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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

To denote when two or more threads have been merged
by the imposition of an entirely artificial state on their land ever since it happened.
Why is it "their" land? Because the robbers they succeeded to it from were the 37th nation that stole it rather than the 38th?

Because indigenous people have a Right to call the place where they and their ancestors have lived for thousands of years "their" homeland.
All people have a right to call any place they please "their" homeland. It's called "freedom of speech". I asked why it is their land, not whether they have a right to call it that.

If you mean it is their land by right because it's the place where they and their ancestors have lived for thousands of years, then that sounds like you're answering "Yes." to my question -- it's because the robbers they're successors to were the 37th nation that stole it rather than the 38th. If that sounds to you like a knock-down moral endorsement of the justice of their claim, feel free to explain your peculiar theory of justice.

[And, incidentally, what makes the Arabs "indigenous"? Their ancestors haven't lived there for thousands of years. Their ancestors came from Arabia 1400 years ago and seized it from the Byzantines, i.e., the Romans, whose ancestors seized it from the Jews, whose ancestors seized it from the Canaanites, whose ancestors seized it from the [many seizures skipped], whose ancestors seized it from the descendants of the first H. sapiens sapiens to live there, who seized it from the Neanderthals. "Indigenous" is a word that means whoever the speaker wants it to mean.]

At least they do in modern societies. Some folks that still hold to the 'might makes right' way of thinking believe if you can take land from people unable to fight you off, you get to keep it
:consternation2: Isn't that exactly your justification for claiming it's the Arabs' land? That they took it from Byzantines unable to fight them off so they get to keep it?

Or do you mean it wasn't they who took it from the Byzantines -- that was their ancestors in 637 AD? The 1948 Palestinians got it honestly, from their parents?
You are confusing governments with people.

The Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans, etc., ruled the indigenous people of Palestine. They did not replace them with people from Italy or Greece or Turkey, unlike the founders of the State of Israel who did replace the Palestinians with immigrants unless they were Jewish.

Likewise, when people in the region accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, or when they came to believe there was One True God and Mohammed was His Prophet, they did not suddenly become non-indigenous. They weren't Jews anymore (if they had been Jews; not everyone from there followed the Jewish faith) but the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea was still their ancestral homeland.

Well, the Israelis didn't take Israel from people unable to fight them off either. That was their great-grandparents in 1948. The current crop of Israelis got it honestly, from their parents. Now, feel free to explain why the magical dividing line between irrelevant ancient history and "historically justified" land claims is conveniently whenever you need it to be to "justify" whichever side of whoever's conflict you take sides in. All rights to land are squatters' rights except maybe the bit the Dutch reclaimed from the sea.

The closest Israelis and Palestinians came to peace was when the Oslo Accords were first being implemented.

The Accords failed because Zionists <snip>
And Zionists have a mirror-image narrative about how the Accords failed because Palestinians.

No, they don't.

Some folks like to bullshit about that but are completely unable to provide facts or fact-based arguments to support their claims.

The Palestinians were on-board with the Accords and followed through on their part of the agreement at every step. They recognized the right of Israel to exist, where it was, in peace and security. They were willing to cede approximately 80% of their former lands to Israel in exchange for their own State. They wanted a viable State with contiguous territory and control of their own resources, commerce, borders, security, etc. That's what the Oslo Accords promised.

Israeli Zionists wanted to keep right on colonizing all of the West Bank and Gaza, and were willing to kill their fellow Israelis to achieve that end.
And Palestinian irredentists want to keep right on colonizing all of Israel and are willing to kill their fellow Palestinians to achieve that end. The question is not whose side is ruled by villains; the question is what causes the sides' respective villains to be in charge.

Money and power.

As long as Israel has plenty of both coming from Europe and the US, it won't feel the need to change and will continue the ethnic cleansing and apartheid. Israel will continue to take Palestinian land and resources by force until it meets an obstacle the IDF can't overcome or until the money dries up and it loses influence in world affairs..

If the Oslo Accords had succeeded, Arafat would have been hailed as a hero and Fatah would have dominated the elections against Hamas. But the Accords failed and so did Fatah. Hamas promised to do better for the people of Gaza. It hasn't, but that doesn't mean Fatah would have done any better. All you have to do is look at the West Bank to know that Fatah is just as powerless as Hamas to stop the oppression of Palestinians.

"Palestinians are left with terrorism or defeat as their only options" is an artifact of Gandhi-tactics not being part of their cultural toolkit. Culture is destiny.
Question: Where can Israel find the Palestinian Gandhi? Answer: Exactly where they put him, in administrative detention.

The Palestinians have plenty of Gandhis. The Israelis lock them up, the same way the British locked up Gandhi himself.
And being locked up didn't stop Gandhi from kicking the British out. Of course the Palestinians have Gandhis; finding a Gandhi isn't the problem. The problem is he won't get the street traction Gandhi got, even when he was in jail.


He or she won't get the street traction to succeed until Israel has a much to lose by trying to keep the Palestinians imprisoned as the Britain had to lose by trying to hold onto their empire in South Asia.
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No. There were Jews coming from Europe to escape the holocaust. And big influx of Russian Jews in the 90's. Before WW2, there were Jews, but hardly in overwhelming numbers. After WW2, surving Jews in Europe still faced pogroms and murder, and those who survived left hostile parts of Europe, many to Israel
And I do not blame them in the slightest.

I would like to know what you guys think about this guy...I already have an opinion but would like to hear yours...
I just want to add this perspective to the conversation.

There are groups of Israeli Jews and Palestinians who work together to bring about peace in the region. They oppose their own leadership groups. They have been fighting together for a long time for real peace.

These Jews who oppose Netanyahu are not antisemitic, and the Palestinians who oppose Hamas aren't Islamophobes.

The RW govt of Israel is doing everything it can to paint anyone who opposes their policies as antisemitic. We shouldn't fall for that.

We see MAGAs do that in the US as they call themselves "patriots". The Canadian conservative parties do that too - the convoy protest used the Canadian flag as their symbol.

Carry on
Do you truly believe that if you kill enough terrorists, it will cause peace to happen?
It certainly can thwart their operational ability if they are kept on the defensive and if their members (esp. those in leadership) keep getting eliminated.
Israel got a bit lax in going after Hamas in Gaza, and they were able to build up their capabilities. Both weapons and training.
I hope they do not make that mistake again.
So your answer really is yes. I'm more surprised that you admit it than that it is true.

US has been actively pursuing Al Qaeda and ISIS, including using drones to go after leaders, and it contributed to reduced ability of those groups to stage terrorist attacks in the West. Israel should do no different.
I'm talking about reality though, not pretend alternate timelines into which one can write whatever story one likes to justify one's political stance.

US and allies also waged war against Germany and Japan that led to a total defeat of both countries. And it led to peace. Do you really think a ceasefire in 1942 that left Hitler in power would have been better?
I take it you haven't been watching the news. Hitler's war is not over, there are Neo-Nazis seeking powerful positions throughout the US and Europe. It's not as simple as war or peace. War comes, but how it is conducted is not pre-ordained, nor the aftermath. And there is always an aftermath, because no war can be waged indefinitely.
A barrage of 100s of rockets, including longer range ones reaching as far as Tel Aviv. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and the rest of the Squad must be rejoicing.

IDF's response to this must he swift and heavy. Including going after Hamas and Islamic Jihad brass. And the Biden administration should not push Israel into a premature ceisefire.

Hamas and other terrorists must be taught a lesson. As must their masters in Tehran.
This is clearly Hamas's attempt to stop the Israel/Saudi Arabia normalization or peace deal.
This is an astute observation and it invites the "if so, then?" analysis and then it gets weird.

Saudi money supports Palestinians and it goes to many various factions. We can assume this to be a fact. Just as not all Palestinian factions have the same goals, there are also Saudi factions and the Royal court does not control all money flowing to foreign causes. Rockets are expensive and secret rockets cost a premium. Someone paid extra the start this latest round of violence. It's probably easier to create a crisis to steer Saudi policy than to get into the circle that has the steering wheel.

What disadvantage does Hamas suffer if Saudi Arabia and Israel normalize relations? There certainly will be less money for rockets, but just as certainly more money for schools, sewer systems, and parking meters. This is bad news for the men at the top of the military food chain, but continued fighting means it's exactly these men who are the most sought target. A text message sent by one of their less well paid subservient soldiers can give a cruise missile all the information it needs to end his career. It's not totally irrational. A warlord, by definition has to remain at war in order to maintain power. The political instability that creates warlords requires this and there is no place for a warlord in a politically stable environment. It becomes a matter of greatly increasing the risk to one's life in order to insure survival. As I said, it gets weird.

Saudi Arabia is not the only source of warlord financing. Iran's interests run counter to the Saudis and also send money to Palestine. It would definitely be Iran's goal to sabotage any warming of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Iran wants to be the big brother in a Middle Eastern hegemony. The Saudis have always maintained this status by judicious distribution of money to European and American interests, not military power. This is probably a better deal all things considered, if one of those things is Sadam Husain.

The final "if so, then?" is stark conclusion that the money sources that fuel this conflict, have no interest in peace between Israel and Palestine, despite what anyone says in public.
I think you have it wrong here. I don't think it's Saudi money. Rather, I think it's Iranian--they're the ones that would be hurt the worst by normalization between the Saudis and Israel.

I do agree about the warlord issue--Hamas becomes meaningless if there were peace. Thus Hamas will not allow a true peace so long as they exist--and they'll exist (or a replacement for them will exist) so long as the money flows.
As I said, there are more sources of Saudi money than just the Royals. There are Saudi factions who would like to see the King and Prince put in a bind. The Iranians are certainly opposed to any country developing better relations with Israel, but they aren't the only ones.
Do you think Putin was involved in this? Now the US has to help Israel and allocate resources that otherwise would go to Ukraine...
It's entirely possible, but Putin has other things on his mind. Israel doesn't need any military aid unless another country commits ground troops to the fight.
Are you worried?
I'm not the worrying type. Who would gain from intervening on Hamas's side? I look for patterns because there's very little in this world that hasn't been seen before.

On January 30, 1968, the Tet Offensive was launched in Viet Nam. The North Vietnamese Army invaded from Laos while NLF(Viet Cong) forces attacked cities in the south, but they did not have resources for an extended fight. There were a lot of fierce battles and heavy casualties. US and South Vietnamese forces had greater resources and air superiority. The North Vietnamese were driven back across the borders and the Viet Cong were cut off and annihilated in pockets. From that point forward, the NLF was no longer a significant force in the south. This set the stage for the eventual Paris Peace Treaty, which let the US withdraw and left the South Vietnamese on their own. As soon as the US was out, North Vietnam launched another offensive which quickly rolled over the entire south. The end result was the Hanoi government had complete political power and did not have to share with any southerners because the political and military leadership of the NLF were dead. Whether this was part of the plan, or not, no one can say, but it worked out well for Hanoi.

It is possible someone has enabled Hamas to launch this attack with the full knowledge that it will be the end of Hamas as a political and military force in Palestinian affairs.
However, Hamas are several orders of magnitude more bloodthirsty and genocidal than IRA.
Tell me you know fuck all about the IRA's history without telling you know fuck all about the IRA's history. Although your penchant for memes suggests there is a non zero chance you actually believe the Alan Rickman/Liam Neeson movie is a documentary.
The idea that anyone can "crush" Hamas ignores the clear history of that region.
NSDAP was crushed. Hamas can be crushed too.
Btw, Hitler and the Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem were allies.
You realize that there are still Nazis around. You cannot crush ideas and hatred.
Does anyone not think the Palestinians have valid grievances?

The West Bank has long been under military occupation. Israel controls building permits and condemns Palestinian property, bulldozes it, and gives permits to Israelis.

It is all predictable. Video at the end of Israel bombing of a refugee camp. What constitutes a war crime?

The problem is as we see right no, we see little in or media but the Israeli side. Little resorting on what Israel does in occupying the West Bank.

Does anyone not think the Palestinians have valid grievances?

The West Bank has long been under military occupation. Israel controls building permits and condemns Palestinian property, bulldozes it, and gives permits to Israelis.

It is all predictable. Video at the end of Israel bombing of a refugee camp. What constitutes a war crime?

The problem is as we see right no, we see little in or media but the Israeli side. Little resorting on what Israel does in occupying the West Bank.

Indeed. The Palestinians have a lot of valid grievances, and these valid grievances gone ignored help to push young people to commit horrific acts. To quote Nick Nolte from Hotel Rwanda, the Palestinians aren't even "niggers". The Islamic nations don't give a fuck about them. The Israeli Government doesn't give a fuck about them. The British didn't give a fuck about them. They have nothing but crumbs left behind by rats.

It doesn't justify what happened, but for fuck sakes will someone at least give a fuck?

Kill of Hamas? Yes, that is possible via a small level of genocide. You have to get them all. It'd be a crime against humanity... and people would be mistaken in thinking there was going to be repercussion. Fuck, that happens, why wouldn't Iran deliver a nuclear weapon to Tel Aviv?

We can't let grave injustice justify greater injustices. We do that, we are no better than... well... NY Jets fans. The lowest of the low.

No. There were Jews coming from Europe to escape the holocaust. And big influx of Russian Jews in the 90's. Before WW2, there were Jews, but hardly in overwhelming numbers. After WW2, surving Jews in Europe still faced pogroms and murder, and those who survived left hostile parts of Europe, many to Israel
And I do not blame them in the slightest.
Yeah, but isn't that part of the problem. One issue I have with the concept of Israel was it kind of was a shitty way to deal with the anti-semitism and the theft for those that managed to survive the Holocaust. It was somewhat of a white flag against bigotry and the worst organized crime in the modern age. And Israel has been dealing with the consequences of the poorly sought out solution since. And they (the Israeli government) have been compounding the problem as well these past couple of decades.
Israeli Defense Minister: 'We Are Fighting Human Animals’ | HuffPost Latest News - "Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called for denying Palestinian people electricity, food, water and fuel as Israel continues its bombardment of Gaza."
In effect, Untermenschen ("subhumans").
“We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly,” Gallant said.

While it appears that Gallant was specifically referring to Hamas fighters in that comment, the rest of the minister’s remarks called for further oppression of all people in Gaza by denying them basic human needs.

“We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza,” Gallant said. “There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything will be closed.”
Denying food and water to an entire population seems like some sort of Final Solution to the Palestinian Question.

If I could, I'd put Yoav Gallant and Mohammed Deif, the Hamas military commander, in a jail cell together. They deserve each other.
STATEMENT: Rep. Ocasio-Cortez on Violence in Israel and Palestine | Representative Ocasio-Cortez
"Today is devastating for all those seeking a lasting peace and respect for human rights in Israel and Palestine. I condemn Hamas’ attack in the strongest possible terms. No child and family should ever endure this kind of violence and fear, and this violence will not solve the ongoing oppression and occupation in the region. An immediate ceasefire and de-escalation is urgently needed to save lives.”

Statement from Congressman Jamaal Bowman on Hamas’ Attacks | Press Releases | Congressman Jamaal Bowman
I strongly condemn the horrific attacks by Hamas and am saddened by the loss of precious lives, especially on the holy day of Simchat Torah.

We need a way to end this deadly violence that is killing and traumatizing generations of Israelis and Palestinians alike—including the blockade of Gaza. I have been to the Gaza border and know that Israelis and Palestinians are constantly living in fear. We must work harder to ensure peace in the region.

As new information continues to emerge, my team and I will be following this closely especially since several of our NY-16 community members are in the area of the attacks.

I can't find anything from Rashida Tlaib, however.
Ilhan Omar on X: "I condemn the horrific acts …" / X
I condemn the horrific acts we are seeing unfold today in Israel against children, women, the elderly, and the unarmed people who are being slaughtered and taken hostage by Hamas. Such senseless violence will only repeat the back and forth cycle we've seen, which we cannot allow to continue. We need to call for deescalation and ceasefire. I will keep advocating for peace and justice throughout the Middle East.

She got this response:
♟️Syed Uzair Ul Haq♦️سید عزیر الحق♟️ on X: "@IlhanMN Apostate Ilhan, doesn't matter how much you try to shift the narrative from your zionist masters, they will never accept you and keep mocking you. By Allah you're a disgraced woman who will not be accepted by the Muslims, and neither the non-Muslims. (pic link)" / X
With a picture of IO in Congress with a cartoon pig head superimposed on hers.

Ilhan Omar on X: "Reminder, …" / X
Reminder, Gaza doesn’t have shelters or an iron dome and to please pray for them. May peace prevail in the region and move us towards a moral awakening to care about the human suffering we are seeing. Palestinians are human beings who have been in besieged and are deserving of protection from the international community.
Mehdi Hasan on X: "Strategically, killing civilians in Gaza who aren’t Hamas won’t hurt Hamas, it’ll help them, in the long-run.
Morally, killing civilians in Gaza as part of an ‘overwhelming’ show of force isn’t moral. It’s immoral." / X
Middle East Observer on X: "Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: "I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly." (vid link)" / X

Noted by

Ilhan Omar on X: "Gaza’s 2+ million population ..." / X
Gaza’s 2+ million population are mostly children, who live under blockade in what Israel’s own former intelligence chief has called an open air prison.

The overwhelming majority live in poverty.

Many suffer lifelong psychological and physical trauma. 🧵

Just as we honor the humanity of the hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians and 9 Americans who were killed this weekend, we must honor the humanity of the innocent Palestinian civilians who have been killed and whose lives are upended.

Palestinian residents of the West Bank have scarcely better lives than Gazans—with the routine destruction of their ancestral homes, destruction of their crops, and violent attacks by Israeli settlers.

According to Amnesty International, Human Rights watch, the UN, and Israeli human rights group B’Tselem these policies meet the definition of apartheid. We know occupation and systematic apartheid are a violation of international law and it must end.

Palestinians have few recourses for justice and accountability. Attacks by the IDF and settlers against Palestinians are regularly met with impunity. Efforts to seek justice in international courts are stonewalled by the Israeli government, with U.S. support.

As the world is condemning Hamas’s attacks, we must also oppose an Israeli military response that has already taken the lives of hundreds of Palestinians, including nearly two dozen children.

The Israeli Defense Minister has called Palestinians ‘human animals’ and promised to cut off all electricity, all food, and all fuel to civilians in Gaza.

This is collective punishment, a war crime, and the U.S. should oppose any violations of international law if we truly support a rules-based international order.

We must learn from the mistakes of our own war on terror—that military action alone rarely addresses the root causes. That peace and justice will not come from the barrel of a gun.

And that targeting an entire civilian population will only sow more discord and perpetuate the cycle of violence.

The solution to this horror, as ever, is a negotiated peace—with Israelis and Palestinians enjoying equal rights and security guarantees.

Instead of continuing unconditional weapons sales and military aid to Israel, I urge the United States at long last to use its diplomatic might to push for peace.
An immediate ceasefire and de-escalation is urgently needed to save lives.”
As I noted before, that is a stupid demand. Allow Hamas to massacre a thousand Jewish civilians and then have a ceasefire while Hamas revels in its victory.
It is as asinine as claiming that US should have had a ceasefire with Al Qaeda immediately after 9/11.
Jamaal Bowman said:
We need a way to end this deadly violence that is killing and traumatizing generations of Israelis and Palestinians alike—including the blockade of Gaza.
The so-called "blockade" of Gaza was imposed after the disengagement because Hamas took over and immediately started shooting rockets at Israel. Working toward peace requires a partner one can talk with. PA/Fatah is barely one. Hamas and Islamic Jihad are anything but.
lpetrich said:
I can't find anything from Rashida Tlaib, however.
She and Cori Bush want US to end support of Israel.
Tlaib, Bush criticized by Democrats over statements calling for end to Israel support
Terrell Jermaine Starr 🇺🇦🌻🇵🇸✊🏾 on X: "Haaretz is a great publication.
I can't recall any of the major U.S. news outlets being as critical of their nation's politics as Haaretz is of Israel.
They are hardcore nailing Bibi's ass to the wall and it has been unrelenting.
U.S. media could learn from these fine folks." / X

Haaretz.com on X: "Netanyahu bears responsibility for this Israel-Gaza war (link)" / X
Netanyahu Bears Responsibility for This Israel-Gaza War - Haaretz Editorial - Haaretz.com

ettingermentum on X: "This has been ..." / X
This has been what the discourse within Israel has been for the past year. Their own intelligence services said that their policies of repression were hurting their security. They were not only ignored but denounced by the government. Is it acceptable to point this out?

Their own security state—not protesters, not Palestinians, Shin fucking Bet—said that their policies were counterproductive. The ruling coalition’s response was to call them woke. Does this come across as a regime that cares about peace and stability first and foremost?

What happened was that they made a bet that they could handle a level of managed chaos if it meant accomplishing the priorities of the settlers and their supporters in the ruling coalition. That bet didn’t pay off.
With this screen snippet:
When the head of Shin Bet, the Israeli domestic intelligence service, warned Netanyahu earlier this year that deadly attacks by settlers on Palestinians would increase the security threat to Israel, he was roundly denounced by members of Netanyahu's Likud party. One Likud member of parliament complained: "The ideology of the left has reached the top echelons of the Shin Bet. The deep state has infiltrated the leadership of the Shin Bet and the IDF."
and noting
A bitter blame game will follow Israel’s wartime unity | Financial Times - "The inquest into what went wrong ahead of Hamas’s attack could lead down a dangerous path"
Both the right and the centre are primed to blame each other for the intelligence and security failure. (The left barely exists anymore.) As prime minister, Netanyahu is the natural person to blame for what has happened.

The prime minister's working assumption that the threat from Hamas was contained now looks delusional and complacent. As he struggles to avoid conviction in a corruption case, Netanyahu has also formed a government reliant on parties from the far-right. Those parties have supported increasing aggression by Israeli settlers in the West Bank. Army forces were diverted to the West Bank to contain the resulting violence • which weakened the country's defences on the border with Gaza.

This got this comment:
Jeet Heer on X: "Shin Bet has gone woke" / X
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