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Split Biden or Trump too old?

To notify a split thread.
Biden 4 years ago was much better than he is now.
You can certainly offer a couple of videos to prove your point, right?
As I could easily do to prove the already advanced stag of Trump's dementia...
in 2024 we have two choices for president. Trump or Biden. Unless one or the other drops dead before the election. Both are old. But Biden is not totally insane. Trump is. Biden is not totally stupid. Trump is. Trump would be a total disaster. Biden would not be any where near as bad. It is that simple.
Yes, what is left to say after you say, "I was indicted for you. I am your voice, I am your justice, I am your retribution" except for, perhaps, "Cock-a-doodle doo! Cock...a-doodle...doooooooooooooo!!"
Neither will outlive their term in office for very long,

Are you implying they both could last 4 years in office?
I think the plan for Biden is to get him elected and then few months later make him retire leaving Kamala.
Otherwise democrats will have to deal with full blown dementia. Biden 4 years ago was much better than he is now. he is not gonna last 4 years, no way.
Yes. We've had presidents die in office, but it's been a while since it happened last. Walter Reed knows their business.
They died in 1902, so it would appear they didn't know it well enough.

"Physician, heal thyself", as they say ;)
Trump turned 78 yesterday. What a sad state of affairs it is when the choice is between a 78 year old and a frail 81 year old showing signs of dementia.

You're not wrong. You're absolutely not wrong. However one of those two is making a decision and surrounding himself with younger people who have fresh ideas. "New Blood", you might say.

The other one is surrounding themselves with people who would happily blow him and make Kim Jong Un jealous with the compliments they shower.

in 2024 we have two choices for president. Trump or Biden. Unless one or the other drops dead before the election. Both are old. But Biden is not totally insane. Trump is. Biden is not totally stupid. Trump is. Trump would be a total disaster. Biden would not be any where near as bad. It is that simple.
Dementia and insanity are different things
You're not wrong. You're absolutely not wrong. However one of those two is making a decision and surrounding himself with younger people who have fresh ideas. "New Blood", you might say.
Yes, new blood with fresh ideas about how to start nuclear war.
Neither will outlive their term in office for very long,

Are you implying they both could last 4 years in office?
I think the plan for Biden is to get him elected and then few months later make him retire leaving Kamala.
Otherwise democrats will have to deal with full blown dementia. Biden 4 years ago was much better than he is now. he is not gonna last 4 years, no way.
Yes. We've had presidents die in office, but it's been a while since it happened last. Walter Reed knows their business.
I am not talking about complete death. I am talking brain death, or rather severe deterioration.
Biden's brain is not going to be able to pretend being a president for 4 years. It failed already if you ask me.
You're not wrong. You're absolutely not wrong. However one of those two is making a decision and surrounding himself with younger people who have fresh ideas. "New Blood", you might say.
Yes, new blood with fresh ideas about how to start nuclear war.
Putin is the only one to have threatened to use nukes over the Ukraine war.
Not so! We have a brand new member (whose username ends in a string of numbers) who completely independently is posting about his fear of nukes, and because I was born yesterday, I am totally convinced that he has absolutely nothing in common with Putin, other than his genuine concerns about how dangerous US support for a worthless and wicked Ukraine might be.

Also, I would indeed be interested in purchasing the Brooklyn Bridge, which would look lovely in my backyard; Please let me know where to send my credit card details.

You're not wrong. You're absolutely not wrong. However one of those two is making a decision and surrounding himself with younger people who have fresh ideas. "New Blood", you might say.
Yes, new blood with fresh ideas about how to start nuclear war.
Putin is the only one to have threatened to use nukes over the Ukraine war.
Not so! We have a brand new member (whose username ends in a string of numbers) who completely independently is posting about his fear of nukes, and because I was born yesterday, I am totally convinced that he has absolutely nothing in common with Putin, other than his genuine concerns about how dangerous US support for a worthless and wicked Ukraine might be.

Also, I would indeed be interested in purchasing the Brooklyn Bridge, which would look lovely in my backyard; Please let me know where to send my credit card details.

That newbie has magically vanished, apparently.
Neither will outlive their term in office for very long,

Are you implying they both could last 4 years in office?
I think the plan for Biden is to get him elected and then few months later make him retire leaving Kamala.
Otherwise democrats will have to deal with full blown dementia. Biden 4 years ago was much better than he is now. he is not gonna last 4 years, no way.
Yes. We've had presidents die in office, but it's been a while since it happened last. Walter Reed knows their business.
I am not talking about complete death. I am talking brain death, or rather severe deterioration.
Biden's brain is not going to be able to pretend being a president for 4 years. It failed already if you ask me.
I take this diagnosis seriously because your posts demonstrate expertise in brain dead analysis.
‘He’s more delusional than I thought’: Libertarians jeer Trump during convention speech

If Donald Trump came to the Libertarian National Convention to make peace on Saturday, it could hardly have gone worse.
Within minutes of beginning speaking — and after enduring sustained jeering and boos — the former president turned on the third party, mocking its poor electoral record in presidential elections even as he appealed to them for their endorsement.
“What’s the purpose of the Libertarian Party of getting 3 percent?” Trump asked the crowd, which proceeded to pelt him with jeers. “You should nominate Trump for president only if you want to win.”

The libertarians in attendance didn’t want to hear it, as hecklers chucked insults at Trump all night. “Liar,” they called him. “Panderer,” they shouted. “You crushed our rights,” they belted.
The raucous reception laid bare the difficulties confronting Trump in his effort to expand his base and cut off a third-party threat, not only from Libertarians, but also from independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Despite the Libertarian Party’s relatively small following, its 2020 candidate, Jo Jorgensen, drew more votes in some close states than the margin separating Trump and now-President Joe Biden.
Neither will outlive their term in office for very long,

Are you implying they both could last 4 years in office?
I think the plan for Biden is to get him elected and then few months later make him retire leaving Kamala.
Otherwise democrats will have to deal with full blown dementia. Biden 4 years ago was much better than he is now. he is not gonna last 4 years, no way.
Yes. We've had presidents die in office, but it's been a while since it happened last. Walter Reed knows their business.
They died in 1902, so it would appear they didn't know it well enough.

"Physician, heal thyself", as they say ;)
There was a small bug in their thesis …
WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump on Saturday night suggested President Joe Biden “should have to take a cognitive test,” only to confuse who administered the test to him in the next sentence.

The former president and presumptive Republican nominee referred to Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, who was the White House physician for part of his presidency, as “Ronny Johnson.” The moment came as Trump was questioning Biden’s mental acuity, something he often does on the campaign trail and social media.

“He doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did,” the former president said of Biden during a speech at a convention of Turning Point Action in Detroit.

Seconds later, he continued, “Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor, and he said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history, so I liked him very much indeed immediately.”

Jackson was elected to Congress in 2021 and is one of Trump’s most vociferous defenders on Capitol Hill.

Trump, who turned 78 on Friday, has made questioning whether the 81-year-old Biden is up for a second term a centerpiece of his campaign. But online critics quickly seized on his Saturday night gaffe, with the Biden campaign — which has long fought off criticism about the Democratic president’s verbal missteps — posting a clip of the moment minutes later.
Neither will outlive their term in office for very long,

Are you implying they both could last 4 years in office?
I think the plan for Biden is to get him elected and then few months later make him retire leaving Kamala.
Otherwise democrats will have to deal with full blown dementia. Biden 4 years ago was much better than he is now. he is not gonna last 4 years, no way.
Yes. We've had presidents die in office, but it's been a while since it happened last. Walter Reed knows their business.
They died in 1902, so it would appear they didn't know it well enough.

"Physician, heal thyself", as they say ;)
There was a small bug in their thesis …
The original Dr Walter Reed, whom I assume bilby's "joke" refers to, died of a ruptured appendix. Still a pretty dangerous condition today, but usually fatal then. Reed's most famous research work was on bacteriology and epidemiology. Died pretty young, even for the time.
Neither will outlive their term in office for very long,

Are you implying they both could last 4 years in office?
I think the plan for Biden is to get him elected and then few months later make him retire leaving Kamala.
Otherwise democrats will have to deal with full blown dementia. Biden 4 years ago was much better than he is now. he is not gonna last 4 years, no way.
Yes. We've had presidents die in office, but it's been a while since it happened last. Walter Reed knows their business.
They died in 1902, so it would appear they didn't know it well enough.

"Physician, heal thyself", as they say ;)
There was a small bug in their thesis …
The original Dr Walter Reed, whom I assume bilby's "joke" refers to, died of a ruptured appendix. Still a pretty dangerous condition today, but usually fatal then. Reed's most famous research work was on bacteriology and epidemiology. Died pretty young, even for the time.
His most famous work was demonstrating that Yellow Fever was spread by mosquitoes - "small bugs" if you would.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump on Saturday night suggested President Joe Biden “should have to take a cognitive test,” only to confuse who administered the test to him in the next sentence.

The former president and presumptive Republican nominee referred to Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, who was the White House physician for part of his presidency, as “Ronny Johnson.” The moment came as Trump was questioning Biden’s mental acuity, something he often does on the campaign trail and social media.

“He doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did,” the former president said of Biden during a speech at a convention of Turning Point Action in Detroit.

Seconds later, he continued, “Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor, and he said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history, so I liked him very much indeed immediately.”

Jackson was elected to Congress in 2021 and is one of Trump’s most vociferous defenders on Capitol Hill.

Trump, who turned 78 on Friday, has made questioning whether the 81-year-old Biden is up for a second term a centerpiece of his campaign. But online critics quickly seized on his Saturday night gaffe, with the Biden campaign — which has long fought off criticism about the Democratic president’s verbal missteps — posting a clip of the moment minutes later.

Emphasis added because this has so many layers. When I was growing up, we trusted doctors. I knew my grandma's doctor...he made house calls. My mom was a medical transcriptionist when she went back to work, and still speaks fondly of the doctors she worked for.

Yet doctors can be fallible, as evidenced by this guy. You'd think that the doctor charged with taking care of the President of the United States would be the most competent of physicians. You'd also kind of expect them to give the President a clean bill of health even if there were some concerns (because...reasons), but ole' Doc Ronny proudly declared that Trump was likely to live to 200. Not "given his age, he's in surprisingly good shape," but rather "OMG this guy could probably win the Boston Marathon, scale Mt. Everest, and land on the Moon if we just put him on a rocket."

Telling a white lie about the President's health is to be expected, but Doc Ronny told a whopper for the ages. Then he parlayed that fame into a seat in Congress. Medical malfeasance is the road to power, apparently.

Then his most famous patient forgot his name.

I'm really looking forward to the debate 10 days from now. If it happens, that is. Microphones muted except for the allotted time, no studio audience, no help from staffers, and only a pen, paper, and water bottle at the podiums. If Fragilego Mussolini doesn't bail, it has the makings of an epic shit show. Is Biden old? Yes, but he's probably spending hours over the next week or so preparing. Going over talking points. Going through mock debates. Memorizing his quaint stories about Corn Pop and that time he threw down with the cops at the 68 Chicago Democratic convention. Meanwhile, Trump is taking the notes his staffers hand him and throwing them in the trash, confident in his ability as a "stable genius" to debate "Crooked Joe" one more time.
Trump is taking the notes his staffers hand him and throwing them in the trash, confident in his ability as a "stable genius"
I’m imagining the cringe.
His staffers know damn well that Trump’s attention span has the duration of a lit match. They’ve got to be shitting a brick if Trump has any dream of “winning” a debate on the strength of issues.

The ONLY hope of scoring points in this format will be the “wall of lies” tactic, which Trump is better equipped than anyone to perform. He will spit out more lies in nine minutes than can be refuted in ninety minutes, and let the unaddressed lies carry the day for him.
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