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Split Biden or Trump too old?

To notify a split thread.
Frankly, both Trump and Biden are too old to run in my opinion. But if the race is between the two of those old men, Biden still has more on on the ball that Trump in my view.
Not only is he more on the ball but he’s always been far more competent on all measures and actually has a functioning moral compass and a sense of duty to country. More importantly, he surrounds himself with highly capable, skilled people who share a similar sense of duty to country rather than to self.
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.
I despise the man but have reached an age where I have known/know far too many people with serious neurological disorders or other serious health issues to respond with glee at this. Mitchell has long been reported to have serious health issues and many do not think he will finish his term. I hope this part is true and that he resigns soon.
Really? I say fuck him! He is very much responsible for a lot of the mess we are in today. He's a scheming, unethical, hypocritical dirtbag who should go eat a bowl of fuck.
Frankly, both Trump and Biden are too old to run in my opinion. But if the race is between the two of those old men, Biden still has more on on the ball that Trump in my view.
Not only is he more on the ball but he’s always been far more competent on all measures and actually has a functioning moral compass and a sense of duty to country. More importantly, he surrounds himself with highly capable, skilled people who share a similar sense of duty to country rather than to self.
Yes, ALL that ^
Unfortunately, about 35% of all American voters couldn’t care less about capability, skill, general competence or that moral compass shit. Their idea of “duty to country” is to kiss the ass of a corrupt mob boss.
More importantly, he surrounds himself with highly capable, skilled people who share a similar sense of duty to country rather than to self.
You’re having a laugh. Harris, Buttegieg, Sam Brinton, “Rachel” Levine.
Can you imagine if this had been Biden?
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.

Doctors Confirm McConnell Had a Stroke After Imagining a Happy Black Person
I get that the second one is from The Onion, but what views in particular are they referencing from Mitch's past that lends one to believe he has ill will towards black people?
Can you imagine if this had been Biden?
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.

Doctors Confirm McConnell Had a Stroke After Imagining a Happy Black Person
I get that the second one is from The Onion, but what views in particular are they referencing from Mitch's past that lends one to believe he has ill will towards black people?
He’s definitely a power-hungry hypocrite but I’ve never viewed him as a racist.
Can you imagine if this had been Biden?
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.

Doctors Confirm McConnell Had a Stroke After Imagining a Happy Black Person
I get that the second one is from The Onion, but what views in particular are they referencing from Mitch's past that lends one to believe he has ill will towards black people?
He’s definitely a power-hungry hypocrite but I’ve never viewed him as a racist.
Same here, which is why I asked about it. Just wondering if I missed something. Maybe its an inside joke?
Can you imagine if this had been Biden?
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.

Doctors Confirm McConnell Had a Stroke After Imagining a Happy Black Person
I get that the second one is from The Onion, but what views in particular are they referencing from Mitch's past that lends one to believe he has ill will towards black people?

You make an excellent point. I don't know why The Onion would even imply a rich white guy from Kentucky to be racist. That is utterly inconceivable in my eyes.
Can you imagine if this had been Biden?
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.

Doctors Confirm McConnell Had a Stroke After Imagining a Happy Black Person
I get that the second one is from The Onion, but what views in particular are they referencing from Mitch's past that lends one to believe he has ill will towards black people?
He’s definitely a power-hungry hypocrite but I’ve never viewed him as a racist.
Same here, which is why I asked about it. Just wondering if I missed something. Maybe its an inside joke?
Probably just the author’s extrapolation from typical Republican stereotypes.
He’s definitely a power-hungry hypocrite but I’ve never viewed him as a racist.
If at all, he seems to don a kind of “racism of convenience” while placating his more extreme colleagues. Hard to know what kind of feelings that spineless reptile actually harbors.
He’s definitely a power-hungry hypocrite but I’ve never viewed him as a racist.
If at all, he seems to don a kind of “racism of convenience” while placating his more extreme colleagues. Hard to know what kind of feelings that spineless reptile actually harbors.
I don't think of of him as spineless. It takes huge balls to have no ethics or integrity and display it without a hint of feeling the hypocrisy.
Can you imagine if this had been Biden?
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.

Doctors Confirm McConnell Had a Stroke After Imagining a Happy Black Person
I get that the second one is from The Onion, but what views in particular are they referencing from Mitch's past that lends one to believe he has ill will towards black people?

You make an excellent point. I don't know why The Onion would even imply a rich white guy from Kentucky to be racist. That is utterly inconceivable in my eyes.
Huh...OK. Thanks for the tip. I had no idea it was so easy to identify racists. Will certainly simplify my life. I admit I am a little disappointed that so many rich white guys I kinda liked have turned out to be racists :pouting::

Kentucky Racists

Like Johhny Depp, George Clooney, Harry Dean Stanton, Dwight Yokam....

Can rich, white women be racist too? If so, there are plenty of those as well:

Jennifer Lawrence, Naomi Judd, Rosemary Clooney, Mary Travers (boy is that one disappointing)...

Just when you think you know someone...
Could he just have forgotten to say the word “other”? I’m not trying to defend McConnell, who I think is a total asshole, especially after stealing a supreme court seat, but it’s not like politicians don’t make verbal gaffes every once in a while. In fact Joe Biden is known for them.

I don’t think we need to make up extra reasons to hate Mitch McConnell.
Could he just have forgotten to say the word “other”? I’m not trying to defend McConnell, who I think is a total asshole, especially after stealing a supreme court seat, but it’s not like politicians don’t make verbal gaffes every once in a while. In fact Joe Biden is known for them.

I don’t think we need to make up extra reasons to hate Mitch McConnell.
My thoughts exactly. Biden is the king of racially tinged gaffes (far more than Mitch), and there is no shortage of clips of him on youtube inserting foot into mouth. Including a well known one regarding Barack Obama himself. Even with all that, I wouldn't be inclined to make a joke about him freaking out over a "happy, black person". It would just fall flat and not make sense.

With regard to Mitch McConnell and his background:

How Mitch McConnell Enabled Barack Obama

In 1964, an ambitious young student at the University of Louisville made an impassioned plea to his classmates, urging them to march in solidarity with Martin Luther King Jr. At the time, Kentucky was no haven for race reformers—it was dominated by some of the same elements of the Democratic Party that vehemently rejected the very notion of civil rights. Nevertheless, this 20-year-old activist called for strong statutes, state and federal, to protect the dignity of minorities. “Property rights have always been, and will continue to be, an integral part of our heritage,” he wrote in the campus newspaper, “but this does not absolve the property holder of his obligation to help ensure the basic rights of all citizens.” The student’s name was Mitch McConnell.
Can you imagine if this had been Biden?
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.

Doctors Confirm McConnell Had a Stroke After Imagining a Happy Black Person
I get that the second one is from The Onion, but what views in particular are they referencing from Mitch's past that lends one to believe he has ill will towards black people?

You make an excellent point. I don't know why The Onion would even imply a rich white guy from Kentucky to be racist. That is utterly inconceivable in my eyes.
Huh...OK. Thanks for the tip. I had no idea it was so easy to identify racists. Will certainly simplify my life. I admit I am a little disappointed that so many rich white guys I kinda liked have turned out to be racists :pouting::
This is politics. Small stuff buries people. Mitt Romney says "binders full of women" and he was torched. He didn't mean anything negative at all, but it was absolutely torched.

Howard Dean was recovering from a cold and was excited in a rally... and we hear about the "Dean scream".

Meanwhile Trump says he was just locker room talking when saying he liked to sexual assault women. One of those three won the General election. Politics is fickle.
Kentucky Racists

Like Johhny Depp, George Clooney, Harry Dean Stanton, Dwight Yokam....

Can rich, white women be racist too? If so, there are plenty of those as well:

Jennifer Lawrence, Naomi Judd, Rosemary Clooney, Mary Travers (boy is that one disappointing)...

Just when you think you know someone...
Why are some conservatives thinking that liberals worship obscenely paid Hollywood Actors?
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