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Movie alphabet


Ectopussy - In a Bond Film to forget even more than Never Say Never Again, this 80s Bond film was Timothy Dalton's final outing as bond. Riding on the "ghost" fad of the time, the producers of James Bond films felt that they need to incorporate the supernatural with the normal super power struggles. This film included a sidekick Ectopussy, a voluptuous, if dead, blonde bombshell that was... killed by an actual bombshell in what was believed at the time to be a training accident. The film didn't stand a ghost of a chance in the Box Office with the hack writing (even relative to a Roger Moore Bond Film) and phoned in script that seemed more content with its obvious attempts to desperately grab some of the phantasm fad money than trying to carry the torch for the franchise. Bill Murray and Harold Ramis make cameos which the studio was then sued over as the video was taken without the actors' permission.

Overall, it was a disaster that most involved with the project have tried very hard to forget ever happened.
P (and D)

The Shawshank Pre-emption

Tim Robbins and Morgan freeman participate in a "scared straight" program at prison to teach young people the value of not committing crimes, or failing that, how to not get fucked by lawyers.


Kate Winslet stars as Madeline LeClerc, a laundress working at the insane asylum where the infamous Marquis de Sade is being detained. The two forge a strong and highly-charged erotic bond and on his release they set up a bed covers manufacturing business together, using fabrics that she has stolen from the asylum, and creatively stitching them together to make beautiful, high quality, and extremely debauched designs.

Moby Dirk

After The Battle Of Stirling, an English nobleman hires a band of mercenaries to get revenge on a particular Scot, the man who emasculated him in battle. He lacks the Scottish lord's name, or clan, and can only identify the target by the huge ivory knife he carries.
So are we allowed to change any letter? I thought it needed to be regarding the current letter. So Quills needed something sub'd into a Q or the Q to something else.
So are we allowed to change any letter? I thought it needed to be regarding the current letter. So Quills needed something sub'd into a Q or the Q to something else.

The original rules were almost immediately beaten, bruised, and left in a ditch. Add a letter, take a letter, rotate a b to become a q, it's all good at this point.
Ah. I hadn't grasped the rules properly. I had been going on the basis of finding a film starting with the appropriate (next up) letter of the alphabet and then changing any one of the letters in it (or adding or omitting one). I had also been wondering why nearly everyone else was doing it wrong. Lol.

Given what letter is up next, I can only say to all concerned that I am very, very lorry.
So are we allowed to change any letter? I thought it needed to be regarding the current letter. So Quills needed something sub'd into a Q or the Q to something else.

The original rules were almost immediately beaten, bruised, and left in a ditch. Add a letter, take a letter, rotate a b to become a q, it's all good at this point.
Without rules, this thread will become a madhouse. A MADHOUSE!!!


A dramatization of the life of Michio Kaku wherein he was born in a jungle and raised by apes. Upon being discovered by intrepid explorers and brought to the United States, he was awarded an honorary degree and given a tenured position by Princeton University's Institute for Advanced Study. He has been seeing stars ever since.

Perminator II - So everything that happened in Perminator doesn't matter at all and we end up with a more expensive, bigger special effect sequel that'll pretend to wrap everything up again... only to have a trilogy pop out of nowhere because the Producer is out of ideas because Avatar is 200% over budget.

Sating Private Ryan.

A platoon of GIs go on a secret mission into Nazi-occupied France in the days following the D-Day landings in order to find and bring back local women for their highly-sexed buddy.

Windiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom

An archaeologist with a fierce gastrointestinal problem must venture into a relatively safe tourist attraction in Pre-WWII India. But with his 'wind' problem, the open-flamed torches make it a dangerous proposition.
Honest Trailers calls it The Temple Of Boom!!
Saving Private Ran

Just after the amphibious landing, Private Ryan thinks Tom Hanks is looking for volunteers for some horrible suicide mission. So, he runs the bother way. Straight into a German unit, spoiling their ambush. Wins a medal for his cowardly act...

Naanook of the North

Alaskan native ambitiously opens an Indian take-away above the Arctic Circle. His sourdough naan gains international fame.

Sad timing

Obsessed psychiatrist plans to murder his girlfriend with a drug overdose, then delaying the call to the ambulance. She is alive when she reaches the hospital but succumbs. Nobody ever suspects.

Dandyman - An oddly creepy film about trio of friends that come across an urban legend about the "Dandyman". If they look in a mirror and say Dandyman three times, he'll appear. They did it as a joke, and nothing happened. Each person went home for the night. But in the middle of the night, one of them awoke to the sound of cheery music and what sounded like muffled singing. They slowly veered out of their bedroom to hear the sounds get louder and coming from the living rooms. They slowly crept towards the living room and when they peered around the corner, they saw a dandy ole man singing a dandy chanty and dancing a dandy jigue. Even the lighting in the room was dandy. The Dandyman sees them and grabs them by the hand and the person shouts in horror as the Dandyman invites them to dance and sing and be dandy. They shook in horror as they were forced to be dandy, until the sun rose. Then they blacked out They awake in the living room with a vague remembrance of what happened.

This occurs each subsequent night with the other two... and that is about it. Until four years later, when the three of them are traveling in a plane that crashes into a mountain. The pilot of the plane turns out to look exactly like The Dandyman.

The Dadventures of Tom Sawyer
About, oh, maybe 15 years after the original novel, gives or taken, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn run a fishing camp, hunting guide, and pelt trading store near the headwaters of the Mississippi River.
About twice a year, some kid shows up claiming to be one or the guy's bastard child. They set them to running trap lines, guiding citified hunters, or working the still. This frees the proprietors to spend the day fishing and seducing hunters' wives, ensuring a steady chain of future workers.
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