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Split Biden or Trump too old?

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Yep. And we went from Obama's facile English
Facile? A bit ambiguous, that word.
and reasoned responses to "let's get to the oranges of this investigation" and "Yo, Semites with its towering trees" and "we served them hamberders."
And ended up with the randomness of "lying dog-faced pony soldiers" and "god save the queen" ...
I honestly think Eisenhower was more qualified.
So far, so good.
But Hillary is the best of the 21st century.
LMAO! She wasn't even the most qualified/experienced candidate to run in 2016. Most experienced was probably John Kasich. Four years in Ohio State Legislature, 18 years in US House (6 years of which he was chair of the Budget Committee) and 5 years (by 2016) as Ohio governor. Hell, even Bernie had more legislative experience (16 years in US House, 9 years in US Senate, two of which he was chair of the VA Committee) than her and he had at least some elective executive experience (8 years as mayor of Burlington). What experience did Hillary have? Eight years in the Senate (no committee chairmanships) and four years as SecState.
I do not understand this gross exaggeration of Hillary's qualifications and experience. Is she being graded on a curve because she is a woman? Is Bill's experience imputed to her? What gives?
Part of the reason I was such a staunch supporter of her is because I believe that she could have accomplished more of Sanders' agenda than Sanders could have done.
Are you saying that, like Biden, she would have swerved hard left while in office? I don't think so. Not even Biden would have swerved hard left had he run and been elected in 2016 (he had a much better chance than Hillary and he should have ran). In 2017 there was no Squad like in 2021. It is questionable if AOC et al would even have won their primaries if not for the reaction to Trump frankly. And without them, there is far less incentive to push for irresponsible things like B3 (aka Spendapalooza, which originated as Bernie's $6T spending plan). And both Hillary and Biden were younger in 2017 than Biden was in 2021 and thus would have been less susceptible to undue influence by the fringe of their party.
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But otherwise, I see his resume as being not superior to Hillary’s. She was a very active First Lady and helped formulate Clinton’s proposals for health care reform. Secretary of State is superior to Director of CIA in terms of ranking and I think a much more important job.
This is one of those silly notions that just won't go away.

SecState has not been a stepping stone to the presidency since James Buchanan who was elected in 1856. And he also had a much more extensive experience than Hillary. Buchanan was PA state legislator (2 years), US Representative (10 years, 4 of which he was Judiciary Committee chair), US Senator (10 years) and was a minister to Russia and the UK, in addition to his four years as SecState.

If people like you really think SecState is such a great thing for a presidential candidate, why are none of you pushing Antony Blinken for president?

I also do not think Hillary being married to a president and governor counts as experience.
No, Hillary was absolutely the most well qualified candidate for POTUS, ever.
You're serious? Enough with this Hillary dick-riding (as the younguns would say)!

As I said before, she wasn't even the most qualified candidate in 2016. She was not more qualified than even Bernie. She was sure as hell not more qualified than John Kasich.

Personally I do not see military service as a qualification for public office. It’s neither a positive nor a negative.
Depends on what kind of service. A conscript private? I would agree. An officer who actually has to lead people, esp. if they see action? That's most definitely relevant experience. JFK benefited from being an officer commanding his patrol boats in WWII. As did HW being a Naval aviator.

LMAO - she is qualified because she lived in the White House.
I am not saying she was not qualified to run. But this "most qualified" is about as truthful as Hillary's tales of dodging sniper bullets in Tuzla. And the follow-up here.
Brandon is so old his birth certificate is in Latin. And he is obviously losing his marbles. Unfit for the job.
Biden is Catholic, so if he was born in a Catholic hospital, that means he could be as young as, what, 50?
If DeSatanist or Trumpo the clown win in 2024, we are all very, very fucked. If Biden wins the primary and is the Democratic nominee, we have to hold our noses and vote Biden. Even if he was 94.
I thought Biden was too old three years ago. I was wrong. He’s been holding up well enough. I’m more concerned with the cabinet a president surrounds himself with. As long as he’s got good people doing good work, I’m fine with him sticking around. They can trot him around like the queen of England for all I care.

Trump: N/A. Too fucked up.
Age is not a factor to me, but malevolence certainly is. One of those two speaks and acts like an intelligent but inarticulate person with empathy, the other speaks and acts like a hate-filled, vengeance-bent halfwit exercising a fit of desperation and panic.
I am assured that both sides are the same though.
Age is not a factor to me, but malevolence certainly is. One of those two speaks and acts like an intelligent but inarticulate person with empathy, the other speaks and acts like a hate-filled, vengeance-bent halfwit exercising a fit of desperation and panic.
I am assured that both sides are the same though.
I think if you squint hard enough you can see a difference.
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.
Yep. Can you imagine some congressional committe being chaired by Diane Feinstein, Mitch McConnel and John Fetterman? Oy...smh
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.
Yep. Can you imagine some congressional committe being chaired by Diane Feinstein, Mitch McConnel and John Fetterman? Oy...smh
On the bright side, how much harm could they do?
Frankly, both Trump and Biden are too old to run in my opinion. But if the race is between the two of those old men, Biden still has more on on the ball that Trump in my view.
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.
Yep. Can you imagine some congressional committe being chaired by Diane Feinstein, Mitch McConnel and John Fetterman? Oy...smh
On the bright side, how much harm could they do?
Well, either a lot or none at all, depending on the function of the committee. Perhaps its best to just give them some nonsense "make work" type committee like the "Committee to Raise Pickle Awareness". It might go something like this:

Diane: "Why are we having this meeting in Arizona? And why isn't Senator Thurmond present?"
Mitch: "Senator Feinstein, I think you may have..." *stares at wall for 45 seconds*
John: "Goodnight, everybody!"

Meeting adjourned.
Speaking of old, Mitch McTurtle just froze up mid-sentence completely during an address to the press. Almost a minute of a blank stare. He had to be led away by his aids.

Maybe he hadn't been given enough lettuce today.
I despise the man but have reached an age where I have known/know far too many people with serious neurological disorders or other serious health issues to respond with glee at this. Mitchell has long been reported to have serious health issues and many do not think he will finish his term. I hope this part is true and that he resigns soon.
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