Split Biden or Trump too old?

To notify a split thread.
A plea deal like this would only validate the idea that the prosecution is politically motivated.
I want to see “all the best people” nail him to the cross in front of all his admirers.
I'm skipping a bunch of stuff, and simply answering the question in the thread title.

Question: Biden or Trump too old?​

Answer: Yes.
Both are too old, If one wants quick personal responses to a hypothetical dangerous international situation.

Neither are too old ,if you want a balanced, well-thought response to a hypothetical dangerous international situation based on solid advice from highly capable advisors.

If you can get such a respond from the unqualified radical syncophants that will and did surround Trump, were he to get another term, is another question.

Biden or Trump too old?​

I honestly don't think that's the right question to ask. I don't believe in the great man theory. The team you bring is more important than your own attributes or failings. Age is incidental if you have a solid crew backing you up.

We know the sort of government Biden runs and the type of people in key roles he places. We know the sort of government Trump runs and the type of people in key roles he places. I suspect the 2024 election isn't going to be a decision on which old white cunt will be President, but more the type of people Americans want in leadership positions in government. I'm not sure that's a bad thing.
I suspect the 2024 election isn't going to be a decision on which old white cunt will be President, but more the type of people Americans want in leadership positions in government. I'm not sure that's a bad thing.
It would be a very GOOD thing. But we should have learned by now, that Murkins are very fond of their fantasies. The idea of Trump and his criminal gang tearing down the government, holds a lot of romantic appeal to Trumpsuckers. It’s not a battle among codgers, it’s the White Knight vs. Dark Brandon - in their addled minds.
I don't believe in the great man theory.
But, sadly, most humans do. It seems to be an evolved trait, to assume that fame and renown also implies benevolence and competence as a leader.

Humans appear to be hard wired to demand that we be led by absolute monarchs*, regardless of the obvious problems with this system of governance.

Attempts to govern by consensus or consultation, or to cultivate the consent and approval of others (particularly those who stand in opposition to your policies) are derided as "weakness", as though weakening the powers of the leader in favour of empowering the masses, were not the entire point of the democratic experiment.

Weak leadership is the purpose and the benefit of representative democracy as practiced in the developed world. But most people naturally gravitate towards fascism, unless (ironically) they are forced to think about the historical consequences of that preference.

As a consequence of the date at which their constitution was written, Americans are now stuck with a president who is an elected king, and who has a far larger concentration of power in one individual than is ideal, while ironically the constitutional monarchies of Europe have tended to soften the power of their presidents and prime ministers, by making them (at least in principle) subordinate to the monarch.

Simply by providing a powerless Head of State, who can be the harmless target for unthinking patriotism, and who is necessarily a different person from the political leader and holder of executive authority, constitutional monarchy tends to defuse the destructive impulse humans have toward the creation of autocracy.

*Or dictators. The only difference between an absolute monarch and a dictator, is that the king typically didn't have to fight his way to the top job, but instead had one of his ancestors do that on his behalf. Once established, dictators tend to rapidly adopt nepotism as the preferred means of determining succession (see North Korea for a particularly clear and recent example of this). If they don't, then their empires rarely outlive them by very long.
Both are too old, If one wants quick personal responses to a hypothetical dangerous international situation.

Neither are too old ,if you want a balanced, well-thought response to a hypothetical dangerous international situation based on solid advice from highly capable advisors.

If you can get such a respond from the unqualified radical syncophants that will and did surround Trump, were he to get another term, is another question.
Both are too old as in they have a fair chance of mental decline while in office. Thing of Reagan.
We know the sort of government Biden runs and the type of people in key roles he places. We know the sort of government Trump runs and the type of people in key roles he places. I suspect the 2024 election isn't going to be a decision on which old white cunt will be President, but more the type of people Americans want in leadership positions in government. I'm not sure that's a bad thing.

The type of people Trump put in positions of power - at least the ones that have stuck with him through it all - seem to be of the type that says "I don't care if this guy is a doddering idiot. I'm going to ride that gravy train as far as I can."

It reminds me of an encounter I had with a prominent Arizona Republican when I was working in radio. Our infamous "World's Toughest Sheriff." The guy who gave us a tent city jail and chain gangs. It was...disturbing. When his people escorted him into the studio, he looked around and asked "where am I? Is this Clear Channel?" Mind you, he had a weekly talk show a few years earlier on a Clear Channel station...in a completely different building in a different part of town. Our sales person who brought them in was his phone screener back then...the person who said "Sheriff, we have a call on line 1." He had no idea who she was. They shuffled him up to the mic, handed him his script, pointed towards the words he was supposed to read, and at that moment, he knew he was "on," perked up, and delivered the line with his usual gusto. Then they shuffled him out of the room. Guy was the most prominent sheriff in America, and he had to be led around by handlers. He was being propped up by the people around him who relied on the guy for their jobs. It was scary. He was 76 at the time.

By comparison, a decade after that I had Bob Uecker in the studio to record a voice over for an animated show he was guesting on. Bob is a baseball icon who...while he wasn't a great player, turned his infamously bad playing into an entertainment career, appearing over 100 times on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson (Johnny called him "Mr. Baseball)", landed a sitcom in the 80s, starred as the announcer in the "Major League" movies, and worked as an actual announcer for the Milwaukee Brewers for decades. Due to a scheduling snafu, he showed up an hour early for the session, so (as I'd worked with him before), we sat there for that hour shooting the shit until the folks at Warner Brothers were ready for him. The guy was sharp as a tack, funny as hell, and is a walking baseball encyclopedia. He knocked out his pages of lines for the show (Teen Titans Go!) in short order like a pro. He was 86 at the time.
We know the sort of government Biden runs and the type of people in key roles he places. We know the sort of government Trump runs and the type of people in key roles he places. I suspect the 2024 election isn't going to be a decision on which old white cunt will be President, but more the type of people Americans want in leadership positions in government. I'm not sure that's a bad thing.

The type of people Trump put in positions of power - at least the ones that have stuck with him through it all - seem to be of the type that says "I don't care if this guy is a doddering idiot. I'm going to ride that gravy train as far as I can."

It reminds me of an encounter I had with a prominent Arizona Republican when I was working in radio. Our infamous "World's Toughest Sheriff." The guy who gave us a tent city jail and chain gangs. It was...disturbing. When his people escorted him into the studio, he looked around and asked "where am I? Is this Clear Channel?" Mind you, he had a weekly talk show a few years earlier on a Clear Channel station...in a completely different building in a different part of town. Our sales person who brought them in was his phone screener back then...the person who said "Sheriff, we have a call on line 1." He had no idea who she was. They shuffled him up to the mic, handed him his script, pointed towards the words he was supposed to read, and at that moment, he knew he was "on," perked up, and delivered the line with his usual gusto. Then they shuffled him out of the room. Guy was the most prominent sheriff in America, and he had to be led around by handlers. He was being propped up by the people around him who relied on the guy for their jobs. It was scary. He was 76 at the time.

By comparison, a decade after that I had Bob Uecker in the studio to record a voice over for an animated show he was guesting on. Bob is a baseball icon who...while he wasn't a great player, turned his infamously bad playing into an entertainment career, appearing over 100 times on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson (Johnny called him "Mr. Baseball)", landed a sitcom in the 80s, starred as the announcer in the "Major League" movies, and worked as an actual announcer for the Milwaukee Brewers for decades. Due to a scheduling snafu, he showed up an hour early for the session, so (as I'd worked with him before), we sat there for that hour shooting the shit until the folks at Warner Brothers were ready for him. The guy was sharp as a tack, funny as hell, and is a walking baseball encyclopedia. He knocked out his pages of lines for the show (Teen Titans Go!) in short order like a pro. He was 86 at the time.
Shatner flew into outer space when he was 90. But by all accounts, the guy is extremely difficult to work with. Age is a factor, sure. But it is not everything and other considerations can either exacerbate or offset it. With regards to Trump, the fucker could be 35 and I would still judge him pretty much just by the company he keeps and the people he employs.
By comparison, a decade after that I had Bob Uecker in the studio to record a voice over for an animated show he was guesting on. Bob is a baseball icon who...while he wasn't a great player, turned his infamously bad playing into an entertainment career, appearing over 100 times on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson (Johnny called him "Mr. Baseball)", landed a sitcom in the 80s, starred as the announcer in the "Major League" movies, and worked as an actual announcer for the Milwaukee Brewers for decades. Due to a scheduling snafu, he showed up an hour early for the session, so (as I'd worked with him before), we sat there for that hour shooting the shit until the folks at Warner Brothers were ready for him. The guy was sharp as a tack, funny as hell, and is a walking baseball encyclopedia. He knocked out his pages of lines for the show (Teen Titans Go!) in short order like a pro. He was 86 at the time.
I loved that guy.

"Just a bit outside."
Biden looked really old in Vietnam.

That rambling digression reminded me of Abe Simpson.

Then he needed to go to bed.

On an unrelated note, what's the point of the sign lady? I can the benefit for live events and performances, with the sign interpreter right there, but with a video? Why not just put subtitles?
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Biden looked really old in Vietnam.

That rambling digression reminded me of Abe Simpson.

Then he needed to go to bed.

On an unrelated note, what's the point of the sign lady? I can the benefit for live events and performances, with the sign interpreter right there, but with a video? Why not just put subtitles?

Real time subtitles are notoriously bad at interpreting speech.
Biden looked really old in Vietnam.

That rambling digression reminded me of Abe Simpson.

Then he needed to go to bed.

On an unrelated note, what's the point of the sign lady? I can the benefit for live events and performances, with the sign interpreter right there, but with a video? Why not just put subtitles?

And? Anything else about Biden and Vietnam? Was he too old to improve relations with Vietnam? How about the Philippines? Any other Pacific island nations (I'm too lazy to look up)? Rally support with our allies Japan, Australia, South Korea?

It's not about being too old. It's about being too Trump.
Biden looked really old in Vietnam.

Compare Biden to Mick Jagger. :ROFLMAO:
Yes, because we should expect everyone of a certain age to look exactly the same. There are plenty of people Biden's age that don't look as good as him. Some people have even died before reaching his age!!
Oh lighten up, it's just a little bit of humor. C'mon man!

But even so, Biden is not a spry 80! Just sayin'.
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