Next reason from Carville
Money matters, and Ms. Harris has it in droves.
Harris has raised a mind boggling $1 Billion!! Yes billion! Which offsets the money Cheato is getting from tech billionaires.
Greater contact with voters with a barrage of ads - Cheato violated his oath of office, took away Dobbs and is extreme over the top.
Where does all of it go? What a collosal waste of capital, to throw one billion dollars at a tardy presidential campaign just to have it come out as a draw anyway. Did anyone have their mind changed by the postcard mailers that spammed their hallway for a few months?
One word, turn out. Two words! Two words! Or is it turnout? Then it'd be one word. Spellcheck isn't helping me here... wait... is it spellcheck or spell check? Oh gawd, I'm going down the rabbit hole! What was I talking about?!
Oh yeah, turn()out. They need people (who vote for them) to turn out as much as they can. That means every black woman in America, many black men, and around 40% of white people. Look at Georgia. That was black turnout that got Biden the state
and two Senate seats. Trump's attempted theft of the election of 2020 betrays the actual miracle of 2020, and that was the Democrats winning both Senate seats in Georgia! That was black turnout.
So all of this nonsense, it is about turnout... either getting people angry because the Dems are turning all children into the opposite sex, or because Trump tried to fuck our Constitution.
I live in a competitive House District and my State has a competitive Senate race. So I've seen countless ads about transgender operations and Sherrod Brown and how Emilia Sykes is palling around with defund the police people.*
* - claim cited, but not actually cited (no seriously, they cite a source but it isn't a source that supports their claim).
You might say, isn't it worth it to invest one billion dollars at Family Dollar, if it is the only chance at liberating us from the tyranny of Walmart? But that's rather dodging the question of whether Family Dollar was the right challenger at the right time to take down Walmart, if throwing one billion dollars at them doesn't seem to result in moving the needle at all.
Dude, one word, Supreme Court.. Aw fuck!
The Supreme Court is moving the fucking needle, the wrong fucking way. If you think who is on that bench isn't important, then you aren't paying attention at all. It isn't just Dobbs by a long shot.