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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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It seems that there are three basic positions in this debate:

1) Israel is justified in killing innocent Palestinians to destroy Hamas.
2) Hamas is justified in killing innocent Israelis to destroy Israel.
3) Neither Hamas nor Israel is justified in killing innocent people to destroy the other.

Nobody here is defending (2). Some defend (1) and others defend (3). Those who defend (1) often portray the defenders of (3) as defenders of (2).
The problem here is you are mixing up "justified" with "reality". In reality #3 becomes #2 and thus we say that those who take position 3 are really taking position 2.

In an ideal world no innocents would die. That's not the real world, though. Civilian deaths in war happen. They especially happen when human shield tactics are being used.
Don’t kid yourself. Snipping off the dangly bits is revenge.

Not everyone thinks like you do.

You may not care about the ongoing threat of a demonstrated rapist claiming he'll commit more rapes, but other people might.
I think the correct thing to do is to try and convict and imprison a rapist.

Not everyone is as unaware as you are that rape can be committed by inserting a variety of objects into a variety of orifices. Rape is violence and violent people will commit violence, with or without a penis.
It's Israel that is acting like terrorist "human animals" here. What Israel ought to have done is get the Palestinian Authority to extradite them to Israel so that they can face trial for their alleged terrorist crimes. Israel has numerous Palestinians detained in its jails without specifying what they are supposed to be guilty of. They ought to face trial, and public trial with all the evidence exposed in full public view.

If Israel has such a super good case against them, then it will win nearly every case, and everybody will be able to see how justified Israel is in winning those cases. Acting as if it has something to hide won't do anything for it.
How in the world do you think the PA would extradite a terrorist?!?! Even Europe wouldn't extradite the Munich terrorists which is why Israel resorted to assassination.

As for evidence, we already have everything we need. Hamas has claimed one of them PIJ has claimed the other two. That makes them enemy combatants, a valid target in times of war, nothing more is needed.
I think the correct thing to do is to try and convict and imprison a rapist.
To continue this idiotic comparison between a terrorist organization and a rapist...
How do you get Hamas held accountable for their crimes well enough to prevent them from continuing? As far as I can tell, from U.N. to Iran to western leftists the answer is always some version of "Well, she could stop wearing short skirts."

Not everyone is as unaware as you are that rape can be committed by inserting a variety of objects into a variety of orifices. Rape is violence and violent people will commit violence, with or without a penis.
Your ability to mischaracterize what I have actually said into the opposite is something I'm all too familiar with.

Hamas could stop using civilians as human shields. The IDF has never behaved in that way. Using hospitals as army staging posts is so low.
is the IDF obligated to shoot through human shields? You seem to imply that the killing of human shields is justified.
They are not obligated to. But neither are they obligated not to. The deaths of human shields falls on the side that made them shields.
I certainly can’t tell you a good way to fully eradicate Hamas without killing their human shields, but then again I am no expert in war, politics or fighting terrorism.
Israel perfectly well knows they can't be eradicated. Rather, this is an effort to keep them from attacking for a while.
laughing dog said:
That is illogical and factually incorrect. The IDF is the one dropping the bombs. The bombs are the direct
You have argued and continue to argue that the IDF is justified in its actions. Those actions include killing innocent civilians. It is irrational to deny something occurs when you acknowledge it is occurring.
I have never said that. I think you're twisting words. I also don't think you believe it. I think you're just being dishonest to score debate points, or something. Just stop.
You think wrong. Placing the entire onus on Gazan civilian deaths on Hamas and denying any IDF responsibility is doing just that. Please stop flinging your slanderous projections.
The Palestinian civilian deaths were expected by Hamas. They chose to act knowing that--the deaths are their responsibility. Not only that, but civilian deaths were a desired objective of Hamas.

And he's right that you're twisting things rather than addressing them.

Peace is not going to be acheived with an autonomous Palestine. They've had plenty of time to show the world they're capable of living in peace with Israel. It's just not happening. If the Palestinians can't be trusted to behave themselves then someone else will need to come in to do it. Israel has a good track record. So I think they taking over is our best bet for stability. And we'll just have to accept that we'll never have peace anywhere around Palestinians.
Certainly not with that patronizing and bigoted attitude.
What does his attitude have to do with what might happen over there? He's not in any way a decision maker. Once again, you're avoiding the point.

Then what's your plan? You seem to think peace is possible. How do you propose it can be acheived?
Right now, peace is not possible because there is too much distrust, fear, and hate. Peace is going to take a very long because it requires trust and real courage. Real courage is not terrorism ir killing civilians by yhe thousands, it is turning the other cheek when necessary which, in turn, requires trust.[
Peace requires Iran to quit pouring money into terror.
Facts are facts. Denying reality is delusional.
Then why do you keep doing it?

Peace is not going to be acheived with an autonomous Palestine. They've had plenty of time to show the world they're capable of living in peace with Israel. It's just not happening. If the Palestinians can't be trusted to behave themselves then someone else will need to come in to do it. Israel has a good track record. So I think they taking over is our best bet for stability. And we'll just have to accept that we'll never have peace anywhere around Palestinians.
Certainly not with that patronizing and bigoted attitude.

Trust is earned. I think the Palestinians have had every opportunity, and keep blowing it
And you think the gov't of Israel has earned trust through its persistent land grabs and violations of Palestinian human dignity in the West Bank?

And how exactly are the Arab inhabitants of the West Bank "blowing it"?
It has already been pointed out that their government pays for terrorism. And I've pointed out the wall built to stop small arms fire--nobody builds walls like that unless they are actually facing such fire.

Then what's your plan? You seem to think peace is possible. How do you propose it can be acheived?
Right now, peace is not possible because there is too much distrust, fear, and hate. Peace is going to take a very long because it requires trust and real courage. Real courage is not terrorism ir killing civilians by yhe thousands, it is turning the other cheek when necessary which, in turn, requires trust.[

Yeah. But Israel can't endlessly keep being nice and then get rammed in the ass. Enough is enough
Israel is not endlessly nice.
But you expect them to lie down and die rather than be not quite so nice.
Then what's your plan? You seem to think peace is possible. How do you propose it can be acheived?
Right now, peace is not possible because there is too much distrust, fear, and hate. Peace is going to take a very long because it requires trust and real courage. Real courage is not terrorism ir killing civilians by yhe thousands, it is turning the other cheek when necessary which, in turn, requires trust.
You want Israel to turn the other cheek but what of Hamas? Are they to turn the other cheek too?
Did you miss "Real courage is not terrorism"?

And it isn't just about which side turns the other cheek. Violence is self-perpetuating, so one side has to stop first. The US has no leverage over Hamas, but it supplies the weapons that Israel is using to carry on its bloody revenge against people in the Gaza Strip. So it only has leverage over Israel in this mess. The US can tell Hamas to turn its cheek all it wants, but Hamas couldn't care less. The US can tell Israel to turn the other cheek, and Israel has to listen. The reason Biden is in trouble with his base of support is that he refuses to reign in Israel's bloody revenge on the Palestinian population living in Gaza. To do so would have a negative impact on his chances of getting reelected.
Looking for your keys under the streetlight is so effective.
It is funny how you keep switching back and forth between "Palestinians are very supporting of Hamas" (it is their fault!) and Palestinians have "no viable horse to back if they want peace" (they have no control). Admittedly, it is hard to parse just how Palestinians stand on this as they aren't provided much of anything to express and emote. But your post just feels so weaselly to justify whatever point you are making at the second.
The two positions are not mutually exclusive.

The average Palestinian has no ability to choose peace. However, they consistently poll as supporting war (at a far higher rate than they poll as supporting Hamas--it isn't just saying what they are supposed to.)

As I see it, the only possible option is for an external party to come in and take over. Israel is a well functioning modern democratic state. They're the ideal party to do this. Whatever external force moves in, they're going to be resented by the Palestinians.
I'm pretty much of the mindset that there simply is no solution. Hamas' attack on October 7th was a bridge to peace being lit on fire. Hamas wasn't particularly trustworthy to begin with, but now they can be trusted to never accept peace. Peace also can't be had without Iran's approval. And Iran doesn't want it. Discord is very good for them for partisan reasons.
There never was a bridge to peace.

Until outsiders quit funding the terror there can be no peace. The money goes to those who use it to fight. The PLO is now a minor player--but that didn't help the situation.

Israel could drop no more bombs and there will be no peace. Israel can drop millions more bombs and there will be no peace. Giving the Palestinians their state, probably doesn't end in peace either, but it would at least provide an opening for it, but it would have to include the exclusion of Hamas. And without Saudi support for it, that isn't happening.
The problem is that they have shown they'll use their state to attack Israel, not to mind their own business.

And Hamas doesn't even matter--it's the current puppet but removing it would just cause a new puppet to appear.

And Saudi support won't help--look at the results elsewhere: Yemen. Saudi/Iran proxy war, now a hellhole under terrorist control.
It is funny how you keep switching back and forth between "Palestinians are very supporting of Hamas" (it is their fault!) and Palestinians have "no viable horse to back if they want peace" (they have no control). Admittedly, it is hard to parse just how Palestinians stand on this as they aren't provided much of anything to express and emote. But your post just feels so weaselly to justify whatever point you are making at the second.
The two positions are not mutually exclusive.

The average Palestinian has no ability to choose peace. However, they consistently poll as supporting war (at a far higher rate than they poll as supporting Hamas--it isn't just saying what they are supposed to.)
so, does that make them legitimate targets of war? Their deaths are justified if they die during an attack on Hamas personnel or infrastructure?
It is funny how you keep switching back and forth between "Palestinians are very supporting of Hamas" (it is their fault!) and Palestinians have "no viable horse to back if they want peace" (they have no control). Admittedly, it is hard to parse just how Palestinians stand on this as they aren't provided much of anything to express and emote. But your post just feels so weaselly to justify whatever point you are making at the second.
The two positions are not mutually exclusive.
They aren't particularly compatible.
The average Palestinian has no ability to choose peace. However,/...
No however, no but. Either the average Palestinian has no ability to choose peace or they are enabling Hamas. You don't get to speak out of both sides of your mouth.
As I see it, the only possible option is for an external party to come in and take over. Israel is a well functioning modern democratic state. They're the ideal party to do this. Whatever external force moves in, they're going to be resented by the Palestinians.
I'm pretty much of the mindset that there simply is no solution. Hamas' attack on October 7th was a bridge to peace being lit on fire. Hamas wasn't particularly trustworthy to begin with, but now they can be trusted to never accept peace. Peace also can't be had without Iran's approval. And Iran doesn't want it. Discord is very good for them for partisan reasons.
There never was a bridge to peace.
Netanyahu saw to that when he fanned the flames that got Rabin assassinated. Why are you backing that asshole?
Until outsiders quit funding the terror there can be no peace.
Indeed, that makes it much harder. But when you have the Netanyahus out there making policy, it isn't exactly like they are negotiating in good faith.
Israel could drop no more bombs and there will be no peace. Israel can drop millions more bombs and there will be no peace. Giving the Palestinians their state, probably doesn't end in peace either, but it would at least provide an opening for it, but it would have to include the exclusion of Hamas. And without Saudi support for it, that isn't happening.
The problem is that they have shown they'll use their state to attack Israel, not to mind their own business.

And Hamas doesn't even matter--it's the current puppet but removing it would just cause a new puppet to appear.

And Saudi support won't help--look at the results elsewhere: Yemen. Saudi/Iran proxy war, now a hellhole under terrorist control.
No kidding. It sucks, it is terrible. This doesn't mean what Israel is still doing is making things better long term for them. You keep trying to make excuses for the extended Military action, instead of showing how the action will work to protect Israelis, other than the good ole fashioned say so.
I would add that the IDF is no longer engaging in the defense of Israel. There is no danger of an immediate attack from Gaza. Continued bombing and killing at this point has little or nothing to do with defense and everything to do with revenge.
And once again you fail to understand. You qualified your statement with "immediate". In civilian self defense that is a required attribute because the assumption is that you can go to the police otherwise. However, there's no police to go to in this case, "immediate" has no relevance.

Gaza attacked. Gaza still has combat capability. Gaza has not surrendered. Therefore Israel is allowed to keep going after that combat capability.

This is basically the Japanese strategy at the end of WWII--they knew they couldn't actually win, they just were aiming to make losing so painful that we would give up and go home.
but they don't have the option of voting Hamas out of office.
That's kinda a problem in Muslim cultures. Secular democracy is anti-Muslim.
Do you distinguish between totalitarian regimes that are secular and those that are not? Do you think it a problem in Muslim democracies?
Where do you find strongly Muslim democracies??

Where does "Muslim democracies" suddenly become "strongly Muslim democracies"??? There are lots of representative democracies in the world, and some are in Muslim majority countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Albania, Turkey, Pakistan, Turkey, Lebanon, etc. A few can be considered secular. All democracies have their flaws, more or less, but they still count as democracies. See  Islam and Democracy for a discussion.

I don't know, Tom. Maybe you should ask those Israelis who voted against the extreme right wing government that currently holds power in Israel. It's not as if there has been unanimity in the Israeli population on these matters. Right now, there is considerable criticism of Netanyahu's government, and it is widely believed that they could not remain in power if an election were held today. Maybe not all Israelis are convinced that their highest priority should be the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank.
I agree the people don't like him--but this is not the reason. Rather, he failed to prevent 10/7, he's not hawkish enough.

No, Israelis are well aware of who to blame for 10/7, which would never have happened without Netanyahu's policy of tolerating Hamas rule in order to weaken Palestinian opposition to illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

I've posted this link before, which was published in The Times of Israel on Oct. 8:

For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces

It seems that there are three basic positions in this debate:

1) Israel is justified in killing innocent Palestinians to destroy Hamas.
2) Hamas is justified in killing innocent Israelis to destroy Israel.
3) Neither Hamas nor Israel is justified in killing innocent people to destroy the other.

Nobody here is defending (2). Some defend (1) and others defend (3). Those who defend (1) often portray the defenders of (3) as defenders of (2).
The problem here is you are mixing up "justified" with "reality". In reality #3 becomes #2 and thus we say that those who take position 3 are really taking position 2.

In an ideal world no innocents would die. That's not the real world, though. Civilian deaths in war happen. They especially happen when human shield tactics are being used.

The problem here is that you are confusing "justified" with "reality" and projecting that confusion onto others. #3 is logically incompatible with both #1 and #2. You jump to the conclusion that a defense of #3 is equivalent to a defense of #2, because you don't want to have to recognize the reality that nobody here is defending #2--the straw man you have repeatedly tried to knock over, even though everyone here has been trying to help you knock it over and stomp on it. You just keep picking it up, dusting it off, and blaming others that it's still standing.
I would add that the IDF is no longer engaging in the defense of Israel. There is no danger of an immediate attack from Gaza. Continued bombing and killing at this point has little or nothing to do with defense and everything to do with revenge.
And once again you fail to understand. You qualified your statement with "immediate". In civilian self defense that is a required attribute because the assumption is that you can go to the police otherwise. However, there's no police to go to in this case, "immediate" has no relevance.

Gaza attacked. Gaza still has combat capability. Gaza has not surrendered. Therefore Israel is allowed to keep going after that combat capability..

"Combat capability"? Guns, remedial explosives, and holes in the ground.

Just like Japan near the end of WWII.
I think the correct thing to do is to try and convict and imprison a rapist.
To continue this idiotic comparison between a terrorist organization and a rapist...
How do you get Hamas held accountable for their crimes well enough to prevent them from continuing? As far as I can tell, from U.N. to Iran to western leftists the answer is always some version of "Well, she could stop wearing short skirts."

Not everyone is as unaware as you are that rape can be committed by inserting a variety of objects into a variety of orifices. Rape is violence and violent people will commit violence, with or without a penis.
Your ability to mischaracterize what I have actually said into the opposite is something I'm all too familiar with.
Dude, I was just saying castration doesn’t stop a rapist.

Applies whether one is being literal or metaphorical.

That’s the whole thing.
Dude, I was just saying castration doesn’t stop a rapist.

Applies whether one is being literal or metaphorical.

That’s the whole thing.
Execution will though.
Typically the execution follows a trial, that demonstrates the named person was found guilty of committing a horrific crime.

Are named people currently being targeted because intel indicates they committed such a crime?

Or is this a kill 'em all sort of scenario and we'll just assume the bad guys died. One of the parts of justice (an important one) is the public determination of guilt.
Are named people currently being targeted because intel indicates they committed such a crime?

Because they're Muslim terrorists and get support from around the globe.
Hamas cannot be held responsible because nobody important wants to do it.
The court has released a preliminary injunction:
Order of 26 January 2024 - 192-20240126-ord-01-00-en.pdf

What the court decreed:
1) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall, in accordance with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of this Convention, in particular

(a) killing members of the group;
(b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and
(d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

2) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall ensure with immediate effect that its military does not commit any acts described in point 1 above;
All but AB, JS
And what in that list is genocide? This is simply war.
So anything goes when it's war? There is no such thing as a war crime? By that argument, Hamas's Oct-7 Aqsa Flood attack is completely legitimate because it is part of a war.
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