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Things that make you laugh...

Tomorrow, the signs will be: "For your safety: Wash hands immediately after touching wet paint."

Okay, new plan. No signs for tomorrow.

Someone with no sense of humor has apparently complained.

There's an email to say that the union does our painting and it's actually a violation of the union's contract for non-represented employees to paint, OR to hang 'wet paint' signs.

I fear that it's a trap. _I_ am not going to be the one to point out that they were 'dry' paint signs, thus not covered by a union grievance. That would make me a suspect. Besides, there are plenty of reflexively pedantic people in this office, I won't have to protest the facts of the matter.
Tomorrow, the signs will be: "For your safety: Wash hands immediately after touching wet paint."

Okay, new plan. No signs for tomorrow.

Someone with no sense of humor has apparently complained.

There's an email to say that the union does our painting and it's actually a violation of the union's contract for non-represented employees to paint, OR to hang 'wet paint' signs.

I fear that it's a trap. _I_ am not going to be the one to point out that they were 'dry' paint signs, thus not covered by a union grievance. That would make me a suspect. Besides, there are plenty of reflexively pedantic people in this office, I won't have to protest the facts of the matter.

Do you have any matching paint? Jus' sayin'....
Tomorrow, the signs will be: "For your safety: Wash hands immediately after touching wet paint."

Okay, new plan. No signs for tomorrow.

Someone with no sense of humor has apparently complained.

There's an email to say that the union does our painting and it's actually a violation of the union's contract for non-represented employees to paint, OR to hang 'wet paint' signs.

I fear that it's a trap. _I_ am not going to be the one to point out that they were 'dry' paint signs, thus not covered by a union grievance. That would make me a suspect. Besides, there are plenty of reflexively pedantic people in this office, I won't have to protest the facts of the matter.

From what you have told us, wouldn't YOU be the main suspect anyway? :p
So, someone in another office who got the email has spent the morning putting up 'wet paint' signs everywhere. He apparently thinks that Unions are all communism and it fighting for...something.

And they're everywhere. Very attention-grabbing effort.

I was feeling pretty much in the clear when I went to the printer for a form I'm wrking on. Passed my manager who was taking down Wet Paint signs. He looked at me, shrugged. "YOURS were funny."
So, someone in another office who got the email has spent the morning putting up 'wet paint' signs everywhere. He apparently thinks that Unions are all communism and it fighting for...something.

And they're everywhere. Very attention-grabbing effort.

I was feeling pretty much in the clear when I went to the printer for a form I'm wrking on. Passed my manager who was taking down Wet Paint signs. He looked at me, shrugged. "YOURS were funny."

Sounds like you're had. Did you blush?
So, new guy in the office here used to serve with someone else I know. He shared this little sea story about Tom. I'll call him 'Tom' because that's his name and he's a moron and I don't really care if this gets back to him.

The submarine pulls in from patrol. Most of the Missile Technician division is gathered in Missile Control Center when Tom comes into the room. He'd been on the pier making a phone call. For some reason he decides to share with the division: "Great news, guys! My wife says we can have anal sex when I get home tonight!"

Dead silence. He doesn't notice, happy and excited as he is.

Finally, the Leading Petty Officer says, deadpan, "So what you're telling me is that your wife is going to fuck you in the ass tonight."

Tom looks confused. "Oh, wait. She didn't say which of us... I'd better go check!"

He runs back to the pier, comes back. "Nope. _I_ get to fuck _HER_ in the ass!"

I've spent the day trying to imagine that conversation... The second one. "Honey? The guys were talking about our sex life, and we got to wondering..."
Watching an fb conversation about Trump's bullying. A Trump supporter responded: "As Hillary has done with every staff member in the Arkansas Governor's Mansion!! The word has gotten out about that, too! [Melania's] husband has given more top dollar jobs to women that the Clinton's ever have! Oh, but we'll just continue to ignore that so we can keep having abortions and stuff, right?"

To which the other person just replied, "Yes."

edit: She updated her post: "As Hillary has done with every staff member in the Arkansas Governor's Mansion, treating them like punching bags!!! The word has gotten out about that, too! Melania's husband has given more top dollar jobs to women that the Clinton's ever have! Oh, but we'll just continue to ignore that so we can keep having abortions and stuff, right? We love our choice to kill babies when we can't keep our knees together!!"
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I finished marking year 4 geography, which is all about navigating using the cardinal points, and how human interaction can result in species becoming extinct.

I had to laugh as one of the questions was 'State the directions you would travel to go from Cairo to Timbuktoo via Kartoum'. The correct answer is to travel south to Kartoum, turn west and travel on to Timbuktoo. Several of the students wrote 'By airplane!

With the endangered species question, one student seriously wrote that Unicorns WILL become extinct if God floods the planet again, so they need to live in a dry environment!
I finished marking year 4 geography, which is all about navigating using the cardinal points, and how human interaction can result in species becoming extinct.

I had to laugh as one of the questions was 'State the directions you would travel to go from Cairo to Timbuktoo via Kartoum'. The correct answer is to travel south to Kartoum, turn west and travel on to Timbuktoo. Several of the students wrote 'By airplane!

Since you died in the desert I think we need a new teacher. There are no roads heading west out of Khartoum, you actually have to head southwest to stay within the inhabited zone where there are actually roads. Few roads cross the Sahara and AFIAK all are basically north-south.

Furthermore, I can't map out a route that doesn't go through places without some nasty travel warnings (not to mention that both endpoints are in areas with travel warnings!) Thus I will agree with the students who said "by airplane".
I finished marking year 4 geography, which is all about navigating using the cardinal points, and how human interaction can result in species becoming extinct.

I had to laugh as one of the questions was 'State the directions you would travel to go from Cairo to Timbuktoo via Kartoum'. The correct answer is to travel south to Kartoum, turn west and travel on to Timbuktoo. Several of the students wrote 'By airplane!

Since you died in the desert I think we need a new teacher. There are no roads heading west out of Khartoum, you actually have to head southwest to stay within the inhabited zone where there are actually roads. Few roads cross the Sahara and AFIAK all are basically north-south.

Furthermore, I can't map out a route that doesn't go through places without some nasty travel warnings (not to mention that both endpoints are in areas with travel warnings!) Thus I will agree with the students who said "by airplane".

Ahh. Well I will take that into account. However, I didn't write the assignment question. Someone working for the government did. Need I say any more?
Since you died in the desert I think we need a new teacher. There are no roads heading west out of Khartoum,
The question was about directions, not method of travel.
Nothing in her post says anything about roads or surface travel.

But "by airplane" was rejected--surface transport it is. And you don't want to be out in the Sahara without roads!
The question was about directions, not method of travel.
Nothing in her post says anything about roads or surface travel.

But "by airplane" was rejected-
'Airplane' was rejected as an answer to 'what direction you would travel,' yes. Because 'Airplane' is not a navigational heading. Not because the question is asking for an AAA triptik.

Like when you hear that a coworker was shot at a practice range, and they took him to the hospital, and you ask, "Oh, my god, how is he?" and your other coworker says, "University Hospital!" That's not even in the format of an answer to the question.
But "by airplane" was rejected-
'Airplane' was rejected as an answer to 'what direction you would travel,' yes. Because 'Airplane' is not a navigational heading. Not because the question is asking for an AAA triptik.

Like when you hear that a coworker was shot at a practice range, and they took him to the hospital, and you ask, "Oh, my god, how is he?" and your other coworker says, "University Hospital!" That's not even in the format of an answer to the question.

Thanks Keith&Co. :D

Loren, I understand that technically 'by airplane' is correct, but that is like replying 'oranges' to what is your favourite bed time story. It was incorrect for the question that was asked.

IMHO, the whole curriculum we are currently teaching is shite anyway. I preferred it when we could make up our own units and assessment.
When I was in uniform, this was my FAVORITE day of the year.

Every spring, at every command, at least one person shows up an hour late on the Monday after the time change, and says, "Hey, I forgot to change my alarm clock."
Okay. Things like this can happen. No big deal. Try harder next year.

About 1 fall in 4, someone shows up an hour late on Monday after the time change and says, 'Hey, sorry, I forgot to change my alarm clock.'
Then I was able to hammer them for being really, really stupid liars. Because if they had forgotten, they'd have been an hour early (Which happened from time to time), so we punished them for being two hours overdue.

If you're going to lie, do the math first.
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