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Split Biden or Trump too old?

To notify a split thread.
Trump lied, saying the judge won't let him attend Barron's graduation. Not only has the judge not made a decision yet, but Trump has never attended any of his kids graduation.
Trump lied, saying the judge won't let him attend Barron's graduation. Not only has the judge not made a decision yet, but Trump has never attended any of his kids graduation.

Well, no..., not really:

Trump Went to His Children's High School and College Graduations

With one possible exception, Trump has been present at each of his children's high school and college graduations, according to contemporaneous reports and the recollections of other attendees.
Yeah, he is totally not senile

medication must have worn off. Medication team need to readjust dosage.
Trump turned 78 yesterday. What a sad state of affairs it is when the choice is between a 78 year old and a frail 81 year old showing signs of dementia.
Trump turned 78 yesterday. What a sad state of affairs it is when the choice is between a 78 year old and a frail 81 year old showing signs of dementia.
Whoever wins will be the oldest US president ever (re)elected, and they are both showing obvious signs of succumbing to the severe mental and physical strain associated with the role. Neither will outlive their term in office for very long, I think. But if you don't want to elect either of them, you're a naughty naughty child who doesn't understand that sometimes you just have to vote for the "best of two bad options" and never question why those were the only two options in the first place.

I enjoyed all the pictures of a miserable-looking Trump glowering his way through his birthday party though. I reserve the feeling of schadenfreude for a choice few people, but he is on the short list.
Trump turned 78 yesterday. What a sad state of affairs it is when the choice is between a 78 year old and a frail 81 year old showing signs of dementia.
Whoever wins will be the oldest US president ever (re)elected, and they are both showing obvious signs of succumbing to the severe mental and physical strain associated with the role. Neither will outlive their term in office for very long, I think. But if you don't want to elect either of them, you're a naughty naughty child who doesn't understand that sometimes you just have to vote for the "best of two bad options" and never question why those were the only two options in the first place.

I enjoyed all the pictures of a miserable-looking Trump glowering his way through his birthday party though. I reserve the feeling of schadenfreude for a choice few people, but he is on the short list.
Politesse, I have a great deal of respect for you, but you really do need to understand the reality that sometimes there aren't good alternatives, and decisions beget decisions beget decisions.

It's not about not questioning why those were the options. Question all you like, but they are the only two options at this point.

I don't want to elect either of them but I accept the reality that I did what I could when I could to prevent that reality... and it came anyway.

The options are bad. Sure, talk about that.. but just make sure you don't do or say anything about that that reifies the worst case scenario.
Despite its impotence in the electoral college the popular vote result is often held up as a kind of metric for the popularity and mandate a President may have. So even in the case when one’s vote will not sway a given state’s result it doesn’t mean the vote isn’t meaningful in political discourse.
Despite its impotence in the electoral college the popular vote result is often held up as a kind of metric for the popularity and mandate a President may have. So even in the case when one’s vote will not sway a given state’s result it doesn’t mean the vote isn’t meaningful in political discourse.
Which is why, especially if there is no electoral college advantage or disadvantage, one's vote should reflect one's key values as best as possible, rather than supporting a politics you oppose. A vote for Biden or Trump is taken as a sign of uncritical support for all of their policies. For the next four years, especially if they receive the landslide victory they would get if everyone followed strictly partisan logic, they would speak of nothing buf the "mandate" voters gave them to do however they please. So your vote should go to someone whose platform you would in fact endorse. Or if there is no such candidate, than to the closest thing.
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Despite its impotence in the electoral college the popular vote result is often held up as a kind of metric for the popularity and mandate a President may have. So even in the case when one’s vote will not sway a given state’s result it doesn’t mean the vote isn’t meaningful in political discourse.
Which is why, especially if there is no electoral college advantage or disadvantage, one's vote should reflect one's key values as best as possible, rather than supporting a politics you oppose. A vote for Biden or Trump is talen as a sign of uncritical support for all of their policies. For the next four years, especially if they receive the landslide victory they would get if everyone followed your logic, they would speak of nothing buf the "mandate" voters gave them to do however they please. So your vote should go to someone whose platform you would in fact endorse. Or if there is no such candidate, than to the closest thing.
Well, you actually are following my logic. In that, you are using your vote to voice your political opinion despite its lack of impact electorally. Did anything I wrote suggest you should vote for Biden even if you don’t want to?

I’m sure many people in California will vote for Trump even though they know they will be outnumbered. If they prefer Trump as President then they should state so. That’s what democracy is about.

Unfortunately, with all the lies about elections we are losing the thread on what democracy means and it seems it may not be long before the will of the people gets fully subverted by power-hungry politicians with minority political ideologies.
I’m sure many people in California will vote for Trump even though they know they will be outnumbered. If they prefer Trump as President then they should state so. That’s what democracy is about.
Indeed! If we lose that, we lose the country.

My apologies for misinterpreting your point.
Neither will outlive their term in office for very long,

Are you implying they both could last 4 years in office?
I think the plan for Biden is to get him elected and then few months later make him retire leaving Kamala.
Otherwise democrats will have to deal with full blown dementia. Biden 4 years ago was much better than he is now. he is not gonna last 4 years, no way.
Neither will outlive their term in office for very long,

Are you implying they both could last 4 years in office?
I think the plan for Biden is to get him elected and then few months later make him retire leaving Kamala.
Otherwise democrats will have to deal with full blown dementia. Biden 4 years ago was much better than he is now. he is not gonna last 4 years, no way.
Yes. We've had presidents die in office, but it's been a while since it happened last. Walter Reed knows their business.
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