Here’s a link to an article you might like that details some of the allegations of voter fraud that the right wing is making:
Joe Biden acquired his job through a legal process. However, he did not earn enough verifiable votes to justify the certifications in six key swing states. This issue is addressed in my new book, but here is some of my reasoning. I have limited mysel...
It goes through a few of the states and the issues with each of them. But I have had a hard time finding sites that specifically debunk these allegations.
I also found this site about Georgia too:
The problem is that there are so many different and new allegations that it is impossible to keep up with all of them. We need a good website dedicated to debunking each of the allegations specifically.
The only specific allegation I could find debunked was the Pennsylvania myth:
Hi SLD. ALLEGATIONS do not need to be "debunked"... they first need to be supported with evidence and then the evidence can be examined for validity in supporting the allegation.
Here's an allegation: SLD is selling meth to kindergartners. Now, find me the website that debunks this.
Similarly, the Right Wingnuts that claim that "evidence" was not examined in the determination that the election was not stolen as alleged, were not pieces of legal evidence... they were affidavits by stakeholders that made CLAIMS without evidence... that is why they were not looked at... just like the cops won't be looking at you because I ALLEGE that you might be selling meth to kids.
It's a great legal system whereby we can't throw you in jail because of an allegation by someone that wants you "out of the way". This is a good thing.