So, there's a cabinet on the sub. No moving parts, nothing to adjust. Twice (at least) sailors have opened it up to see what's inside.
What's inside is the power to the security circuits on the missile tubes. So, in addition to the exposed wires and potential shock, there's a security violation.
I was tasked with creating a presentation to minimize future inspections while under a load.
The TL: DR of my presentation is "keep your dick-skinners out of the cabinet." Everyone at the Skype meeting approved of the theme.
My son had never heard the common Navy term: dickskinners. Asked if was real. If we had rabbis on board. This lead to a mention, in a different Skype meeting, which went horrible places, comparing a bris to an energized equipment work area. Makes the "rope man's" job WAY different.
So, after all said and done, told the story to my wife. Who somehow made it thru HER Navy career without hearing the term.
"This story is probably hilarious if you know what a dickskinner is."
She stared for a moment, then gestured as one masturbating a penis.
Exactly. Pretty much exactly how long it took Tallest to figure it out, too.