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Foodie Thread

Currently roasting some beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, onions, and cabbage. I'm going to eat it in wraps with ranch dressing. I'd like to grill them but I don't have a grill. I think this is my new favorite thing. I'm sure I'll be eating it for months before I get tired of it.

That's wild. I would never think to combine those ingredients. What did you season it with while roasting? Just salt & pepper?

I wonder how Blue Top brand creamy "hot" sauce would taste with that. :)

I was curious about these hot sauces because their light color stands out in the hot sauce section. It's a white sauce with a blue label instead of a red or green sauce with a red, yellow, or black label. Also, I think it was used on one season of Hot Ones. So I finally broke down and got "Garlic Hatch" recently.



I'm surprised at how mild it is. I have mustards that are spicier than this stuff.

So I'm thinking that instead of using it like a hot sauce, maybe I should use it like you just used that ranch dressing.
Currently roasting some beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, onions, and cabbage. I'm going to eat it in wraps with ranch dressing. I'd like to grill them but I don't have a grill. I think this is my new favorite thing. I'm sure I'll be eating it for months before I get tired of it.

Bilby and I just picked up a toaster oven that sits on the Ben top for $40AUD brand new from KMart. It works great as a grill or as an oven. Maybe you could find something similar. I love it as I can cook my vegetables on low and my pork Belly strip on high and get the crackling good!

Good idea. I may have one of those in storage if I didn't give it away last time I moved. Those are great for roasting or broiling in the summer when the regular oven can heat up the house too much.
Good idea. I may have one of those in storage if I didn't give it away last time I moved. Those are great for roasting or broiling in the summer when the regular oven can heat up the house too much.

Like the way I heated up this house in 90F (32C) weather. :D Hot and humid here today.
Like the way I heated up this house in 90F (32C) weather. :D Hot and humid here today.
And we are chilled here. It’s going to drop to 4C tonight.

I'll take cold over the heat any day.

If I'm too cold, I can always put on more clothes, but if I'm too hot, there's only so much clothes I can take off before they arrest me.
That's great sleeping weather. I haven't slept all night and I think it's due to the heat.

It is. I am not looking forward to getting up at 6 am tomorrow with it being 4C though.

Yeah, cold is for sleeping, NOT for getting up out of a warm bed! Better have some hot tea ready. :)

It’s actually 1.6C and yes, I have hot coffee ready. Bilby’s tea is mashing and I shall deliver that to him in bed shortly.
Yeah, cold is for sleeping, NOT for getting up out of a warm bed! Better have some hot tea ready. :)

It’s actually 1.6C and yes, I have hot coffee ready. Bilby’s tea is mashing and I shall deliver that to him in bed shortly.

I would get up but Tiger won't let me.

Soooo, I have portabella mushrooms, tomatoes and peppers that need to be used up, cuz the tomatoes and mushrooms are starting to go bad. And I have cheddar cheese, NY sharp. I guess I can sautee it all, and add the cheese in just before it's off heat, but I'm a horrible cook and hate leftovers, too, so I'm leery of doing it.

But I'm tired of fish and also broke until about 2 Fridays from now.

My salad greens went bad already, and so did my cucumbers cuz I got lazy though, so I guess I have to make it. This is exactly why I almost never get good, fresh foods, but I only like a few canned ones, and find frozen ones taste weird or are tasteless.

Fuck, maybe another hour and I'll feel like standing for long enough to make this shit. I'll prolly throw half of it out anyway, and since my debt is still high and now I'm in talks with a debt consolidation company, which is still gonna wipe out a major portion of my ready funds after bills, and I took on an atrocious-to-me cell phone/plan bill I can't really afford to get a job that not only declined but it looks like even though I passed the demo they don't even want me to re-apply without giving me a reason, the end result is cutting out as much of my food/drink bill for 2 years as I can.

I have lots of ramen stored up, so I'll prolly resort to that next month, or just lower meals down to once a day, maybe.

Of course I could quit smoking, but I never wanted to breathe in the first place, had anybody reasonably explained my life to me before getting here, I'd have said 'fuck no, you're an asshole for suggesting that harmful shit'.

See, now I've worked my way to not wanting to eat at all, again, and I'm supposed to think of something to do with the mushrooms, peppers, cheese, and tomatoes that is not vomit worthy or boring.

Any ideas?
Please do quit smoking, but understand that your appetite is probably going to go haywire for a long time after you quit.

Anyway if I can make a recommendation, cut up the tomatoes and mushrooms, saut[ent]eacute[/ent]e them until you're sure the mold and other critters are dead. Put it in an airtight container of some sort, and sprinkle it on your ramen. That way you stop the produce from going bad, and you can stretch it out to add nutrition to all that ramen.
Hmmm, don't have an airtight container, but it gives me an idea to add the canned veggies to the ramen.

And no, the smoking is shortening my lifespan, which is exactly what I want right now. Life's not for everybody, you know. Those who had family and community support while disabled fair better, sure, without that, and also without enough funds to get to a point to make the fixes doctor and pharma companies say are outside the boundaries they like sitting inside of simply do not.

My next step is actually trick my medical transport company with the help of my doctors because they refuse to see AAT/EAT as "real" and helpful. Sure it sounds off kilter morally, but people are assholish enough to force it to go that route simply because they will not look at the research that shows positive results.

Reminds of the HOA group that refused to believe one of their blind tenants needing to have the parking space for his assistance driver to take places because he still had physical eyes, so of course he is not blind.

Pretty sure you know this cuz I'm pretty sure I cam e across a post from you as to where you reside, but live in a town, and a country, that in the majority is that willfully stupid, because 'Merica is so wealthy and advanced most think they just don't have to, until it affects them or somebody close to then, then it's a maybe.

Fuck, I'm hungry now and wish I could turn it off like a switch, then I could ignore it and it wouldn't matter that I can't food shop this month.
Today I had a wrap with chickpea salad, roasted cabbage, onions, and carrots, and ranch dressing. GOOD SHIT, MAN.

This is how I like my chickpea salad:

2 cans of chickpeas, drained
1/2 c mayo
1/4 c ranch dressing (kind of cheating, but so easy and tasty)
1 tbsp finely minced onion (I only like a little)
1 tsp finely minced garlic
2-3 tbsp dill relish (not sweet relish, unless you like that sort of thing, you perv)

Roughly smash the chickpeas until flaky and only a few whole peas remain if any. I use a potato masher or this chopping gadget that I got out of storage just for making chickpea salad.

Add the rest of the ingredients, mix well, and chill. When you're able to move your arms again, plop some of this yummy goodness onto a wrap with some salad greens and a drizzle of ranch dressing, roll it up, and go to town on that deliciousness.

If you prefer zesty over pickley, add some peppers instead of dill relish. There's a ton of variations you could try.

Oh, and I also sometimes add a bit of turmeric for the color. Without it, the salad is just kind of pasty white Jim Gaffigan colored gunk in a bowl.
Hmmm, don't have an airtight container, but it gives me an idea to add the canned veggies to the ramen.

And no, the smoking is shortening my lifespan, which is exactly what I want right now. Life's not for everybody, you know. Those who had family and community support while disabled fair better, sure, without that, and also without enough funds to get to a point to make the fixes doctor and pharma companies say are outside the boundaries they like sitting inside of simply do not.

My next step is actually trick my medical transport company with the help of my doctors because they refuse to see AAT/EAT as "real" and helpful. Sure it sounds off kilter morally, but people are assholish enough to force it to go that route simply because they will not look at the research that shows positive results.

Reminds of the HOA group that refused to believe one of their blind tenants needing to have the parking space for his assistance driver to take places because he still had physical eyes, so of course he is not blind.

Pretty sure you know this cuz I'm pretty sure I cam e across a post from you as to where you reside, but live in a town, and a country, that in the majority is that willfully stupid, because 'Merica is so wealthy and advanced most think they just don't have to, until it affects them or somebody close to then, then it's a maybe.

Fuck, I'm hungry now and wish I could turn it off like a switch, then I could ignore it and it wouldn't matter that I can't food shop this month.

That's completely fucked up.

America's health care system is a fucking atrocity.

No matter who and what we are, most of us will end up losing our life savings to the medical industry. The vast majority of Americans have doomed ourselves to eventual destitution simply because we are ideologically opposed to helping sick people. Thanks a lot, Christian morals!
Hmmm, don't have an airtight container, but it gives me an idea to add the canned veggies to the ramen.

And no, the smoking is shortening my lifespan, which is exactly what I want right now. Life's not for everybody, you know. Those who had family and community support while disabled fair better, sure, without that, and also without enough funds to get to a point to make the fixes doctor and pharma companies say are outside the boundaries they like sitting inside of simply do not.

My next step is actually trick my medical transport company with the help of my doctors because they refuse to see AAT/EAT as "real" and helpful. Sure it sounds off kilter morally, but people are assholish enough to force it to go that route simply because they will not look at the research that shows positive results.

Reminds of the HOA group that refused to believe one of their blind tenants needing to have the parking space for his assistance driver to take places because he still had physical eyes, so of course he is not blind.

Pretty sure you know this cuz I'm pretty sure I cam e across a post from you as to where you reside, but live in a town, and a country, that in the majority is that willfully stupid, because 'Merica is so wealthy and advanced most think they just don't have to, until it affects them or somebody close to then, then it's a maybe.

Fuck, I'm hungry now and wish I could turn it off like a switch, then I could ignore it and it wouldn't matter that I can't food shop this month.

That's completely fucked up.

America's health care system is a fucking atrocity.

No matter who and what we are, most of us will end up losing our life savings to the medical industry. The vast majority of Americans have doomed ourselves to eventual destitution simply because we are ideologically opposed to helping sick people. Thanks a lot, Christian morals!

Yes, it is in large part due to Christian morals, of certain sects, an other sects decry them as not "real christians, whilst all sects will dolefully, dreadfully proclaim ceaselessly that prayer, rather than good nutritious food, medicine that works and money, is what helps.

And you can't say there's no evidence, or anything demonstrably critical/worthwhile or you're the problem.I got called a degenerate the other day because I brought up the issue of fallacious arguments as posed by all religious/faithful/wishful/magical thinkers. Because being false is so much better that it is somehow not degenerative?

Since I have to trick the medical transport company I'm sure that also makes me a degenerate, but if my transport considered a licensed facility with licensed medical providers, plus licensed medical/therapeutic instructors who are different other riding instructors because of their training that includes emergency/recovery care as well as how to balance and move properly to be relevant instead of just a write off things would be different. I wouldn't have to be so underhanded, essentially, I they listened to reason, evidence, and good morals.

The same as I wouldn't have to wait until my organs are shutting down to get the near cure for Hep C, that according to both my insurances, which are the only ones I can have while disabled, is necessary before they'll let me have it.

This is not true of other insurance companies for those that can afford it, so it cheapens the lives of those who are destitute, yet those who are destitute are told its their own fault their lives are seen as easily wiped away.

My life savings went years ago, to other medical an housing and transport bills in order to keep from being homeless, being that homelessness is actually required before the state will help out with a hotel rom, because the community declared to the state through voting/or through their chosen political candidate it has to be a seedy hotel room not a house or apartment so thy don't hae to think abou the low inome individual or family living near their pretty lawns and pretty houses. Because poor people automatically make things dirty?
America really is a shithole country.

Anyway, ramen is a good way to use up almost any veggies, although the single best thing to put in instant ramen is leftover roasted meat. It doesn't even matter what the meat is, as long as you roasted it in the oven yourself, it will probably taste awesome epicsauce on instant ramen.
America really is a shithole country.

Anyway, ramen is a good way to use up almost any veggies, although the single best thing to put in instant ramen is leftover roasted meat. It doesn't even matter what the meat is, as long as you roasted it in the oven yourself, it will probably taste awesome epicsauce on instant ramen.

Yeah my ex used to do that with leftovers. Not sure how I should use the remainder of my meats in the coming months given how little I'm gonna use on groceries for like 2 years to cover the piled debt from living and breathing and medical, and that's without the new debt for those 2 years. Sigh.

I do have bacon packs, 2 of them and they go good in anything, so maybe I'll make one up for a weeks worth of baconated ramen. I don't like ramen as a soup though, only in a dish, with a bit of butter and salt, so maybe I'll just use butter given the bacon, and my apparently atrocious blood pressure of the last 5 months.
The propose of the broth is to add flavor to the noodles and other ingredients. Actually drinking it is probably a bad idea given how salty it is.

If you're doing it with the broth, you want to add some kind of fat, such as dark sesame oil.

If you cook that bacon, save the bacon fat that renders out. You can put small amounts of it in the broth to add flavor and a "silky" texture.
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