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Foodie Thread

I wasn't happy with the lentil soup at first, but I must say it is way more delicious as reheated leftovers, basil and all.

Made another pot, this time much better. I used beef broth this time and only a pinch of basil. Also replaced the crushed tomatoes with petite diced. Perfect and delicious.
I tried to make Martha Stewart's one-post pasta last night (albeit with very different ingredients).

Clearly, I need to experiment more. The pasta turned out underdone and the emulsification didn't work out at all. I think I need to use more water and less cheese next time.
Made a grilled cheese sandwich and put sauteed onion and mushroom in it. :D

That's my lunch for tomorrow.
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I wasn't happy with the lentil soup at first, but I must say it is way more delicious as reheated leftovers, basil and all.

Made another pot, this time much better. I used beef broth this time and only a pinch of basil. Also replaced the crushed tomatoes with petite diced. Perfect and delicious.

I've never used any kind of broth for my lentil soup. It makes it very vegetarian friendly which was the point when I started making mine back in my vegetarian days. Have kept the soup with no need to add anything meat related. I also use petite diced tomatoes and a good shot of sherry. Usually serve with grated cheese, usually swiss. That's traditional since back in the day when I first started, Swiss was easily available and affordable.
I wasn't happy with the lentil soup at first, but I must say it is way more delicious as reheated leftovers, basil and all.

Made another pot, this time much better. I used beef broth this time and only a pinch of basil. Also replaced the crushed tomatoes with petite diced. Perfect and delicious.

I've never used any kind of broth for my lentil soup. It makes it very vegetarian friendly which was the point when I started making mine back in my vegetarian days. Have kept the soup with no need to add anything meat related. I also use petite diced tomatoes and a good shot of sherry. Usually serve with grated cheese, usually swiss. That's traditional since back in the day when I first started, Swiss was easily available and affordable.

Nom! Sounds delicious. Cooking wine or sherry is one of those things I never think to buy. Swiss cheese, though... I can remember that. I love Swiss cheese. :love: As for the broth, I just like the added meaty flavor. You can also use vegetable broth, which is what I used in last night's split pea soup. Or, none at all, of course.

The split pea soup turned out fantastic, by the way.

Next one will be mixed beans and ham hock.
Well, I looked for ham hocks but only found packages of three. I only need one. I don't want a fridge full of ham hocks waiting to be cooked in soup. So I just bought some deli ham instead, which doesn't have all that fat on it to render, but oh well.
My mixed bean and ham soup is coming right along. Should be ready within the hour.
Just driving by. Amazing. I read your latest posts and up comes, into my itty bitty brain, pickled pig's feet. A thing along with pickled boiled eggs and polish sausage to scoff up as we closed bars after swing shift back in the mid sixties at Portland Custom Packers.
It's chili today. :D I doubled the ground beef. Broski likes it without beans or tomatoes (basically a chili flavored sloppy Joe), so I make it like that, separate out a big bowl for him, and then continue cooking with the beans and tomatoes for me.

Later this week it will be lentil soup again. I bought four lbs of lentils, so I'll be making that several more times before winter is over. More split pea soup on the horizon as well. I might try the mixed bean again, but next time I'll soak them properly. the quick method left some of them hard and some of them exploded. :/
Had a toasted bagel with peanut butter, banana and honey on it. Delicious.
Big chub of hard salami. Big stick of cheddar cheese. Knives. Mouth opening and closing, chomping, chewing. Heaven.

...Checking fingers...

...still got nine...

Aw hell! :mad:

An experiment.

I went to the store yesterday, and among other things, got celery. This morning I decided on a little experiment. I cleaned 3 stalks of celery, cut it into 2 inch pieces, and microwaved it. it took 7 minutes to soften. I put 3 pats of butter on it and salt. Not too bad. Maybe next trial add some green onion. Last week I tried some canned artichoke hearts. Not very good. I won't be doing that again.
Celery looks to me too much like a building material. It's too damn reinforced. It takes a good Chinese restaurant to make it into food, as part of Buddha's Delight.
Tonight I made a passable meal out of the meagre supplies in our freezer and pantry.

We had a chicken breast, so I cubed it up and fried it off in some garlic oil, together with a tin of whole champignons, a time of chopped tomatoes, a few olive wedges from a jar, some sliced sun dried tomatoes and and some chargrilled capsicum, also both from jars, some balsamic reduction and seasoning. This was cooked down and served with microwave rice!

Not bad considering the only ‘fresh’ ingredient was chicken from the Freezer!
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