I kinda remember that yesterday was billpay day.
I paid about 14 bills.
Going through my checkbook this evening, i see on the carbonless copies that i wrote the name of the vendor, the money amount, and then signed my signature on the line where i typically write out the long-form of the money paid. I can't quite see what i wrote on the line for the authorized signature, but there are signs it was the monetary amount of the check. I transposed signature and long-form on every one of the checks.
Muscle relaxants are good shit, dog.
I guess now i wait to see who sends them back, the vendors or the bank.
On the bright side, i have plenty of stamps. WAY too many stamps after mailing 14 bills. I'm hoping i tried to mail the bills with Easter Seals, so the post office will return them. They always give me that 'look' when I screw up the stamps or the addresses or something, like 'god what sort of idiot can't master a fucking self-adhesive stamp.' Which is fine. I'm okay with that, if it means i don't bounce 14 checks. I will thank them politely for calling me a moron.
Auto-pay is so much simpler. Also, look at what your bank charges for bill-pay, it very well might be cheaper than the stamps.