Somalia, always Somalia. An example, but not in the way intended.
Somalia used to have a government. People don't like to remember that. It was a communist government, and a particularly corrupt one at that. They looted everything that could be looted, broke everything that couldn't be looted, and then high-tailed it out of there once the government collapsed. Then a member of that government ran for US congress.
They were brought that low by government.
After the government collapsed, something interesting happened. Things started to get better now that their government was out of the way and no longer messing everything up. By many standards, things have improved in Somalia since the government collapsed. Not improved up to first world standards, but better than they were wen the collapse happened.
Recovery was slowed by all the "help" they received. The clans became a way of mediating disputes, but then the US government promised many billions of US taxpayer dollars to whichever one could become a new government. The clan leaders became warlords. The country, instead of having one brutal government, had many competing brutal government. Under the warlords, Somalia was an example of anarchism in the same way that Chernobyl is an example of clean energy. Also, every now and again, some government would send troops in on a "peacekeeping" mission to break that which had been rebuilt.
So Somalia is an example, but not the example you want.